Friday, November 23, 2007

Home Fitness Equipment For Every Exercise

Not Sure Which Diet is Best for You?Check Out Our Diet Reviews===========================Home Fitness Equipment For Every ExerciseMany people feel more comfortable in their own homes exercising and thus the need for every kind of home fitness equipment on the market. You have equipment for the stomach, upper body, lower body, and the entire body. Although some of the equipment makes be a little

Getting all gittery about the band

I am in a really bad place at the moment.
I am getting very worried about the band/port etc.
I know I am probably being ridiculous and there is nothing to worry about but I simply can't help it.

Its most probably because of all the problem I have had, but I am terrified that its not going to work anymore.

Whenever I eat a meal I am now waiting to feel if there is restriction - well really I am waiting to see if I feel that hard pressure and warning sign of a choke. I also know that I should NOT eat to that level each time I have a meal as I can stretch the pouch. But by now I am worried I dont have a pouch anymore because of all the problems I have had anyway. GRRRRRRRR

If I don't feel that sign, then I think that it must not be working. I am really getting messed up by it.

The other day (Wednesday) was the last time I felt something a little sticky in the band. It was when I was eating Pea soup and a little bit of bread. It was the bread that stuck a little, but it soon passed and I felt able to continue.

Since then I have had no problems. Now here's the problem:
Should I think that this means its gone wrong and I have no restriction (which obviously is crazy)or should I feel like this and be happy that I am obviously conforming to the 'rules' and chewing well and thereby saving myself from problems.

I am guessing its the latter, but I still feel like there is something wrong.

I read everywhere that puking, choking and p'bing is not usual and should be avoided and it will stop once you get used to the band and the way it behaves for you. So does this mean I have actually learned something? Does it mean I am doing it right?

I don't have pain like I had when it all broke apart, that's for sure. Everything seems like it did when I fist had it done.

I am just finding myself WANTING to choke just to confirm that I am still restricted.

Does anyone else struggle like this? I am really beating myself up for no good reason, but its making me so depressed. I just want to get into bed and stay there and let the world carry on around me and forget I exist.

I know there are lots of things to deal with emotionally when you have a band, and when your food is restricted, but is this whats happening to me? If I knew it would mean I could tell myself that in a few weeks I will be OK.

I just feel completely minging.

I also want some serious advice and I would like everyone who reads this blog to give their opinion by posting a comment PLEASE.

I am about to cancel my piano pupils for the 3rd week running. They are all aware that I had surgery, and they are all sympathetic people as far as I can tell. What I mean is that they aren't people who get stressed out too much if I cancel the odd lesson.

However, would you get annoyed with a teacher who canceled 3 times in a row, or would you just hope she was getting better soon?
Basically I am self employed and fearful that I will lose my pupils (whether its rational or not). I have been teaching some of them for over 4 years, and others only a couple of weeks. I just want the joe public's response and not one that is clouded by what I think they might think...

Your advice would be appreciated.

Cathi Lee on Oprah Soon

Cathi Lee has lost more than 300 pounds. She weighed over 500 pounds a few years ago.

She was recently interviewed by Oprah and her story will air on the Oprah Show sometime in the next couple of weeks. See more about Cathi Lee here.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

From Morbid Obesity to Radiant Health

John has experienced massive weight loss success. He used to weigh over 400 pounds and has lost over half of this weight. Last year, in just 12 months, he lost the biggest portion of his excess weight, 150 pounds lost in one year.

He lost this weight mainly by avoiding wheat, dairy and sugar.

See more terrific before and after photos as well as his story here.

Fiona Falkiner Does Triathlons

The beautiful Fiona Falkiner has succeeded in losing a lot of weight. Again.

She first lost a lot of weight on the Biggest Loser TV program in Australia, but soon gained it all back again, and now has lost weight again and completed her first triathlon.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Kak day.
cals = 900

3x banana's
1 x bowl pea soup made by TB with half a slice of bread
1 x chicken dopiaza from tesco
6 finn crisp dipped into jam

I ate my tea at 10pm this evening when I got home from work. I ate it all. Go figure. then I still felt hungry and had some finn crisp thins with jam. Am I getting too good at this chewing lark, or is the band always this fickle?

I mean...take this afternoon - I had pea soup at TB's and the little bits of bread I was chewing to death stuck a little bit even with soup so I had to go slow, then this evening I ate a whole microwave meal.

There isn't a phrase to describe how I feel at the moment, but kak sort of gets near.

I keep thinking somethings gonna go wrong, or that its not going to work in some other way or ANYTHING. I feel like this life sucks right now and I am just waiting for it all to come crashing down. I dread most of all that this band is going to go wrong again or that somehow I just wont get any restriction because I am useless. I think I am beginning to feel the effects of the lack of food. I feel quite down this evening even after this afternoons escapades to try and cheer ourselves up - which were quite frankly MADCAP and straight out of the Circus Big Top!

I didn't go to work for my first 6 pupils. I rang DH and told him to cancel them and then went to TB's to try and cheer myself up. We had a good old chat, and then started mucking about as usual. TB's daughter put on a red beret and red leather gloves and an overcoat and drew a curly French style moustache on herself with eyeliner. It looked hilarious.

I then made myself some really arched and grim eyebrows. then I put a load of lipstick on all around my mouth like it was really badly done. Then I over exaggerated my lip outline with black eyeliner and filled them in completely with bright red lippy and put two spots of rouge on and a beauty spot! I looked like a drag queen.

Then we all got in my car and drove to the local shop to buy a Terry's Chocolate Orange but they didn't have one, so we bought orange matchmakers instead.

It really did cheer me up but I am 31 for goodness sake. How long can I go about being a complete and UTTER idiot just to make myself feel better? It was like I was 18 again at college or something.

All that without a drop of alcohol! I know I am actually a complete head case, but I am glad I can be *totally random* sometimes.

We stopped off at home and showed DH our mad crazy get up which he thought was hilarious, and what do I find...? MY SON HAS A MASCARA MOUSTACHE AND BEARD ON AS WELL!!!!!!!!!! How funny is that. My own son was feeling in the mood to be weird too. I am sure some psychoanalyst would have a field day with our family. We are all as batty as fruitloops.

Then I took all the rubbish off my face and went and did 2 piano lessons.

Anyway, I am really cold so I am going to bed.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mastication for the nation

Eating has been hard work today.

This morning I made French Toast for DS and I.
2 Eggs and 3 slices of bread. He had 2 slices and I had 1.
I had to be seriously careful with it. I was chewing that muck to death. Mega munched French toast is gross and I can tell you that the more you chew it, the less appetising it is. I wont be repeating that experience in a hurry.

I had a period of food phobia today... If I hadn't got a band, I would have thought I was pregnant. It was making me feel positively sick watching DS eat and apple, a banana, a yogurt, an ice cream, and watching DH slurp the dregs of his Slimfast for lunch - EWw. I could barely contain myself.

I have just tried something to eat (its 4pm) as I do feel a bit hungry. I made DS and DH cheese toasties the old fashioned way - cheese between bread and then toasted in a frying pan. Fluffy insides and crispy kinda burnt outsides. YUM.

I gave myself one slice of bread, cut it in half and put a small slice of cheese in it. I dry fried my measly portion and grabbed a tablespoon of Pickle to go with it. Oh dear. It was a problem from the first mouthful. I have eaten it, but it took a while. I had to wait a good 5 mins between bites. I even spat a couple of bites out and left most of the pickle and 1 whole corner. 1 slice of bread ain't that much man! I can't believe I left any!! 2 weeks ago I was a different lady.


I do know that a good and easy food for me to eat is curry. As long as its not got a lot of rice and is nice an saucy it goes down easy. But that's maybe not a good thing to know.

Foods that have given me trouble so far include:
Finn Crisp crackers
cheese toastie

So there we go. Its very different. The thought of eating those things again also fills me with a sick feeling. I have eaten the crackers again because they are full of fibre, but I had to wait a few days! Too scary to try.

I know that the following are not my friends:

I haven't had too much of either since the operation, but I know that should I have a down fall these are gonna be the culprits. I am fixing this problem to the best of my ability by not buying any more of them. The fact that we still have a bucket load of sweets in the pantry from when my Dad brought them up 2 weeks ago doesn't help. Also having an 8 year old in the house also kind of hampers a no sweet zone... but on the wine front its easy. I have told DH not to buy any more. He drinks beer (yuk) so it doesn't bother him.

So I don't know exactly what I am going to cook for tea tonight, but for me I guess it will be along the veggie line. I am thinking potato croquettes, Mediterranean veg and chicken... I don't know if I will have any chicken or not... maybe I will just have a small bit and see how I go. I will go slower than last time and see.

Daily update, here we go!

1 slice of bread
0.6 of an egg

28g cheese
1 slice of bread
15g Branston Pickle

1.5 potato croquettes
75g of Chargrilled Mediterranean Vegetables
28g chicken (two poxy bits!)
BBQ sauce

200mls milk in coffee's

Total calorie intake today = 790

I'm loving it...

Weigh in tomorrow... *BITES FIST*

*Just had some grapes and a yogurt total cals now = 980*