I now remember why I STOPPED dying my hair. I hate roots. I used to get brown roots, now I get sodding blonde roots, and it looks like I am balding. I really love the dark hair though. I think i am going to have it done at a hair dressers because it is a real pain in the rectum to do it at home.
Work was random. Feel like I am losing that initial flush... but am still feeling really really great about teaching. This, to anyone who reads my blog, is actually amazing. I feel motivated and haven't forgotten prizes or books or promises for anyone at all... I am glad because it means I must have turned a corner in the head department.
Could it be that 60mg of Prozac is actually right for me and the old grey matter is functioning as a normal human would? Talking about Prozac... I got a new prescription on Saturday and I was prescribed ONE 60mg tablet. the cheeky swines in the chemist gave me THREE sets of 20mg ones. They had over ordered and hoped I didn't mind. Ummm... no actually because I have a bit of a bother swallowing 3 horse tablets to be fair. So I went and got them changed today and would you believe it, I got 2 tablets free!! HA HA. For someone on the make this would be a really good way huh! I thought every drug was really well accounted for and stuff. But there we go. 32 tablets instead of 30. I told them I had eaten 6 of the tablets already, so they should have given me 2 less for sure.
Anyway, whatever. Apparently 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA is a formula to pinpoint the worst day in England. For us Brit's, this formula represents
W: Weather
D: Debt
d: Money due in January pay
T: Time since Christmas
Q: Time since failed quit attempt
M: General motivational levels
NA: The need to take action
...and means that today... 21st January 2008 is the most grim day ever. Crap weather, personal debt on a developing-world scale, post-holiday blues and general apathy-inducing malaise.
All that's left of the holidays are credit card bills and an all pervasive sadness that the next holidays are too far away.
Oh no! Mine aren't though.... I go away again on Thursday! HURRAH!. So why do I feel shit?
I dunno. Apparently everyone fells shit today. Its like maths or something. But I actually feel a bit excellent. I spent the whole day in bed; well until 2pm anyway. then I got up and had soup and a roll. I took about 20 minutes to eat it and then I planned on going to work. I got to TB's house and decided to pop in for a coffee and it ended up being an hour & half chat. So missed the first lesson and had to blag some excuse and was late for 2nd and 3rd. Missed the 4th completely as couldn't be arsed and then did the 5th and 6th. Luckily I didn't have the last 2 otherwise I would have been up the proverbial creek.
So alls good. Got home and DH had made quiche (again) and I had quiche and TUNZ of salad. Yum yum. Try tomato sauce with chili mixed with salad creme... Well nice cocktail sauce with a kick. I had that on top the salad.
Then I had a bottle of wine. So todays food =
bread roll
half can Heinz mushroom soup
1/4 quiche
salad (just leaves)
Oh yeah, and a box of maltesers (750cals) I must be due on. It was an impulse purchase. Ooops.

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