Monday, August 27, 2007

Going Green Beans

This time of year is one of my favorite “eating seasons”. The abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables brings variety and wholesome goodness to the table. Green beans are one of my favorite vegetables. They are a nutritious source of vitamin C, folate, iron, beta carotene and rich in fiber. One cup of cooked fresh beans contains 44 calories, 4 grams dietary fiber, 2 grams protein and just a trace

Friday, August 24, 2007

Fixing Broken Windows

I am posting this essay from the July 10, 2007 You Have Arrived Newsletter. We have so many new members who may have missed this - and it talks about some key steps to attacking a stall or weight gain. I hope you enjoy and would love to hear your thoughts. Fixing Broken Windows by Kaye Bailey There is a popular theory in urban renewal that suggests fixing broken windows as they happen is the

Thursday, August 23, 2007

What is Fun Friday?

Fun Friday is an interactive Neighborhood game where we become better acquainted with one another by answering questions. We started Fun Friday in March of 2006, shortly after the Neighborhood was born. Each week a community member poses a question, another member offers prizes and the person who posed the question awards the prizes for the week. That person is also responsible to tag the next

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Support: Another LivingAfterWLS Power Tool

We have been talking about getting back on track with our weight loss surgery lifestyle. A scientifically proven key element in long-term healthy weight maintenance is the existence of a support group. We all know this and in fact, many of us participated in live support groups prior to surgery and in the first year or so following surgery.An interesting trend to note is that as we near or reach

High Fiber Diets

Most people don`t eat enough fiber on a regular basis. If you look back at what all you ate yesterday, it´s likely that you consumed less than 10 grams of fiber unless your diet is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains or legumes. Fiber provides roughage to our digestive track and helps prevent constipation. Eating a high fiber diet is an easy way to lose weight and feel full and satiated. See an informative video which recommends 35 grams of fiber daily here;

Monday, August 20, 2007

Let's Get Physical!

Happy Monday Neighbors! It's a new day, a new week and another new chance to reclaim your best weight loss surgery living. How did you do over the weekend? I have heard from many of you doing the 5 Day Pouch Test and it sounds like things out in LivingAfterWLS Land are going well. Now, some of you have mentioned that Day 2 (the second day of liquids) is difficult. Maybe you feel grumpy or

Friday, August 17, 2007

GDL: Grit Determination List

Since we are focused on getting back on track, rediscovering our pouch and empowering ourselves with success now is a great time to make a Grit Determination List. (grit: indomitable spirit: pluck)A Grit Determination List?Absolutely! This is a list of your Grit Priorities - the things in life about which we are unyielding; the things you will accomplish without regard or acknowledgment of life's