Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Boot Camp Weight Loss Story

Tim has lost 128 pounds. He lost the first sixty pounds over eight months by starting a regular walking program and then joining a gym. He joined an Operations Boot Camp to help him lose the rest of the weight.

It was just before his 40th birthday that he made the decision to lose weight. It took him less than two years to lose this much weight. For a guy who used to have trouble walking from the parking lot to his office, he's now become a fitness instructor!

Check out his Boot Camp weight loss story here.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Lets get this band to KICK ARSE

Right, I have totally had enough of poncing about.

I have booked a fill on Sunday AND Thursday. I am fucked off with having to ravel to London every 4 weeks and pissing about losing nothing.

I don't care what happens, I just need this bloody thing to start doing it's thing RIGHT NOW.

This weeks food... just to keep you all in the loop...

Today: 749 cals
1 Bowl Borscht - beetroot, celeriac, potato, passata, onion, garlic, dill
4 duchess potatoes
2 tablespoons of baked beans
1/4 small quiche
1 muller fruit corner

Thursday: 819 cals
1 quorn meatball and onions, peas and mashed potato
2 muller fruit corners
2 packets of crisps

Wednesday: 984 cals
Yoghurt (muller with a fruit corner)
1 chicken breast, mushroom, cabbage, celeriac, bacon in stock
1/2 bottle red wine

Tuesday: 1697 cals
pot noodle
2 packets crisps
1 portion of lasagne

Monday: 1100 cals
chocolate bar
2 banana's
home made chick pea and prawn curry

Sunday: 714 cals
1 croissant
1 pot of mussels in tarragon (1.5 pts with shells on)
3 very small slices of bread
2 glasses white wine

Saturday: 1379 cals
1 slice brioche
1 tablespoon fois gras (chick liver pate)
olive oil/balsamic vinegar with 1 slice brioche
1 pot moules marniers
1 ice cream desert with nuts and meringue
1 bottle red wine

That ain't a hell of a lot I don't think.

My mum has said she was surprised at how much I can eat. Well... Ummm... its about 4 times less that it used to be honey! And I am annoyed at people on they talk out of their arses...

They were like..."wheres your protein, its all really high in fat, I don't know what half of these things you ate are" - well we don't know what your dumb ass American food is either, but we just FUCKING WELL LOOK IT UP! Its not hard! Jesus, how hard is it to understand crisps?? I knew that Americans ate 'chips' and the Brits ate 'crisps' when I was an infant school. GET A GRIP YOU INSULAR SHITS.

Also my protein has been
on or above the recommended daily 45g according to the Daily plate...
and YES! I do use that. Do they think I don't know what the hell I am doing? Of course I do. I just need some damn advise because seemingly the diet above it BOLLOCKS because I am not losing. When you factor in that I don't lie about all day, get off my arse and do things you would expect that I could shift at least a pound right?

All this crap about 60g of protein... its utter drivel. All this stuff about keeping full... to be honest I am not starving at all so why would I possibly need to wind my way through all that?

Also, the fat intake according to the Daily plate has been BELOW the guideline amount every day, except for 8th January. So screw them! They know nothing at all about this - just a bunch of bigoted greedy nosy bastards with more than their tuppence to share and its not worth a light.

What a day.

Those assholes really ticked me off, especially because if I wrote back a post like "Oh, actually you are all... like... WRONG!" they would find something else to diss me with, so screw it.
They know absolutely nothing. What a damn shame. It could have been such a good site if it wasn't for all the goody goody know alls who don't know shit.

I am now over it. *steam rising*

Tomorrow is yet another day, and I promise not to shout at you all again or anything! HA!

Sunday I will stump up about £250 for a fill, but it will be worth it. I cant go on like this its killing me. I KNOW I am doing everything right. yeah yeah yeah, I know I could cut the drink back, and yeah the junk... but OMG everything is so shagging shite that I need something to look forward to! I wish I didn't turn to food for oral satisfaction. Why cant I be addicted to sex or something. Far more fun and at least it burns calories.

Some people have all the luck.


Acai Berry And Weight Loss - Videos

For many centuries, the health benefits of acai berry was unknown outside of the Amazon , but today more and more people are discovering the health enhancing power of this antioxidant-rich berry.

Benefits of Acai Berry -

Acai Berry cleanses and detoxifies the body of infectious toxins and accumulated fats from the body, which leads to weight loss.

Acai Berry increases the metabolism in the body, which helps in burning fat from the body. It is s a natural product available at reasonable cost. It helps in weight loss only if a person is willing to control his diet. None of the product will work if the person is eats carelessly.

Acai Berry is a rich source of protein and dietary fiber which helps in weight loss.

Acai Berry helps in sound sleep.

It has high levels of omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids which play a role in lowering cholesterol level.

Anti aging - Acai Berry slows down the aging process.

Superfood - It is known as one of the most powerful superfood (a general term used for foods that provide significant nutrition and are believed to fight diseases)

Watch Video - Acai Berry Diet & Benefits

Losing Weight With the Help of Meditation

Many of us are trying very hard to change ourselves and our habits at this time in the New Year. But changing habits with sheer willpower is the hardest thing and we are often beating ourselves up about it when we fail. I found the first couple of sentences from this Zen newsletter very interesting in this regard. It's a different approach entirely;

Zen practice begins with affirming the relationship of the moment rather than trying to improve or change ourselves. Instead of trying to change the self that is relating, the effort is in more fully immersing oneself in relationship.

Read more from this Zen Buddhist newsletter here.

The art print above is by Elvira Amrhein


Why do I do it?

I jumped on the scales this morning, after a glass of water and fully clothed and I am 17 stone 10.

This is destroying me.

I really thought that I have had a good week so far, and I know its after liquid and clothes, but for GODS SAKE!

I feel so utterly shit about everything to do with weightloss that I feel like going and smashing things up. I feel fat and ugly and a failure. I have had it. I cant do this any more.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Odd day

I spent all day in bed with a headache. I slept too... So strange because I have been feeling fine recently. At least it wasn't a work day... of course it meant I haven't eat much.

I got up at 5pm and made the dinner. I cooked quorn meatballs in onions with a little water and an oxo and added some dry sherry. Served it up with peas and mash. I managed 1 meatball, my portion of onions and the peas. I had to have a big pause in the middle too because the meatball did not want to be eaten. I thought to be honest that I was all done, but I felt it go through the band and then I was hungry still.. just shows huh.

I have had 2 yoghurts and 2 packets of crisps too, so today is less than 1000cals.

Heard from an old friend on facebook today. Its horrible really. She is still in touch with some of the guys i went to college with and haven't thought about for 13 years... its just real all over again. The faces on some of the pics are just like kicks in the guts. I didn't realise what a horrible place college was for me. These people are nothing to me now, but they shaped the person I am today. They and other like them are the reason I had to get out of the county and move away. I just couldn't face the thought of bumping into them shopping or something. I can remember always being on my guard when i lived there. I am glad she got in touch, but sometimes maybe we all drift apart for a reason.

I realised that others don't experience your life the way you do either. She was quite shocked when I told her about some things. She had no idea that some of the things I was going through was going on at all! We only really see what we want to see, or keep out of it. Its just sheer nosiness into peoples lives that makes us join things like facebook and search for old friends... What other reason could there possibly be? I know I just want to see how they are doing, what they eventually did with their life and if they are married, got kids and see what they look like now. That's it. Once I have found that out, its kind of over for me. I haven't suddenly revived a dead friendship at all... their has always been the initial rush of "oooh ahhh" and then it slips into silence. I think that's sad.

Part of me inside just wants to have been friends with someone and then grow up together in the same community and still know them. Stability of knowing the people you live near. Where I am now I don't know any of my neighbours except for "Hello, nice day" or "could you feed my cats for 2 weeks? Cheers" I do kind of yearn for the older smaller more insular world of days gone by. I wonder why that is. Every year we are given more and more things to 'want' and 'do' and yet there is something deeply unsatisfied in my life. My being wants a home and a large family and with my extended family around me... wants to be close and to know all my cousins and aunts etc intimately and to share good times. Other families pull it off.. why not us?
I want the simple things and to be modest... so why cant I do that? Is it society pressure? Why is it looked as as tragic to have nothing...? Why is it we have to have stuff.

I read somewhere that in 1850 the average person had 75 wants, and 16 of them were considered a necessity. Today we have over 500 wants and 127 of them are considered a necessity. Can we really have changed that much in 150 years.


Can Tenuate be the Best Weight Loss Pills ever?

We all know that diet pills are a big market. I am surprised everyday on the number of searches done by people in hope of finding the miracle cure. These stats speak for themselves:

Best weight loss pills (over 85 searches per day)

Best weight loss pill (over 75 searches per day)

Weight loss pill (over 650 searches per day)

Fat burning workouts (over 65 searches per day)

Best fat burner (over 110 searches per day)

Fat burning pills (over 100 searches per day)

Fat burner (over 800 searches per day)

Fat burning exercise (over 105 searches per day)

Fat burning exercises (over 155 searches per day)

Fat burning food (over 300 searches per day)

Fat Burning diets (over 35 searches per day)

Losing belly fat (over 95 searches per day)

Today I will try to touch a bit on Tenuate. This is an appetite suppressant. It is again marketed as one of the best weight loss pills in the market. It is used as a short-term (a few weeks) supplement to diet and exercise in the treatment of obesity. As other weight loss pills it should be part of an over weight reduction plan.

It is available in two forms. First on is immediate-release tablets (Tenuate) and the second one is controlled-release tablets (Tenuate Dospan). Ideally Tenuate should be used with behavior modification program. Due to tolerance it is known that Tenuate will lose its effectiveness in a few weeks of use.

You should never take this medication if 1) you are sensitive/or have ever had an allergic reaction to Tenuate or other appetite suppressants 2) If you have severe hardening of the arteries 3) an overactive thyroid 4), glaucoma 5) severe high blood pressure 6) have a history of drug abuse 7) if taking MAO inhibitor (e.g. Nardil) – or have taken one within the last 14 days 8) Donot drink ethanol (alcohol) while taking this medication.

Tenuate is marketed as best weight loss pills but it should be clear to all readers that it does have a side effect/precaution profile which includes – it interact with alcohol unfavorably- It may react with other medicines- Your doctor should be informed and caution should be used if you have heart disease or high blood pressure- you suffer from epilepsy or fits- Psychological addiction may also develop with this medicine and abrupt withdrawal following prolonged use at high doses may result in extreme fatigue, mental depression, and sleep disturbances. Tenuate is an appetite suppressant which works on the central nervous system to curb ones appetite. The best result of using Tenuate diet pill can be through a better combination of good diet and proper exercise. As with any on other pill taking controlled diet and appropriate exercise along with this pill helps very effectively to remove fat from body.

As mentioned earlier a number of searches are done everyday on Best weight loss pill, Weight loss pill, Fat burning workouts, Best fat burner, Fat burning pills, Fat burner, Fat burning exercise, Fat burning exercises, Fat burning food, Fat Burning diets, Losing belly fat, the list goes on… As mentioned earlier whatever route you take you should not expect to find a miracle cure. Instead you should have a long term goal in mind and that is to have an effective dietary and exercise regimen and using supplements to get you out of the woods and kickstarted.

As far as Tenuate goes - It’s a prescription medication and has a lot of side effects compared to other medicine. Therefore we do not consider it to be among the best weight loss pills in the market.