Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Foo fighters-Big me

The best Foo Fighters song ever... don't know about the video though...

Weight Loss Motivation

Not Sure which diet is best for you?Check out our Diet Reviews===========================Weight Loss MotivationLosing weight is not that difficult. I’m sure everyone at some point in there life has lost weight whether it was intentional or not. The problem, however, is keeping it off permanently or at least for a long period of time. One major reason for this is that people choose the wrong

17th July - Feeling positive

Well, this morning, I have had 2 coffee's and an Ultra slim shake.

I think its a good idea for me to keep a track of my food intake a it helps me to focus on what I am doing. I find it too easy just to breeze past something and eat it. I am like a vacuum. It has to stop.

I am awaiting a tesco order and I have bought some muller lights and fruit, but I think the Something Xtra bars I bought yesterday are amazing. They are SO tasty, and only 124-8 cals each. They either have yoghurt coating or chocolate, so I could essentially eat 3 of them a day, and that makes me feel great! They are full of extra nutrients too... hence the name... Inulin, folic acid, iron, calcium and fibre in the cranberry and chocolate one and caffeine, taurine, vit C, folic acid iron and calcium in the mango and apricot ones.

They are proper lush.

So I have a slim fast for brekkie and either a muller, bar or fruit for snack and then slim fast for lunch then a bar/muller/fruit for snack, then dinner for no more than 600 cals and then a snack after that later on.

I am also going to wear my pedometer again, and get a bit more exercise.

This morning I have already done the pool - silicone sealed it and am about to fill it up. Yee HA!

It should be completely done now.

I will update this later.

*mini update*

lunch: ultra slim shake and 1 and a half muller lights
p.m. snack: an xtra bar and an apple.

Pool update: Not that optimistic... don't think its going to work TBH. Its filling as we speak. Once its full I will mark it and see what happens.

* mini update No. 2*

Dinner - Salmon and Broccoli supreme with baby veg and mash - 330 cals
peach and passion fruit muller light layers - 95 cals

Total today so far:
ultra slim x 2 = 440
xtra bars x 2 = 248
apple = 60
2.5 mullers = 237
salmon thingy dinner = 330
total = 1315

I am also going to watch a film tonight and do 10,000 steps on my treadmill which will take 1 and a half hours.

Oh, and the pool is a TOTAL DISASTER.

I am not throwing anymore money down the drain, and I am buying a liner. End of.

16th July.... BLACK MONDAY

I went and got weighed.

It's not good.

TB and I went to tesco's in the morning and braved the dreaded machine.

We have both put on the same amount of weight since stopping going to slimming world.

How weird is that.

here are the results of the weightloss jury....

16 stone 13 and a half pounds - 107.8kg - 237.5 lbs

I am also 43% fat.

So yesterday we both went on a strict diet.

Here is what I had:
1 and a half slice of toast (at least half puked back up) - 88 cals
2 Ultra Slim shakes -430 cals
3 Something extra bars - 384cals
1 fish in parsley sauce with veg and mash - 262 cals
1 avocado with mayo - 300 cals

total cals for 16th July = 1464 cals

Monday, July 16, 2007

Product Recommendation: Emergen-C

It's not very often that post here to recommend a product, but today I'm giving a shout-out for Emergen-C - The vitamin and mineral drink mixes that dissolve in water. A nutritionist recommended the "Energy Booster" formula to me. She explained that the Emergen-C products work well with our bodies because the vitamins and minerals are easily absorbed. Now, I tend to be a bit skeptical when it

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Losing the plot in the evenings.... WHY?

Today :

breakfast = slimfast = 220 cals

lunch = slimfast = 220 cals

tea = venison and veg = 312 cals

snacks = 2 bananas and 2 apples

3 coffees and 1 squash.

Then this evening, I got the munchies.

First I had a bowl of baby rice with jam.

Then I had an avocado pear and salad leaves and cocktail sauce (tomato sauce and very low fat mayo mixed together)

Then 2 glasses of red.

Its like I have to top my calories up in the evening..

My weight is creeping steadily up by half a pound a day it seems, and soon I am gonna be Right back where I started. I need to ind something to do in the evenings so that I dont do this.

I think I am going to try and go to bed earlier with a book and a couple of pints of water... that way I will fall asleep instead of eat.

I am so good during the day and then I let myself down whilst I sit on the sofa.

Anyway, all bar the shouting, the pool is complete.

I have a few rows of tiles to put at the bottom once I am positive its not leaking anything major, and a little bit more grouting around the outside edge and that's it. But it is now actually usable.

Its done! YAY!

Here it is being filled. Its now completely full and comes just under the last tile line.

Raw Foods to Sing About

Angela Stokes lost 160 pounds by switching to a raw foods diet. Here's another of her videos. Here she reminds us to try eating more raw foods each day. She shows us some of her favorite raw foods.