Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Montel Williams is Drinking his Vegetables

Montel Williams, age 51, is feeling really great these days. In the mornings he works out in the gym on an elliptical machine and he has been drinking a lot of green vegetable shakes for a couple of years. His face is glowing with health, he says his wrinkles have disappeared and he feels very energized.

He's just written a book called Living Well: 21 Days to Transform Your Life, Supercharge Your Health, and Feel Spectacular.

See an interesting interview about his tips for kick-starting a healthy routine here.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Weight View

Here's another way to see your before and after weight loss image. The site is at You can submit your current picture and see what you might look like at your goal weight. They recommend you put the two photos on your fridge for motivation. Has anyone tried it? I haven't yet but plan to today.

Where are the WLS Veterans?

There is a GREAT conversation underway at the LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood. Our friend Kimbre, who will be "Arriving" in February asked posted:"I'm a pre-op though I'll be able to submit to insurance at the beginning of February (YAY). I ran across something this week that disturbed me a little bit. I ran a across a blog that I hadn't seem before and the blogger had posted a comment from someone

Starting to get it... although slowly!

And I might also forget again, but there we are.

Today has been bizarre on the food front.

This morning I swallowed my slightly larger SINGLE prozac pill and also a cocktail of paracetamol, phluroglucinol and vitamins and I was full.

Yes, that's right. Full. On pills. Hmm

So i just went with it. Its pay day today so I had all the bills to do and money to sort out and stuff like that, so I was not really that interested in eating really... just getting my stuff done.
So i got my stuff done and it was midday. I grabbed a yoghurt, then I thought I might catch up on a few emails and Cindy turned up. I forget we had a lesson today, but it didn't matter. She is learning a piece of music to play at the talent night and she has never played before in her life! Its really cool teaching her to play this excellent and really hard music when she hasn't got a clue about any of it really. This is the whole point of it because everyone will be stunned when she trots up and plays that! So I did her lesson and said goodbye etc.

Sat watching you tube video's of strange things... I hate you tube as you always get led off somewhere. I started looking up old music and ended up viewing a tour of Dachau Concentration Camp! How does it happen. Anyway, woke up to myself and shuddered thinking about all that horrible stuff that went on and how people still haven't learned to get along together. Man certainly has dominated man to his injury as Jeremiah says.

Then I thought, wow its 2:30. Better get some lunch before I go to work. DS had made himself a chocolate spread sandwich already so I made Noodles for Carina and I. I cooked 3 packets of those little curry flavour tesco value noodles all together. They are only about 8p a packet! So started to tuck into my plate and managed NO JOKE 2 forkfuls. Then I had to stop.

Carina made me tell her about the lap band and how it worked and I drew her a diagram and then realised that actually I wasn't hungry any more. "So it would be stupid for you to eat more" she said. She was right. I think I am finally getting it. Having food on my plate doesn't mean I am hungry still. Its a really hard thing to figure out. I think being blindfolded and fed would be a better way to be honest. I think that seeing a whole plate full of food makes your brain THINK its still hungry so we just carry on. Its nearly an hour since the noodles and I feel full. Hmmm Food for thought.

Can I survive on 2 forkfuls and a muller corner? I am going to have to try because I am off to work now and not home till 9:30!

will update later

Monday, January 21, 2008

No longer a scank

Died the old roots today. It was looking serious. I could probably have blagged a free house off the government to be honest...all I needed was a couple of snotty screaming babies and I would have been in.

I now remember why I STOPPED dying my hair. I hate roots. I used to get brown roots, now I get sodding blonde roots, and it looks like I am balding. I really love the dark hair though. I think i am going to have it done at a hair dressers because it is a real pain in the rectum to do it at home.

Work was random. Feel like I am losing that initial flush... but am still feeling really really great about teaching. This, to anyone who reads my blog, is actually amazing. I feel motivated and haven't forgotten prizes or books or promises for anyone at all... I am glad because it means I must have turned a corner in the head department.

Could it be that 60mg of Prozac is actually right for me and the old grey matter is functioning as a normal human would? Talking about Prozac... I got a new prescription on Saturday and I was prescribed ONE 60mg tablet. the cheeky swines in the chemist gave me THREE sets of 20mg ones. They had over ordered and hoped I didn't mind. Ummm... no actually because I have a bit of a bother swallowing 3 horse tablets to be fair. So I went and got them changed today and would you believe it, I got 2 tablets free!! HA HA. For someone on the make this would be a really good way huh! I thought every drug was really well accounted for and stuff. But there we go. 32 tablets instead of 30. I told them I had eaten 6 of the tablets already, so they should have given me 2 less for sure.

Anyway, whatever. Apparently 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA is a formula to pinpoint the worst day in England. For us Brit's, this formula represents

W: Weather
D: Debt
d: Money due in January pay
T: Time since Christmas
Q: Time since failed quit attempt
M: General motivational levels
NA: The need to take action

...and means that today... 21st January 2008 is the most grim day ever. Crap weather, personal debt on a developing-world scale, post-holiday blues and general apathy-inducing malaise.


All that's left of the holidays are credit card bills and an all pervasive sadness that the next holidays are too far away.

Oh no! Mine aren't though.... I go away again on Thursday! HURRAH!. So why do I feel shit?

I dunno. Apparently everyone fells shit today. Its like maths or something. But I actually feel a bit excellent. I spent the whole day in bed; well until 2pm anyway. then I got up and had soup and a roll. I took about 20 minutes to eat it and then I planned on going to work. I got to TB's house and decided to pop in for a coffee and it ended up being an hour & half chat. So missed the first lesson and had to blag some excuse and was late for 2nd and 3rd. Missed the 4th completely as couldn't be arsed and then did the 5th and 6th. Luckily I didn't have the last 2 otherwise I would have been up the proverbial creek.

So alls good. Got home and DH had made quiche (again) and I had quiche and TUNZ of salad. Yum yum. Try tomato sauce with chili mixed with salad creme... Well nice cocktail sauce with a kick. I had that on top the salad.

Then I had a bottle of wine. So todays food =

bread roll

half can Heinz mushroom soup

1/4 quiche

salad (just leaves)




Oh yeah, and a box of maltesers (750cals) I must be due on. It was an impulse purchase. Ooops.

Friday, January 18, 2008

TFI friday

Today has been random. I have felt well strange all day.
This morning I felt really sick and felt pretty like 'empty' in my tummy... but not hungry ...?
I didn't have breakfast as I didn't really know how I was feeling.

I took DH to the doctor to have his humongous inflamed bursar on his knee drained. They took 175mls of bloody stained fluid from it. It was great to watch. The doctor thought it was hilarious that I actually wanted to do it myself! DH has now got a knee, where before it looked like a watermelon under his skin.

Then I came home and did I don't know what and then i felt so grim i thought I should eat something. So i cooked some pasta with one of those dolmio stir in sauces. I didn't enjoy it, and pasta is very hard to break down with teeth. I chewed each bite well over 30 times, but it was still a little lumpy and I could feel that my band didn't like it too much, but it was tolerating it. I didn't get pain or need to be sick, so i carried on.

Eating did NOT make me feel better. In fact I think it made me feel slightly worse. I went to bed for a sleep before I had to go and do my lessons. I was so NOT going to cancel them! I am in such a good place in my head with my teaching at the minute that I don't want to wreck it. I So I slept, and when I woke I had to jump out of bed, throw my glasses on and go to work. No time even for a drink! I felt ok at first and then slowly the sickly feeling came on again. Felt dodgy all afternoon and then had a cup of tea at my last pupils and a biscuit and knew I was gonna throw. I had to use their toilet and felt horrible. Anyway... it happens.

So got back and felt awful... but I was starving. DH had made quiche and jacket potato with cheese and pickle. A slightly odd combo but edible nonetheless. I had the quiche and knew there was no way, even if I waited, that i would do the jacket potato. No way. About 5 minutes after I stopped eating and DH had taken my plate out, it was up the stairs to bring it all back up again.

So food wise its been a bit weird.
pasta, dolmio sauce, half a quiche (less the sicked up bit).

Not a good day...

Walking for Weight Loss

I linked to this walking success stories site a couple of years ago, but it's worth another look because there are so many good and inspiring stories in one place here. They are all about people who experienced weight loss success by beginning a walking program. Check it out!

The photo of people walking in Central Park in New York is by Pamela White.