Friday, July 20, 2007

A Doctor Loses 270 Pounds

Dr. Nick Yphantides weighed 470 pounds at one point. He then decided to change his life. He took a sabbatical for one year to focus on what he enjoys most (baseball) and to lose weight in the process. He went on a medically supervised liquid protein diet (soybean based) for several weeks. Just over a year later he had lost an amazing 270 pounds.

He's been quoted as saying "Food was never meant to be your friend, Valium on a plate, where you turn for comfort, an alternative to boredom. Food is for nutrition. I eat for very different reasons than I did in the past. How I eat and why I eat is more important than what I eat."

There is an inspiring 7 minute video about his weight loss story here. It shows him at his heaviest weight and his current weight. At one point, after he had lost 103 pounds, he says he was very discouraged because he didn't feel much different. But then he went on a fishing trip with his brother in Alaska and happened to catch a 100 pound fish (as shown in the video). That experience got him completely motivated again and he was able to persevere until his goal was reached.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I wanna know if the scales yell OUCH!

I am desperate to weigh myself... but I know I mustn't.

I know it will be really cool if I can stick to this plan for the rest of the week and on Monday hop on the scales at Tesco and see what delight they have in store for me...

But I also know that if I hop on now, there is a BIG possibility that I will have lost 3 pound or something and that will make me feel instantly cool and excited about what it will be on Monday... and Monday will roll around and I wont be as excited and happy as I would have been cos it will say just 4 or something... whereas if I wait till Monday and it says 4lb off then I will be Jumping up and down in Glee!!

I am such a psycho. Someone needs to study the minds of dieters and people like me. We just don't think normally man. I swear my life would be a whole lot easier if I didn't have these hang ups.

I must also try to get out of the habit of thinking that I ma doing this until Monday.. I have to do this PERIOD! I have to eat less FOREVER. I have to eat low cals ALWAYS AND FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Its like I look at it as some kind of race. Once I get the the finish line (monday) I can sit down and not worry. The trouble is the finish line is millions of days away yet, not just Monday!

I need some motivation. I am really quite starving TBH.

I have really really really stuck to it today. I have had:

Ultra slim shake - 220
Ultra slim shake - 220
apple - 60
I tablespoon of rice - (god knows how many cals - I was so friggin' hungry I ate the scraps off my sons lunch plate! )

That's it. I have also drunk 3 cups of coffee and 2 pints of fizzy water with lemon in which is quite nice.

Its getting on for tea time now. I have spent all day busy on the beast looking up flights, holidays and camping places etc etc. I want to go away. I very very nearly booked a weekend in Sweden which would have been nice. Then I thought better of it and nearly booked another place in Denmark, but they didn't have a hotel available... so am guessing the reason is that there is actually nothing there to interest anyone and that's why there was only one hotel there. What town has one hotel??

Anyway, I then looked up camp sites in Sussex. I thought it might be nice to go to the seaside and catch up with old Friends and stuff and DH can work while we are there too. We did it last year and it was great. But its like £140 just to camp in someones poxy field for a week. I cant justify that when I could have my weekend in Sweden in a hotel for less!

This country rips the absolute guts out of you. What has happened to the £3 a night pitches like I used when I was a kid? I mean, good grief, its only a field with a toilet in it. If they had andrex and nice soap in the hand washing utensils, and maybe someone who could slop the piss from the floor more than once a week, then I might see why they would need to maybe charge... um... i don't know... £3.50 a night, but good grief. Its a field!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could say that the more you pay the better you get, but thats simply not right.

How can they justify £9 per person per pitch per night...??? I mean you can get a nice cosy en-suite travel lodge for £35 a night and you don't have all the hassle either.

Anyway, no doubt we will end up handing over some hard earned cash to impoverished farmers who should be growing things in their fields, but can't because the government pays them NOT to so they have to resort to ripping of campers.

What a country.

Honey and Mustard chicken - 330
Rubard pie and custard - 260
banana - dunno off hand

So I know I have had my 1000 cals... how can anyone survive on this. 1000 cals is well hard.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Yawn... the last few days of work

Groan... Only a few more days of work. Its pretty scant to be honest. I have 3 today and on Friday I have only 5 and then Saturday I just have 2 and that's it for the summer. YAY!
The piano exam results should be with me shortly, so that's a dreaded wait, but they always do really well.

I have to figure out a way of not doing Ryan for the summer. His mum caught me on the hop and said "Yeah, I would like him to carry on through the summer as he really likes it" and I wasn't concentrating enough to get my act together and say that I stop for the holidays.
I really don't want to do any lessons at all through the summer, as I can never relax and just chill out. I always have to be thinking about whats on next week, or got to be back in time for this or that... and its the only time I can really kick back. Even when I was on holiday in Sri Lanka I was thinking about work.. "How far are the exams away, did I book that pupil in for this or that bla bla..." So although I was chilled, it was only because I was out of the country. Its nice to relax and chill out here in blighty for a while too.

We do live in a beautiful country, but we never get to see it. Instead we have to drag our bums half way around the world just to stop for a second and appreciate someone Else's country.

I have tickets to Legoland and I want to go to the National portrait gallery again and maybe the Museum of London. I loved it there.

Anyway, today I have had 2 slimfast shakes, 1 apple and 1 snack bar. I am pretty hungry to be honest. I am looking about for food, so I bought some fizzy water, which Dr. Dovey told me I could drink in moderation to fill up a bit. Hopefully it will do the trick, but not give me too much wind.

Wind is a problem. I do seem to fart loads and belch loads after drinking too... That never used to happen. Well ... maybe the farts did :o)

Off to work in a bit. DS has made a pineapple upside down cake to take to kids club with him this afternoon. thank goodness he didn't make it for us, otherwise I would be nibbling bits of it for sure!

Still desperately clinging to plan... need some motivation.... but don't want to get on the scales just yet because its pointless. I will ring TB and have a chat to her.

*Stomach lurches* I can smell Pineapple cake cooking.. *Groan!*

Well I battled with myself and resisted phoning in sick. I would only have felt guilty and not enjoyed my free time, and as a bonus for not cancelling I got an extra £28 that I had forgotten that someone owed me! YAY. If I hadn't gone until September they might have forgotten too! So it pays off.

I am going to formulate a plan over the next couple of days to get myself together, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I feel really dead in the water to be honest.

I am in a bit of a downward spiral in attitude to the rest of the whole wide world. I am in a bit of a 'ME' place where I am only bothered with myself, my husband, my son and my mates TB and TB's husband and family. I know that sounds well harsh, but I cant seem to function outside of that circle at the moment...

I want to be here at home, or at TB and her husbands house. I only want to spend time with DH or DS and them. I feel a little bit fragile and I don't really know why. Its very cathartic to write this blog, and I am glad I have kept doing it actually.

so I am basically neglecting things a little. I am neglecting my other Friends, and other opportunities to get together, and I am not sure why.

I need to figure it out.

Anyway, regards Lap Band... Hmmm let me see.
Todays consumption consists (in order) of the following

5:30am - 2 bananas = 216
9:30 am - tesco ultra slim = 220
11:30 - xtra bar + apple = 124 +60
2:14ish - handful of Polish snack called Flips - approx 33 grams = 100 cals
2:30 - Ultra slim = 220
3:30 - 4 slices of white bread with butter and jam = 450
8:30 - lamb dinner from WFF = 268
10:30 - Ultra slim = 220

Daily total: 1878 cals - PHEUGH!!!!!!!!!

I seem to be getting increasingly STARVING hungry. I could not deal with the lack of food and gave in to bread and jam.


I am going to try to implement a new strategy...
...try and suppress my cravings in three simple steps--drink more water, get an adequate amount of sleep, and eat low-calorie filler foods in place of snacks.

Also, I have contacted Cisca at for an appointment to see Dr. Dovey again. This will be fill number 5. BUT - that is if there was any saline in there from Dr. Dodgy (aka Clayson)

I should not be hungry, I should feel a gurgle, I should feel satisfied. I don't.

This week I have tried my VERY best to not eat too much. I am only at the end of day 3 of this plan... it feel like FOREVER. I mean it. I am constantly looking at the clock to see when I can next gobble something. I HATE THIS.

I know I am supposed to have some will power, and I do, but COME ON! I know loads of bandsters now... none of them feel like me. I feel like I am going insane. I have images of the band hanging loose around me. I just wish I had had the Bypass. I would be so much further along the road to bintness.

I mean, I have put on 7 pounds in a month... a lot of it my fault from over eating... BUT isn't the band supposed to STOP me from doing just that??


solved the swimming pool problem I think. Famous last words. We will have a GREEN pool as of tomorrow. Great. But its better than black I guess. I could have saved myself a hell of a lot of hassle, but there we go. We shall see if solution #346 works.

I will keep ya posted.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Foo fighters-Big me

The best Foo Fighters song ever... don't know about the video though...

Weight Loss Motivation

Not Sure which diet is best for you?Check out our Diet Reviews===========================Weight Loss MotivationLosing weight is not that difficult. I’m sure everyone at some point in there life has lost weight whether it was intentional or not. The problem, however, is keeping it off permanently or at least for a long period of time. One major reason for this is that people choose the wrong

17th July - Feeling positive

Well, this morning, I have had 2 coffee's and an Ultra slim shake.

I think its a good idea for me to keep a track of my food intake a it helps me to focus on what I am doing. I find it too easy just to breeze past something and eat it. I am like a vacuum. It has to stop.

I am awaiting a tesco order and I have bought some muller lights and fruit, but I think the Something Xtra bars I bought yesterday are amazing. They are SO tasty, and only 124-8 cals each. They either have yoghurt coating or chocolate, so I could essentially eat 3 of them a day, and that makes me feel great! They are full of extra nutrients too... hence the name... Inulin, folic acid, iron, calcium and fibre in the cranberry and chocolate one and caffeine, taurine, vit C, folic acid iron and calcium in the mango and apricot ones.

They are proper lush.

So I have a slim fast for brekkie and either a muller, bar or fruit for snack and then slim fast for lunch then a bar/muller/fruit for snack, then dinner for no more than 600 cals and then a snack after that later on.

I am also going to wear my pedometer again, and get a bit more exercise.

This morning I have already done the pool - silicone sealed it and am about to fill it up. Yee HA!

It should be completely done now.

I will update this later.

*mini update*

lunch: ultra slim shake and 1 and a half muller lights
p.m. snack: an xtra bar and an apple.

Pool update: Not that optimistic... don't think its going to work TBH. Its filling as we speak. Once its full I will mark it and see what happens.

* mini update No. 2*

Dinner - Salmon and Broccoli supreme with baby veg and mash - 330 cals
peach and passion fruit muller light layers - 95 cals

Total today so far:
ultra slim x 2 = 440
xtra bars x 2 = 248
apple = 60
2.5 mullers = 237
salmon thingy dinner = 330
total = 1315

I am also going to watch a film tonight and do 10,000 steps on my treadmill which will take 1 and a half hours.

Oh, and the pool is a TOTAL DISASTER.

I am not throwing anymore money down the drain, and I am buying a liner. End of.

16th July.... BLACK MONDAY

I went and got weighed.

It's not good.

TB and I went to tesco's in the morning and braved the dreaded machine.

We have both put on the same amount of weight since stopping going to slimming world.

How weird is that.

here are the results of the weightloss jury....

16 stone 13 and a half pounds - 107.8kg - 237.5 lbs

I am also 43% fat.

So yesterday we both went on a strict diet.

Here is what I had:
1 and a half slice of toast (at least half puked back up) - 88 cals
2 Ultra Slim shakes -430 cals
3 Something extra bars - 384cals
1 fish in parsley sauce with veg and mash - 262 cals
1 avocado with mayo - 300 cals

total cals for 16th July = 1464 cals