Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Simple Tips for Losing Weight

Here´s a nice video of very basic tips on how to lose weight. The woman here lost many pounds over a year by following these simple rules.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Snacking vs. No Snacking after Surgical Weight Loss

Question from LivingAfterWLS Reader:Am not a full (LAWLS) member yet, but think it's on the horizon for me..........I do get your recipe of the week and I have the Neighborhood Cookbook and I use it!After reading and re-reading the 5 day pouch test, and the 4 Rules of living after WLS.................I am confused. I was at a "Back on Track" program in North Carolina and one locally and they

Feeling Happy!

Went to Slimmingworld this morning, and was pleasantly surprised to find myself 1 and a half pounds down! Oh Yeah baby!

I am now officially 17 stone 5 or 243lbs.

That's 4 and a half pounds since rejoining slimmingworld/fill number 5. I am guessing it is the fill that has helped me here, because I have been to France for the weekend and 'indulged' and also had a cake during the week. So thanks band!

I have had today:
fruit (bananas, plums, apples, grapes)
1 slice of bread
3 slices of pizza + 2 bits of garlic bread
1 bottle of red (well nearly!)

So I am kind of treating today as a celebration!! HA HA.

I have also gone swimming and walking and all kinds of other stuff.

So feeling good, and now I am off to bed. Tomorrow we have a surveyor coming around to make sure our house is worth what we say it is as we are just about to remortgage. Seems like a decent chap. Lets hope so! We shall find out for sure at 8am (I didn't realise there were two 8 o'clocks in a day!)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Kaye's Fat Bottom Girl Playlist

Last week I did the 5 Day Pouch Test with many friends from the LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood. As part of my get back to basics plan I decided to pump-up my cardio workouts. Now, this little play list is going to age me, but I think it is a pretty good 46 minute workout. I call it "Fat Bottom Girl Workout" because I love the Queen classic of the same title and unfortunately, my regained weight

White carbs are non-nutritional slider foods

Hello Everyone!We have been talking about getting back on track after a setback with weight loss surgery. Today I'm bringing forward a previously published article about avoiding foods that have no nutritional value. When we turn to these foods, namely processed carbs, we tend to get off track and gain weight. It seems we turn to these foods, often called "slider" foods because they are more

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Eight Years: Eight Lessons

This is an article from the You Have Arrived Newsletter (September 13, 2007) which marks my 8 year Arrivalversary. I am sharing it here for those who may not receive the Newsletter.1. The tool requires maintenance. Just like a saw blade that needs sharpening, so does the weight loss surgery tool require maintenance. For me that means daily feedings of vitamins, copious water consumption, eating

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

RESULT!!! 3 pound Down!! OH YEAH

3 pounds down.


Slimmingworld this morning went well, as you can tell, and I am ecstatic.

So I now weigh 17 stone 6 and a half pounds. YAY!

Today I have been pretty good and I have found I am fuller longer. Oh please God that this is really restriction of some sort.

I was on the phone to my Mum today and I had just eaten a nectarine. I burped and up came food too!! HA HA HA HA HA HA. This is FABULOUS. I know it sounds really grim, but this to me is a really good sign that I am getting there. There are lots of things that are weird. Like when I have a coffee, I gulp it down as normal, but it does kind of stay in my throat before it trickles down... it feels like that anyway.

I haven't had hard pain in chest, elephants sitting there or puke or anything weird like that so far, and I did eat dry couscous... but dinner I felt stuffed. I would say I had a cup of pasta (like a mug size) and about half a cup of roasted veg and mozzarella with that. I have been completely full all evening, and I still am. The rest of the day I have actually only eaten fruit with the exception of a kitkat that I had for breakfast BEFORE I got weighed... so how about that!!


That's all I can say. I couldn't take it if I had to have another operation to correct a leaking system or something like that. I swear to God I would rather have a full blown bypass than go through that again. If I have to be in pain again with that, I might as well have the other surgery!

I am burping for England right now too. Every mouthful of food I have "burp!", every drink "Belch!" So something has changed. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!

So its on with the rest of the week.

Today has been a particularly good day for luck... if you believe in that crap, which I don't. I gained a few pounds when I received a cheque for £216.57 for a claim I put in with a parcel company when something I sold on eBay arrived in 3 parts and completely busted. Then I lose 3 pounds and slimmingworld (those are the pounds I love to lose!). Then... we had a chat to a mortgage advisor and we can cut our monthly repayment by £250 a month!! WHAT A RESULT. This truly is an amazing amount to save isn't it! I am so stoked about it. I think I can actually justify getting my nails done again and my underarms waxed!! :o) I had put a stop to it because of getting Mina our housekeeper, but sod it!!!!! I can have a clean house AND nice nails now!! YAY. My mum also gave me £500 which is sooooo lovely of her. How cool is that. Oh and I just had my hair cut into a lovely style but keeping all the length, so all in all it has been a wonderful day...

...but I can't help wondering whats going to go wrong....