Monday, February 25, 2008

New Features for WLS Cooks

Greetings.Our new LivingAfterWLS Food Editor, Celadon (aka Barbara Gibbons) has been busy improving the functionality and content of our Community Kitchen Forum. Keeping with the LivingAfterWLS core value of education and understanding Celadon has established several informative conversations:Celadon's Product ReviewsAsk Celadon: Expert Advice for your Cooking QuandriesVegetable of the

My Husband Makes Me Fat

My eating habits are quite different than they would be if I was single. My husband is a meat and potatoes man. He also loves bread, deli meats and fatty spaghetti. He definitely does not like grated carrot salad or tofu or yogurt. He is slim by the way, and always has been. (He burns off a lot of calories as his work is physical).

If I served brown rice and fish or lentil soup for dinner more than once a month there would be some kind of revolt in this household. I'm just kidding that he makes me fat. But I am quite sure I'd lose 15 pounds quite quickly if I lived on my own.

That's why it was refreshing to read Siditty's take on meals and marriage. She refuses to eat like her husband. If he doesn't want what she's making, he can help himself to his preferred food in the fridge. She tried eating like him for a while, but gained a lot of weight. Now they eat completely different meals.

It's refreshing to read this, but I don't think I could pull it off around here...

She also writes;

My husband grew up in a household of overweight people. His mother, stepfather, and his brothers were all overweight. His mother and stepfather both had gastric bypass. My husband and his brother lost weight on Atkins. The husband at one time was overweight and lost over 80 pounds and now he is uber hot and stuff, but he has been gaining weight as of recent due to reverting back to his old diet. His diet consists of nothing but carbs and fat. Pizza or pizza rolls every night for dinner. Cereal for breakfast, wendy's or some other restaurant for lunch, and miscellaneous junk food throughout the day.

See her interesting story here.

Best £100 ever spent


...TO THIS IN 4 Days

An amazing transformation £25 on ceramic door knobs and £75 on really good paint and varnish and primer etc. DH finally put on the kick boards and even filled in the missing bits of cupboard after just 7 years! I now have my new kitchen.

Weigh in day... yay!

Another 1 and a half pounds bite the dust!
Weight this week is 16 stone 11 pounds - a fabulous 17 pounds down.

I never really talk about my exercise, mainly because I don't really do any specific classes, or workouts or set things. But I have worked my butt off the last two weeks.

I am not one of these people who sit about or walk slowly. In the last 2 weeks I have re decorated our 4th bedroom, tiled and decorated the utility room and now re painted the kitchen and helped TB paint the cupboards. these things work up a serious sweat and make my poor body ache like crazy, so guess I am doing enough exercise.

This year alone I have completely renovated our downstairs and also built a swimming pool in the garden. I think that's quite a lot for a lass. But daily, I guess you could say I get a sweat on each day doing something... cleaning, walking, dashing from house to house for lessons, shouting at DH/Ds for something :o) or whatever.

I know a lot of people say this, but I really don't have time for the gym or a yoga class or whatever. I work at the wrong times for that. Its why I never get to see any TV shows and have to record anything I want to watch. Working from 3 until 10pm everyday kind of puts paid to going to an evening class or workout.

As you know, during the day, I have DS and we are schooling and doing stuff. I cant do it then either. So bike rides, roller skating and walking are what we like best.

Seeing as i never mention an 'exercise' I thought I better let ya'll know why.

will update later

Friday, February 22, 2008

OK, this is now MORE than perculiar...

Right now I am eating 2 fromage frais and a yoghurt because I have had hardly anything to eat today.

This morning I got up and went into town about some paint that needed changing. I took my tablets before I went and when I got back I picked up TB on the way through and started on the kitchen painting again. It got to about 2pm and I hadnt eaten anything. We are out of most things... I SERIOUSLY need to shop, but just cant be bothered. so I rummaged in the fridge.

I asked TB if she wanted to eat anything, and I thought I could make an omlette or something. But she said she didnt want anything and wasnt hungry... DH and DS had already had a couple of ham rolls each...

I looked around the fridge. I wasnt particularly hungry either, but I was goign to work shortly so I thought I had better eat something. I grabbed 2 carrots from the bag and ate them. They were hard work actually. I was full after finishing them too.

Then I went to work, came back and the kitchen is in chaos, so I said to DH to order a curry. He did, and when it came I sat down to eat too. I gave myslef a 1/4 naan bread, 2 large inch cubes of chicken and a tabespoon of rice and some curry sauce. I actually ate half the rice, 2 bites of naan and 1 cube of chicken. Then after feeling quite uncomfortable for 10 minutes had to go and spew in the sink. It was just saliva it seemed... so at least the food stayed down.

So then I carried on in the kitchen with TB and its got to half 12 and I am updating my daily plate... when I add up my calories...

Oh. I have eaten 288 cals today. That's seriously bad right?

Does anyone else have this 'problem'? I just didn't feel very hungry today. Simple as. But that has got to be strange. So I am eating another 300 cals just so my body doesn't think its throat has been cut. I don't know if that's the good thing to do or not, but I don't think I want to exist on less than 300 cals.

OMG 300 cals. How is that possible...?!?!

Ok, now its 242 more as I ate the yoghurt's all up like a good girl.

today's total cals: 530

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Most perculiar day post 6.1ml

Today has been... random.

I took my Prozac and my antibiotic and then gulped down my vitamin before I thought to break it in two... Instantly felt sick, but just did NOT have time to be. So I got in the car and drive to town. well that was the plan. I got half way there and had to pull in to an industrial estate and hurl my gut's up in a layby infront of a selection of builders.

"Gets better after the 4th month love!" was the chorus.

HA HA. Yeah whatever dudes. Its a lap band. Not that you'd know what that is. They didn't. Great, so I look like a complete tool.

This pissed me off really bad. I have been really really really really (did I say really?) broody. I can't have any more children. If I could have, then I would have about 5 by now no worries. However, I was sterilized at the tender age of 22 because of a blood thing that I have got. Its just too darn risky for me. I nearly died having DS as it is. That's enough chances for me thanks.

So, as DS is now 9, and not particularly enjoying the mass hugs and snogs and slobbers that he has to endure daily, I really miss a little baby munchkin to smother with love. DS puts up with it, but its like "Awww MUM!"

So I was in a happy mood. Came home and looked at ebay for a while and ate a yoghurt and watched a bit of Jeremy Kyle... and then TB phoned and said she was coming over to paint my kitchen. So I went over and picked her and the paint up and we came back and got cracking. So I spent a pleasant 3 hours scrubbing and prepping my kitchen.

DH and DS, my sister and Carina all had fish and chips from the chip shop. I was busy scrubbing and didn't bother eating. TB didn't have anything either; just carried on working.

I was getting ready to go to work a little bit later and I grabbed the half of fishcake that DS hadn't finished. That was me full. On the way to work it dawned on me that I had only eaten a yoghurt and half a fish cake. Oh dear.

At my second pupils I get a cup of tea and a cake. I ate a bit if the cake and realised that it wasn't going to stay put. I quietly and with as much dignity as I could, made my excuses and went to the bathroom to hurl. Goodness knows what they thought. Ho Hum. No more cake. Just drank the tea.

So I Got back from work at 7:30pm and, not surprisingly, I was not hungry. So I immediately started to rub down the units in the kitchen and fill some holes and things. DH made me a coffee. He said he wasn't hungry because of the chips earlier, so I didn't bother to cook. I grabbed a yoghurt at 9 and have just finished that.

Today's food has been poor to say the least, and minimal for sure. 450 cals have been consumed if I count a whole fishcake, because I cant exactly know how many calories are in a chip shop fish cake. I chose one with the most calories and counted that. I would rather over estimate than under estimate and not be able to work out why I don't lose weight.

But I get a suspicion that this weight lark is not going to be the problem that it has been in the past! I love my band. I can honestly say that I don't feel hungry and I feel well and not dizzy or weak or anything either. Hope it lasts.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ra.... where is the sun?

I am feeling really down without any sun. Its been proper grim round here for the last week. Its just freezing and all I want to do is snuggle up in my pyjamas and lie in bed.

However, I haven't done that. I had to get up this morning to iron DH's shirt as he was running late. Then I did a few bits and bobs and put things on ebay after I cleared out a load of my clothes and stuff. Carina was a real help as she measure them all and told me stuff whilst I listed them. Over 40 items. Phew!

Then I went to work, bla bla.

So foodwise...

Nothing again

1/3rd tin baked beans on 1 slice toast with grated cheese.

Home made cottage pie. About 2 decks of cards in size... less than shop bought packet one anyway. However, I seriously couldnt be bothered to count the individual calories, so I counted it as 299 like a shop bought one! Mine would be less than that because it was extra lean mince, no fat added and only onion, peas and carrots and then potato on top.

Todays cals 591.
Woo Hoo.