Sunday, September 23, 2007

17 Reasons Why Men Should Keep Low Body Fat

Not Sure which diet is best for you?Check out our Diet Reviews===========================Men around the world are just as self conscious about their body image as women. However, keeping low body fat is not just for looks, it is also important for health. Here are the 17 reasons why men need to keep low body fat:1) As you age your metabolism slows down drastically. This ultimately causes your

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The trip to France by TB's husband...

Only take a closer look if you don't mind bad language. Its pretty rude. This was the cartoon made by TB's husband about our trip to France last weekend... Of course it's probably only funny if you know us.
Characters - Me, DH and DS, TB (a cameo role in scene 5) and her husband...

Friday, September 21, 2007

Oh I am a naughty beasty

As you all know, yesterday started off well cool. Except for the Yorkie. *clears throat and gets back to topic*. However it ended a little worse. DS was doing a reading in the evening, so it was all last minute panic stations and stress... cat fluff off of suit jacket, " You can do it! No tears now", "yes we will be on time" yada yada..

DH had a college run to do, and I was dashing about like the proverbial blue fly so I grabbed at a stary tenner and hit the chippy.


I had cod and chips. It was yummy.


This is becoming my confessional isn't it. I didn't want it to be like that... but it will hopefully help me later on by reading through it to see why I turn to crap food.

So yeah, not too happy about that, but hey, its a new day and all that jazz.

I just finished off two humongous plums. Lovely sweet flesh, but really horrible nasty bitter skins. What is it with fruit here in the UK shops?

I swear food everywhere else is much more delicious. Our food practically looks plastic. Its all the right colours, or you think it is, until you go to France or Germany and you see their fruit. Their fruit looks less bright, a bit odd sized and sometimes much more massive... Whole humongous heads of lettuce with mud on..., you think to yourself "Oh dear, here we go" and it tastes FANTASTIC... cucumber tastes like cucumber. Tomatoes taste like tomato.

I always bring back loads of fresh veg from France when we go. The garlic is something else.

Anyway, boring. Right. I have to go and try and instill some kind of education into my son. May the force be with me.

Update 13:30

Just had my lunch - small jacket potato and heinz sweet chilli beans. They are well nice.

Off to work in a mo. Just got ridof 4 pupils, so thats good. They mucked me around something wicked, so I just jacked them in. The can annoy someone else.
will update l8er

Thursday, September 20, 2007

New family arrivals - 3 fish

Went to get some fish food and ended up spending £80. WTF?

DS wanted to get a new fish for his tank... we ended up not being able to decide so we got 3.

I also thought that the water could do with a bit of a blaat of oxygen, so I got one of those pump jobs that go bubble bubble bubble...

Then DS spied a little fake plant thing that was quite funky so we got that too, and then I noticed some oil for the garden furniature I had been meaning to buy all summer long.

Just never ends does it. So I came home feeling like I had been fleeced somehow when all I really wanted was some more fish food. These shops are so cleverly arranged that you can help but buy other stuff. I nearly bought a bird cage and little finch 'cos it was well cute. I slapped myself a good couple of times and woke up to the fact I have 5 cats and the poor little thing would be terrorized to death within the month.


Foodwise... pretty damn cool...

I have had several GOOD THINGS happen to me - yes I know its unusual, but it has to happen to me sometimes.

I discovered this AWESOME site called where you do your shopping as normal and it shows you what it would have cost if you had shopped elsewhere... I chose Tesco, and it was just about the same as if I had shopped at Asda. Then the FUN began. At the end of the shopping it shows you that if you made a couple of swaps from other products you could save X amount of £'s AND CALORIES!! Yes, If I swapped my normal Kellogg's cornflakes to tesco's own cornflakes I save something like 49p. But if i swapped to tesco's Organic cornflakes I saved a further 11p and also 100 cals. HOW DAMN COOL IS THAT????

Seriously, check it out people. Well worth it.

Next cool thing to happen was a discovery I made c/o Because I swapped some kind of muller light for Danone Shape lasting satisfaction yoghurts I not only saved money and calories, but found that I could NOT eat my breakfast after I had eaten this yoghurt. It is seriously filling for us bandsters. I was TOTALLY SHOCKED that I could not eat my 2 boiled eggs that were boiling away on the stove.

However, I am well pleased that I have found some snack that is only 75 cals and Sooooo filling. Cool.

So breakfast today was a Yoghurt (Danone shape lasting satisfaction)

Lunch was 2 slices bread with beetroot and slice of cheese

snack - Yorkie bar ;o) Yeah I know, but I just couldn't resist.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Neighborhood News

Hello Everyone!Here is an update of some of the good things happening in our LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood: our safe haven circle of friends.We have rolled-out a new section: The Global Neighborhood. In the interest of our growing population here in the Neighborhood we have added a new message board for Neighbors to connect geographically. At the bottom of your main screen you will find The Global

Hmmm Pretty low food intake... interesting

Ok.. today, I have not thought about food much or dieting and just 'got on with my life'.

Weirdly, I have also not eaten much.

Breakfast (over the course of the morning): Fruit - plum, apple, banana..

Lunch @2pm - small cereal sized bowl of pasta with pesto.

Dinner @9pm - Heinz Baked Beans on 2 slices of toast with cheese.

2 glasses white wine.

feeling good...

feeling not like dieting in any way...

feeling that this band might be working...


Simple Tips for Losing Weight

Here´s a nice video of very basic tips on how to lose weight. The woman here lost many pounds over a year by following these simple rules.