When we got there on Thursday afternoon I had Hungarian goulash soup and a slice of bread.
That was it for the day. DS and I then went for a Thai Massage. I had a full body and DS had an oil massage. Lush.
Friday morning I had museli with chocolate bits in from the little shop and later a banana. Then DS and I had a Russian massage. Very invigorating and fresh. Then we went off to the lake and
we swam for 3 hours and then grabbed a salad.
Saturday I had a banana, and then we went for lunch at a really nice restaurant. I had a vegetable omelett.. and only ate half. Went swimming in the lake again fo 45 mins and then in the evening we went out again. I had a mouthful of liver, some lettuce and a small pancake with nuts.
Sunday I did hardly anything as we had the maseur come to the apartment, and I felt lazy all day after that. So we ate a packet of crisps and a couple of yoghurts. I went out in the late afternoon with DS and had a salad with chicken strips on top. Didn't manage all of this... probably ate abou 3/4. ----> Yummy!
For any one wanting to know, they taste like strong Brussels pate... but warm! Rooster is very gamey and strong and has to be stewed for half a day to make it tender. I didn't eat very much. 1 ball, a chunk of rooster and one sheet of what looked like boiled lasagna.
All in all the meals were little. I left food on my plate each time. I was going to have what DS had and just eat what he ordered and left, but I didn't fancy what he had, and also he ordered things with potato and meat without a sauce... It would have been too dry. So apart from the wine I drank - 3 bottles - I did great.
I will weigh myself tomorrow and see how I did.
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