Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dear Diary... 103 days after band was fixed

1 poached egg on 1 piece of toast.

Well that's what it tried to be. I am still struggling to keep it down right now at midday!
As you can see half a yolk, and less than half a slice of toast.


A small plate of pasta with garlic and mayonnaise and Parmesan


1/4 quiche and peas and sweetcorn.

Total calories today 818.

Another good day!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Todays update 1 year 4 days after banding...

Today has been cool once again. In reality and in the emotive.


1 Ye Olde Oak Hot dog
1 finger roll
tomato sauce

Gypsy roast and peas.

1 Pear

I am seriously LOVING my band at the moment. I might consider proposing to it is so damn great.

Today's calories were 691.

I have not been too hungry... just the what I consider to be 'normal' feeling of wanting a meal soon. This is an absolute miracle for me.

I must admit I don't count my milk that I have in coffee's, but its skimmed and not a great deal. Probably a pint a day if that.

So apart from being the coldest day ever this year, where even the snowmen stayed in doors, it has been pretty darn chill on the food front too.

I am off to bed now to catch up on some reading.


Ron Lester Talks Weight Loss Surgery

Ron Lester has lost almost 350 pounds. He used to weigh 508. He chose the weight loss surgery route. About seven years ago he went in for a gastric bypass surgery operation. Since then in his early and mid thirties, he has undergone 17 plastic surgeries to remove his excess skin.

Lester was interviewed this morning on the Today Show. He's also featured today on the Inside Edition at 4:30pm on CBS. Lastly, you can catch him on the newstands this week in People Magazine, page 105.

He's got a website at Ron Lester Online. Here you can see a video bio of his acting history and hear about his weight loss journey. (Check his videos page for more good bio perspectives.) He's best known for his role in the film Varsity Blues but he is finding it difficult to change identities in Hollywood now. He has had to change agents as he is is no longer the 'new John Candy' and he needs to find new roles that suit his new identity.

Just a quicky...

I weighed this morning, even though I wasn't going to. I vowed I would NEVER hear 17 stone something again... so being on the 2nd day into the monthly curse of all women I really thought that I would have gained.

Jumped on, at DH's insistence and was stunned to have lost another 1/2 pound.

I don't think that has EVER happened at this dreaded time. Also it was really sneaky this month... I had no prior warning and I didn't feel the need to binge out... or kill everyone within 100 metres...

So I was pleased to now weigh in at 16 stone 12 and a half pounds. 15 and a half lost. YAY

I am not going to weigh again until next Monday now because I really like doing it weekly and seeing a good result. I find that sometimes if I hop on and off each day I get downhearted. I don't want to stop that buzz feeling I have right now.

Going to the doctors this morning to get some more pills and also see if I can get something to sort my awful puss filled spotty face! It must be a result of the different/lack of foods...? any ideas? Also BIG blind spots, yuk! Not enjoyable, just painful and annoying.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Not a lot to report... but will do it anyway

Or maybe, actually there is...?
Yesterday we went down to my Mum and Dad's. We had a really cool time. My brother and his fiancee came over for lunch and then my brother asked DH to be his Best Man. How lovely is that? DH has obviously known him for years - my brother was just 16 when we got together - but we never thought he would ask him. My brother has so many friends, but apparently none he can truely rely on sincerely on the big day. I thought that that was really sweet. DH was really blown away too.

So DH is Best Man and DS is a Paige boy! I am not doing anything THANK GOODNESS! I am already planning my WOW factor as I am hoping beyond all hope to be nicely along in my weight loss expedition. The last time I saw everyone was at my brothers engagement party. I was pre band then too... so about 18 stone. I am hoping that I will at least have lost another stone before August, and the way things are going with my FABULOUS band, I think I might just pull that off!!!

My Dad has also bought a Sinclair C5. Remember them? I cant believe he has bought one, but he has much to DS's delight! He's got it going and has driven it up the road and stuff. Its in incredibly great nick. I have always wondered what they were like in real life. Your legs go over the handlebars and you steer it from close to your hips. Its a really strange thing. But, if you thought I was crazy... then you might get an idea where I get it from now!

So, yeah, yesterday was really great. Food wise I wasn't very happy with myself. For breakfast I had half a tin of mixed bean salad (140cals) and then when we got to my Mum and Dad's we had coffee and I had a shortbread biscuit. It got a little bit stuck, but soon passed. For lunch everyone had pizza and chips, but I had pasta with a stir in sauce and roasted vegetables. Totally fine. After initially tuning down ice cream, I succumbed as everyone was being offered seconds and had 1 scoop. Its amazing how SIT this makes you feel. Such guilt from something so tiny. Our minds are powerful things. By this time I thought I might as well go and shove my head in a gas oven and ate 6 sugarland chews from lidl - a bit like starburst. Then later when we got back from the suit fitting for the wedding (luck DH said yes to being best man huh!!!??!!) I had another shortbread biscuit with coffee. Then for tea Mum brought out hot cross buns, lemon drizzle cake, cream sponge cake, wagon wheels, bread and butter. Oh my.

Initially I was scared. Because I am *Paranoid Pants* I thought, maybe my band is broken and I am gonna get fat again, so I tucked into a hot cross bun. I ate 1 hot cross bun. Half a bun at a time. I was then - swear to God - worried that I was right and my band had indeed broken. WHY? I dunno!! So I ate a bit of lemon drizzle cake. then rushed to the kitchen sink! Puked up the cake and felt miserable, but glad to know my band was there. I kid you not, I really do go through these crisis moments thinking because I have been able to eat something that I maybe should not have had, the band must have stuffed up again. I am such an idiot.

Anyway, tea was over with. Another coffee and shortbread biscuit and we were on our way home. On the drive home I ate another 12 - 15 chews. Felt thoroughly miserable with myself and had convinced myself that I had overeaten and RUINED the whole weeks good work. We got home at about 10:30 and went straight to bed.

Then this morning, I got up and had some weetabix. I managed 2 spoonfuls, and I was done.

It was after this that I decided to face the music on The Daily Plate and add up my calories. I entered absolutely everything and I was GOBSMACKED to find that I only consumed 1200cals. That's after all the sweets and stuff too!! I really thought it was gonna say 3000 or something. That is what it would have said PRE banding. Goes to show really. I felt awful for no reason. I will try and remember this lesson.

So on this happy note, I made lunch at about 1pm and I ate 1 and a half chipolata sausages and 1 friend egg and 1 spoon of baked beans.

Then I went to get something out of the freezer and guess what. EVERYTHING WAS DEFROSTED. AGAIN!!! That's twice in 4 months. So I have spent the whole afternoon cooking. The switch for the freezer got knocked off whilst decorating and must have been off for at least 2 days. I have lost ALL my soups I made and had in store - Borscht, pea soup, chicken soup, lentil soup etc. I had 3 bags of prawns, 8 large lamb chops, mince, fish, 8 chicken breasts and bread rolls, bread and pastry etc.

So I have made a chicken and onion pie, a Chicken and butternut squash pie - that's the chicken and pastry taken care of. I have made a cottage pie too and 5 fisherman's pies. I have thrown a whole bag of sprouts out. What a nightmare. I am just glad it wasn't stocked to the brim. It is bad enough having to throw away all that home made soup. GRRRRRRRR

So by the time it came to eat dinner this evening, I seriously couldn't face it. I cooked lamb chops, parsnip and carrots, but I ended up leaving it for DH. I had a quarter of cheese and tomato quiche instead.

So today's calories have been 645. I am off to bed now. Back to work tomorrow. *sigh*

From Size 30 to Size 4

Lynne used to wear a size 30 or even 32. She now wears sizes 4 and 6. She weighed 296 pounds in January 2005 and got down to her goal weight of 129 pounds by March 2007. She is 5'5" tall.

Her first step was to join a Weight Watchers online group. Months later she started walking one mile a day around a track. Now she's a vegetarian and works out five days a week.

About exercise she says;

The best part about exercise when I started is that my weight-loss went into high gear. I started posting 2+-pound losses almost every week for the first six weeks. Even after that, my losses were usually in the 1- to 2-pound range. Because of exercise, I have a flat stomach (even though I have some loose skin), strong arms, toned legs, and a buttload of energy every day.

She also has an online support group on her blog for other people who'd like to lose weight and are seeking online support and friendship.

It's hard to believe she's a grandmother. See more amazing before and after photos at her site.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Charlie Brooks Loses 30 Pounds

Charlie Brooks is a famous actress in the UK. In 2004, after having a baby, she weighed 168 at her height of 5'5". In 2005 she decided to hire a personal trainer and do 'a before and after workout' video. Over the next month, as she worked out two or three times a week, she lost about 14 pounds. By the end of the video she had lost about 30 pounds.

She says her workout DVD is different because it is not some famous star doing a workout video where they start out super slim and finish super slim. In her video you actually see the weight loss transformation take place.

Unfortunately, her video, which is quite popular in the UK, (and on Amazon.co.uk) is not available on Amazon.com, although you can find about 1,900 other workout videos there.