Monday, January 21, 2008

No longer a scank

Died the old roots today. It was looking serious. I could probably have blagged a free house off the government to be honest...all I needed was a couple of snotty screaming babies and I would have been in.

I now remember why I STOPPED dying my hair. I hate roots. I used to get brown roots, now I get sodding blonde roots, and it looks like I am balding. I really love the dark hair though. I think i am going to have it done at a hair dressers because it is a real pain in the rectum to do it at home.

Work was random. Feel like I am losing that initial flush... but am still feeling really really great about teaching. This, to anyone who reads my blog, is actually amazing. I feel motivated and haven't forgotten prizes or books or promises for anyone at all... I am glad because it means I must have turned a corner in the head department.

Could it be that 60mg of Prozac is actually right for me and the old grey matter is functioning as a normal human would? Talking about Prozac... I got a new prescription on Saturday and I was prescribed ONE 60mg tablet. the cheeky swines in the chemist gave me THREE sets of 20mg ones. They had over ordered and hoped I didn't mind. Ummm... no actually because I have a bit of a bother swallowing 3 horse tablets to be fair. So I went and got them changed today and would you believe it, I got 2 tablets free!! HA HA. For someone on the make this would be a really good way huh! I thought every drug was really well accounted for and stuff. But there we go. 32 tablets instead of 30. I told them I had eaten 6 of the tablets already, so they should have given me 2 less for sure.

Anyway, whatever. Apparently 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA is a formula to pinpoint the worst day in England. For us Brit's, this formula represents

W: Weather
D: Debt
d: Money due in January pay
T: Time since Christmas
Q: Time since failed quit attempt
M: General motivational levels
NA: The need to take action

...and means that today... 21st January 2008 is the most grim day ever. Crap weather, personal debt on a developing-world scale, post-holiday blues and general apathy-inducing malaise.


All that's left of the holidays are credit card bills and an all pervasive sadness that the next holidays are too far away.

Oh no! Mine aren't though.... I go away again on Thursday! HURRAH!. So why do I feel shit?

I dunno. Apparently everyone fells shit today. Its like maths or something. But I actually feel a bit excellent. I spent the whole day in bed; well until 2pm anyway. then I got up and had soup and a roll. I took about 20 minutes to eat it and then I planned on going to work. I got to TB's house and decided to pop in for a coffee and it ended up being an hour & half chat. So missed the first lesson and had to blag some excuse and was late for 2nd and 3rd. Missed the 4th completely as couldn't be arsed and then did the 5th and 6th. Luckily I didn't have the last 2 otherwise I would have been up the proverbial creek.

So alls good. Got home and DH had made quiche (again) and I had quiche and TUNZ of salad. Yum yum. Try tomato sauce with chili mixed with salad creme... Well nice cocktail sauce with a kick. I had that on top the salad.

Then I had a bottle of wine. So todays food =

bread roll

half can Heinz mushroom soup

1/4 quiche

salad (just leaves)




Oh yeah, and a box of maltesers (750cals) I must be due on. It was an impulse purchase. Ooops.

Friday, January 18, 2008

TFI friday

Today has been random. I have felt well strange all day.
This morning I felt really sick and felt pretty like 'empty' in my tummy... but not hungry ...?
I didn't have breakfast as I didn't really know how I was feeling.

I took DH to the doctor to have his humongous inflamed bursar on his knee drained. They took 175mls of bloody stained fluid from it. It was great to watch. The doctor thought it was hilarious that I actually wanted to do it myself! DH has now got a knee, where before it looked like a watermelon under his skin.

Then I came home and did I don't know what and then i felt so grim i thought I should eat something. So i cooked some pasta with one of those dolmio stir in sauces. I didn't enjoy it, and pasta is very hard to break down with teeth. I chewed each bite well over 30 times, but it was still a little lumpy and I could feel that my band didn't like it too much, but it was tolerating it. I didn't get pain or need to be sick, so i carried on.

Eating did NOT make me feel better. In fact I think it made me feel slightly worse. I went to bed for a sleep before I had to go and do my lessons. I was so NOT going to cancel them! I am in such a good place in my head with my teaching at the minute that I don't want to wreck it. I So I slept, and when I woke I had to jump out of bed, throw my glasses on and go to work. No time even for a drink! I felt ok at first and then slowly the sickly feeling came on again. Felt dodgy all afternoon and then had a cup of tea at my last pupils and a biscuit and knew I was gonna throw. I had to use their toilet and felt horrible. Anyway... it happens.

So got back and felt awful... but I was starving. DH had made quiche and jacket potato with cheese and pickle. A slightly odd combo but edible nonetheless. I had the quiche and knew there was no way, even if I waited, that i would do the jacket potato. No way. About 5 minutes after I stopped eating and DH had taken my plate out, it was up the stairs to bring it all back up again.

So food wise its been a bit weird.
pasta, dolmio sauce, half a quiche (less the sicked up bit).

Not a good day...

Walking for Weight Loss

I linked to this walking success stories site a couple of years ago, but it's worth another look because there are so many good and inspiring stories in one place here. They are all about people who experienced weight loss success by beginning a walking program. Check it out!

The photo of people walking in Central Park in New York is by Pamela White.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How is it possible to mess up so... completely?

I have had a RIGHT day of it today.
Wednesday is always my busy day. Today I had an inordinate amount of work, errands, washing and doctors appointments to keep.
Here's today's jobs:

Take Keith to the vet to be castrated
Wrap and post 7 books
Write thank you card to my brother and his fiancee
Do 6 loads of washing and subsequent drying
Teach DS about something useful to his future life on earth
Hoover & clean the house
Prepare the evening meal and leave minute instructions (!!!!)
Pick up Carina from work
Pick Kieth up from the vet
Take DS to Kids club
Go to work
Do 12 piano lessons
Come home and eat
watch some serious telly

The ones in orange are the ones I accomplished.

Why? I hear you beg me to tell...

Because HSBC is a CRAP BANK!

This morning, I felt like I had earned my wages twice over. Seriously.

Yesterday I paid in my last 2 weeks worth of cheques as follows:

£338 in total.

Today I see the bank has credited me... but only for £208. Ok, no big deal - thinks I - yeah right! I phone up and they give me a completely different list of cheques that I apparently paid in. Ummmm. NO! So after some big style argy-bargy I finally convince the woman that there must be something wrong because all of these are BUSINESS cheques and I don't even DO lessons for £10 let alone get written cheques for them! I also told her I don't take £14 cheques, or £16 cheques, which I apparently paid in as well. Where my £150 cheque was no one knew.

Off to the branch. O M G . What a complete load of thickys. How long does it take to grasp. Someone put the entry in wrong, so maybe like CHECK IT ON THE SCREEN!!!!!

After about an hour and a half in the bank, I left them all my numbers and told them to get in touch when they had sorted it out. So at 2:15, just before I had to go and collect Carina, they decided to call, hence I didn't end up collecting her, DH did.

Apparently someone had entered the £52 cheque as £2 and the £150 as £16 or some bollocks. Whatever, the cash was mine, I felt exonerated and my account thankfully looks flush like it should do, but BOY! What a load of stress. It makes me think that I should just take it all out and stash it under the mattress because I will look after it a hell of a lot better... and wont get charged for the privilege!

So absolutely nothing happened today other than me sitting in front of the computer raging on the phone or storming HSBC and getting my money. DS managed to actually complete a spelling test and also a lesson on meleto through all this bedlam. How, I will never know. The poor kid. He sure knows adults don't get a fun life. If he went to school he wouldn't have a clue what was in store in the great world that is 'life'. At least he is getting hands on experience of how to deal with situations I guess and learning to cope with it by watching us. He knows nothing less that a good shouting match gets things done my way!

I jest, but seriously. How will kids today cope with all this crap? They are so unprepared and don't even know the simplest of things - like whether something will recycle or not (and how to find out) or how much to feed a cat (or how to find out) or can you wash red socks with your white shirts...( and finding out the hard way that pink HAS to be the new black!)

I talk from experience of the aupairs and others that have stayed with us. Its like a fault in the learning of everyone under 20. Then they have to suddenly UN-learn everything they learned at school and quickly sort their shit out to get on in life. My own brother had to get me to sort out his phone line. He can text for England, has a business degree and has a the most massive wide screen telly you could lay eyes on, but when his sky didn't work when he ordered a film, he couldn't work out why it didnt work... or why BT charge you for a phone and you kind of like need to tell them if you want to use it. Hello?

We have got to teach our kids fundamentals man! I remember that Cook book coming out called "how to boil and egg" or something and I thought *snort* yeah sure who doesn't know that *scoff snort* But they don't. My brother and his fiancee - the next generation of baby producers in the UK don't eat ANY vegetables or hot drinks or anything that is not microwaveable or comes delivered. What are the kids going to be like?

Sod learning about how many atoms there are in a fucking cell - get on with how many eggs are in a damn dozen! I would NEVER send DS back to school. Every day that goes by gives me 1000 more reasons why life at home in the real world gives them far more.


Feel better now.

So yeah, had a pretty shit day and fed up with dealing with incompetent ignoramuses who have been promoted to a level of idiocy.

Today's food and band health in general... Good to middling.
I had today, for the fist time in a long while the possible thought that I might need to be sick... but I actually didn't.
Breakfast was nothing - thanks to HSB F'ing C.
For Lunch I made an avocado and prawn cocktail sandwich. The first half went down fine, and the second half went down in maybe too big bites so that I had to stop... but I stopped! So 2 slices of bread in a sandwich with a wet filling is pretty much out unless I am careful.

I think I just got secure that I would be ok, which is a big mistake. I was so worried about eating a sandwich that I was going really slowly... and it was when everything was cool, I started thinking (talk about paranoia) "maybe when she put it all back in again it missed!?!?!?!" Then of course I started to relax my chewing and whoop! There it was. Stop right there sister!

Then I went to work. Whilst out I had one of those special K bars and then when I got home I had 1 piece of carrot, 1 tiny broccoli floret and one bite of quorn escalope in breadcrumbs that I felt the pain in my chest. It took half an hour to subside. By the time I felt I could continue my dinner was cold and unappetising. I took it slowly and finished it. This evening I have had a couple of yoghurts.

So today's cals 1224.

This evening there was also a minor miracle. I was putting new nail polish on and I shook my fingers back and forth like you do to dry them... and my wedding ring shot off my finger!! HA HA HA that is SO cool - and scary! I will have to watch it.

Started out

Secrets of a Weight Loss Master

Hi, I came across your blog and I love what your doing! I think you will find my story very inspirational. I have overcome binge eating disorder, alcoholism, substance abuse, and chronic illness that developed from my disorder. I personally gained and lost the same 10-15 lbs. over and over for 14 years until I found a way out of the insanity. I've kept my weight off for 20 years now, even through menopause!

I see you did a poll and found that most people wanted to lose under 20 lbs. I am in the weight loss business and I find that to be true. I also encourage people to only think about losing weight in 10 pound chunks because it is too overwhelming to think about losing 30-50 lbs. After they successfully lose the 10 lbs. they can move on to more!

Even a 10 pound weight loss can produce dramatic health benefits and because people have such a hard time losing weight, this is a more realistic plan than a major weight loss. The good news is that success builds on success and after a 10 pound loss people become motivated to go on to even more!

I am one of the first in the industry to introduce weight loss home parties where people form support circles and teams and then compete for cash and prizes. Check out my website for more info! This is going to revolutionize how people lose weight in this country!

Catherine L. Taylor
The Weight Loss Master

Isadora says, check out the very interesting weight loss ideas presented at The Weight Loss Master's Club

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Back onto soft food...

Today's food was in line with the advice given to me on Sunday... soft food for a few days and then back to regular stuff.

2 muller fruit corners
2 slimfast shakes
2 glasses of orange juice
1 avocado
1 pot of low cal prawn cocktail

Oh... and endless coffee's!

I resisted the urge to have chocolate today. I so very nearly bought one of those giant quality street green triangles today. they were practically jumping off the shelves, ripping their own wrappers off and feeding themselves to me, but I resisted their guiles!

Been a busy lass today too. Seems now I am back to work and working at capacity, my whole life is a whirlwind. The weeks are flying by much to quickly for my liking.

So I am feeling completely full and satisfied right now (half 10 at night) and quite impressed by my lack of food. The calories were on the hefty side a bit today though... 1300. Avocado, prawn cocktail has over 500 in it on its own and slimfast has 212 each.

Now this next bit is for my dietitian... who called... YES... CALLED ME (!)... this morning to see how I was doing and see if I was needing any encouragement or anything. GULP! How cool is that. This is what I thought it was going to be like after I had my surgery to be honest. Thankfully now it is!! Hurrah!

coffee @ 9:00
coffee @ 10:00
coffee @ 11:00
Muller fruit corner @ 11:30
coffee @ 12:30
Slimfast @ 1:30
Slimfast @ 3:45
Avocado and prawn cocktail @ 6:15
2 glasses of orange juice @ 8:30
Muller fruit corner @ 9:30

If I don't write it here, it will be lost in the chaos that is our home!

Proactol Fat Burning Pills

Fat Burning Pills – A question on everybody’s mind. Everyone is looking for a way to lose weight.

Over 70 million people diet in the United States alone. There is an obesity health crisis on our hands and just telling people to cut down on the donuts or do some extra miles probably will not be enough to create the results people are looking for.Entire companies are devoted to the development of Fat burning pills that are designed to assist in weight loss. Every month we come across many new supplements and diet pills which cause a stir in the market. A more recent one is called Proactol.

Proactol promises to be the best fat burning pills in the market today. An important thing that it has done is complete clinical studies and numerous smaller studies to help them prove their results and therefore create and market a reliable product. This on its own shows sincerity on there part. The question stays on whether it actually works. It is a patented 100% natural fiber complex that is made from two different fiber sources: a non-soluble fiber and a soluble fiber. They both work in different ways to help you manage your weight.

First the non-soluble part. This has been shown in the clinical studies to bind with dietary fats and it keep them from absorbing in your body. This therefore helps the fat pass right through your body. Proactol has been clinically proven to bind over 27% of dietary fats. The soluble fiber in Proactol was proven to help slow down digestion and absorption of glucose. This would help you to feel full for much longer. This will help you suppress your appetite and reduce food cravings. Furthermore it is simple to use-just take it after a meal.

On the whole it seems very promising and the fact that they've done numerous clinical studies backs it up with a lot of confidence. It does not seem to make false or unrealistic claims. These “fat burning pills” may just suppress our appetite, to reduce food cravings, and to reduce our overall calorie intake - Proactol may just be the supplement that will help you to do that.

As said before and will be said again that the demand for weight loss pills will never die out. People will always look for the next “miracle” pill to come to the market, to their rescue. The number of searches per day for the terms : fat burning pills (over 100 searches per day), is a testimony to that.