Awful day.
I am menstrual for one thing ( hence the last couple of nasty posts - here's another one!)
Father in law and his bird called around.
They drove an hour to come to the garden centre up the road from us. Yes. Seemingly there cannot be any garden centres within an hours drive in any direction from their house.
I don't know why they don't say "Oh, will you be in today? Yes? Oh great. We shall pop around and see you then". There always has to be a premise.
However, it rained ALL DAY long.
(my keyboard is annoying me as its not picking up a lot of letters when I type fast, and I am having to go back a hundred times and correct it all! GRRR)
So we sat in the front room drinking tea.
DS had his pot of holiday cash on the table and was innocently playing with it... counting the Tens and the Twenties and saying.. "wow I have loads for my holiday" and showing grandad the card he got from a Friend of mine that had £5 in for his holiday.
DS was totally innocent about it, and was simply excited. He would have been counting it, sniffing it, dreaming of the things he was going to spend it on, whether grandad was there or not... but I had a pointed look in DH's direction and vice versa.
Nope. Grandad kept his money in his wallet.
He even asked DS to change some money for him! Yes!!!! Can you believe it. He wanted change for a £20 and asked if DS would could do that. I expected him to say... "no keep it honey". Yeah right. What a cheap skate.
Your only grandson, and you never give him the drippings of your nose. I hope you read this you tight fisted git.
Never gets any pressies from you does he. Xmas, Brithday... Whats the matter with you?
Actually that's kind of wrong. He was given a book on dinosaurs today... DS was very into dinosaurs... when he was 3!!!!!!!!! But I am sure he will like another book about dinosaurs to add to the 600 he already has and doesn't read which we have already told you about before when you have bought him dino stuff.
This probably sounds really rotten and ungrateful, but trust me its not.
This guy travels the world - Egypt, Thailand, Saudi, Trinidad, Canada you name it. He went on holiday and came home and said to DS on the phone "I've got you something when I see you next" and Ds got all excited... wondering whati t was.... It was the toothpaste and socks you get on a long flight.
I was dumb struck as he had made such a big deal of it... and poor kid was really like "Do I laugh... or what? Is it a joke? Is this it? or..." Not in a spoilt brat way, just in an incredulous "What is going on" naive kind of way.

You end up either looking away in horror or laughing at them in revulsion.
DH asked them what they thought of the front room now its all decorated and The Girlfriend said "Yeah, its alright init." and Tight Wad just grunted and snorked liked hes clearing his nasal cavities. Neither of them know how to behave I swear it. You don't sit there is someones house and look down your nose at their hard work.
Damn straight we have to big their new stuff up all the time and listen to all the problems that always happen with them and how much everything costs... but they can't even be civil.
How can you not praise your own Son and his efforts? How can you be such an ass?I always tell DH not to ask them. but he wants praise from his father and can't not ask. They were here about 2 hours and neither of them had said a word. My Mum and Dad walked in and the first thing out of their lips was "WOW!" Now, I don't care if my Mum and Dad liked it or not, but at least they made us feel nice about our efforts. I also don't care if Tight Wad and Girlfriend like it or not either... but at least flaming well pretend!
So tight wad went home with his equally appalling cow of a girlfriend.
Then we were so shell shocked and worn out from the sheer trauma of talking to them for 3 hours and the physical strength it needs to keep your tongue under control that DH and I went for a lie down for an hour.
Then I took DS to skating and the day got brighter.
I had a banana for brekkie today, spaghetti on toast for lunch and quiche and veggies for tea.
I feel like I have restriction, but not quite enough. I kind of feel full, but not in a satisfying way... I think one more fill and I will be there... but something is definitely going on in there. I cant eat without thinking about it, so there is restriction... just I don't think quite enough just yet.
Anyway, weigh in tomorrow.... oooh dear. I will be really upset if I don't lose this week. I have been good. The painters are in this week though, so that's not a good thing for me and the scales... I will let you know what happens.
And here are the Babies... les Gary. Click on it to see it full size and the red bits are their names..
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