Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yet another day off work...

I am getting cheesed off with being in pain. I had to take today off work because I knew I would not handle it. That's £90 down the Swanee. Anyway, no matter what happens, I am working tomorrow because I just have to. Its not possible for me to keep losing money like this. A fill costs me about £300 by the time I am over it all!

So to update you about the food..
This week, on top of the 1000 cals a day given to me by the Diet Chef meals, this week I have had:
2 wholemeal pitta
cheese and onion sandwich filler
bacon and cheese sandwich filler
3 banana's
about 5 fromage frais with fruit pulp
2 bread sticks
orange juice
milk for my many coffee's
2 large gherkin's
2 cardamom muffins that I made (small cup cake size)

I think that's about it. Absolutely no wine *SHOCK HORROR* or sweets or anything really really bad. Its amazing how guilty I feel just eating the above in excess of the Diet Chef meals, even though all the veg are allowed and honestly a couple of bread sticks and a muffin aren't going to make me a heifer are they!

I am kind of looking forward to seeing how much I have lost on Friday. I can feel it in my face along my jaw that its not so pudgy. It had got a little pudgy from the 1 stone weight gain, and this seems to be where it went and where its gone from first again. I would rather it came off my bum, but then I guess more people look at my face than my bum these days anyway!

The housemates:
We currently have 3 extra housemates... Sue, long term lodger that she is, Nicky from Korea has now been here 1 month - that's gone really quick - and Heather a girl from Birmingham who is here doing some work experience after finishing her degree, to help her get a job. Personally I thought that was what the degree was for, but apparently degrees are as common as fag butts outside the local pub on a Friday night!

I feel quite exclusive not having a degree... maybe that's why I actually have a job! I wish I didn't have to have a job though. I hate work with a passion. I want to be a Mum and that's it. If DH ever gets a good job again (unlikely) then I am quiting. I bring home quite a nice amount of cash, but after you take out petrol money and books and stuff like that, I am getting a pretty thankless wage for a really hard and skilled job. I cant bring myself to put my prices up either as I feel terrible about it.

Anyway, I am off to bed now and I am SO having a lie in in the morning.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bits about my band...

Well, as you all know I had a band fill on Sunday. I have updated my weightloss on the ticker at the top of my page because I want to see the results for real rather that live in cuckoo land, and I have edited the weight record too.

So, now I am at 7mls, how do I feel? Well, I'm not hungry. I haven't HMS'd or PB'd either.

I have joined a new scheme. Originally I bought it from a company called Diet Chef. I thought it would be the same as that diet I tried several years ago (see very old posts) called Body Chef, where they deliver your food ready to be cooked all in a ha,per 2 times a week and you just munch your way through it. This was before I had my band obviously. However, Diet chef is slightly different. It gives you a breakfast, snack, lunch and evening meal for £190 a month. Now, that is a lot of money to stump up at once, but I bit the bullet and went for it because I wanted to have food ready for this month so that I can really push ahead and go for it to lose the excess I have put on during my time 'sans saline'.

This is what you get:

You have 125ml milk allowance and you can have any amount of veg with your main meal as long as its not potatoes or high cal ones.

I started on Friday, and was hungry several times during the day, even though I had a banana and also a pitta bread with my soup. Saturday was the same, and I was very hungry between meals, but forced myself to stick with it. Sunday was a different story. Obviously I had my fill in the morning, so couldn't eat anything before that, and I was STARVING when I went in to see Wendy, but afterwards I was not hungry. I had half my snack bar, plus several soft drinks during the day and then my dinner when I got in... just the packet amount nothing extra, and I felt fine. I didn't even have my soup. Yesterday was good too. I had my soup for breakfast, granola for lunch, snack in the afternoon and dinner in the evening with a corn on the cob. I did not feel hungry all day.

BUT, now I know what is in the Diet chef meal box... WHEN WILL THESE PEOPLE LEARN... I can now buy it individually MUCH cheaper. I can buy (including shipping):

32 packets of Lizzi's Granola for £15.51

( )

36 (not just 28) Nakd bars in 4 different flavours for just £22.00

( )

28 packets of soups in 4 flavours for just £44.52

28 packet meals in 11 different flavours for under £82.00

( both from )

Which is a total of £164. That will save me a nice £36 a month. So guess what I will be doing?

This is much cheaper than Slimfast or Lighter Life, tastes great and is REAL food where you can still get your veg in as well. All the food is really wholesome and made from 'happy' animals who go to the slaughter house with a smile on their face and a wink in their eye and all that tripe too apparently...

However, I have been in EXCRUCIATING AGONY since Sunday evening. I seem to be a person who suffers big time when they have a fill. So, after spending all of yesterday in bed - literally high on codeine, I went to the doctors and have been prescribed antibiotics because the scar is swollen and inflamed and red rimmed. Not the best picture in the world, but you can see its not flat like it should be...

I have no idea why this has to happen to me, but it just does. Each fill I have seems to give me more and more pain. I had yesterday off work, and today too. I just NEED this thing to get a move on and help me to stay hunger free. I really truly am fed up now and I want to get cracking. I am glad I purchased the monthly food package, because it means I have food right there, right now, right when I need it and I don't have to just grab something.

I actually just eaten some of my Nakd bar. I started to feel a bit peckish (it's just gone 2pm), and I have only been able to eat 3/4 of it and then had to stop. Too big bites I think, and had to HMS - the residual effects are subsiding right now and I will finish the rest of the bar off in 10 minutes or so.

It's funny, because it is not food that regurgitates, but saliva. I seem to stop eating when I have had enough and my mouth seems to make more saliva and it is this that eventually made me have to be sick. That was what came up anyway, not the bar!

These bars are yummy! The chocolate one is my favorite. It's that raw chocolate taste... slightly bitter/sour and I love it. Its like having something naughty. They are completely uncooked, totally raw food which is great and very filling. Considering they are only 100 cals each the sustenance you get from them is much more than any other 'bar' I have tried. I like the Kellog's Special K breakfast bars... but only because of taste. They don't touch the sides or keep me full or anything. There is a hell of a lot of nutrition in these too and they are low in their glycemic load.

Anyway, am off to bed for a sleep as my guts are out of control with pain.

Carbohydrate Withdrawal & Nausea

Carbohydrate Withdrawal and Nausea(from the forthcoming 5 Day Pouch Test Handbook)If you notice symptoms of carbohydrate withdrawal you can eat a small piece of melon, some berries, an apple or orange. Any low-glycemic fruit or vegetable will reduce the symptoms of carbohydrate withdrawal.You may also try a dose of Emergen-C, which should reduce headache, dizziness or cramping from carbohydrate

Trick or Treat Neighborhood Swap

Are you ready for some Tricks or Treats?Join the Neighborhood Halloween Trick'n Treat Swap!Add your name to this thread and you get a treat for your trick!And we are not talking candy corn here!Learn More Here: LivingAfterWLS Trick or Treat Swap!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Right then...

Here's all kinds of news:

My Dad -

On Sunday we went down to Chichester to see him. As we walked around the door into the ward he was standing up helping some other patient to get their television working! Can you believe it. 2 weeks ago we thought he was going to die, and now he is back being his normal helpful self!

He is painfully thin and grey looking, very weak of voice and a little bit doddery on the ole' pegs, but its my Dad again rather than the hot, puffed up slightly jaundiced unconscious lump that he was 2 weeks ago. He looks old though. As soon as he gets back from hospital I am sure he will gain all the weight again and fill out his gaunt face and stuff. Its amazing what 3 weeks being fed by a tube can do to you - an option I have not yet explored HA HA.

So for all of you who have been so supportive, and keeping my spirits up, things are definitely looking better now.

It looks like he will be coming home possibly the end of the week, but we don't want to push it. If they don't suggest it again, then we wont ask. Its better to make sure he is totally fine before being released into the world again. He will be coming home with a portable VAC machine which is what is being used to close his wounds. They are not sewing him up because a lot of necrotic tissue was removed and so he has to grow some new skin to close the wound himself. Its an amazing machine.

If you are squeamish, then don't read any more..

Step 1
The foam dressing is cut to the approximate size of the wound with scissors and placed gently into position
Step 2
The perforated drain tube is then located on top of the foam and a second piece of foam placed over the top. For shallower wounds, a single piece of foam may be used and the drainage tube is inserted inside it.
Step 3
The foam, together with the first few inches of the drainage tube and the surrounding area of healthy skin, is then covered with the adhesive transparent membrane supplied. At this stage it is important to ensure that the membrane forms a good seal both with the skin and the drainage tube.

Step 4
The distal end of the drain is connected to the VAC unit, which is programmed to produce the required level of pressure.

Step 5
Once the vacuum is switched on, the air is sucked out of the foam causing it to collapse inwards drawing the edges of the wound in with it.
Step 6
Fluid within the wound is taken up by the foam and transported into the disposable container within the main vacuum unit.

My Dads wound is obviously a LOT bigger than this. These sponge things come in all kinds of sizes which is great and as the 'juices' from the wound that make scabs and new skin are sucked from the bottom to the surface the skin gets a fresh supply of this wonder serum which basically grows you a new tummy! Amazing, and all natural basically.

He is now only on Paracetamol regularly, and in no pain at all.


We have 6 beautiful kittens and they are all so gorgeous and all of them have already been sold can you believe!

This is the most beautiful photo of 'BOB' as named by his new owners.

I will add a photo of each one this time so that I can remember them forever. I wont be keeping any of this litter which is a real shame as they are so amazingly cute!

Onto the band... well I am going to put a post about that later on today. Just to whet your appetite, I am strangely worried about it all...

Paleolithic Diet Clinical Trials Part II

There were a number of remarkable changes in both trials. I'll focus mostly on Dr. Lindeberg's trial because it was longer and better designed. The first thing I noticed is that caloric intake dropped dramatically in both trials, -36% in the first trial and a large but undetermined amount in Dr Lindeberg's. The Mediterranean diet group ended up eating 1,795 calories per day, while the paleolithic dieters ate 1,344. In both studies, participants were allowed to eat as much as they wanted, so those reductions were purely voluntary.

This again agrees with the theory that certain grains (wheat) promote hyperphagia, or excessive eating. It's the same thing you see in low-carbohydrate diet trials, such as
this one, which also reduce grain intake. The participants in Lindeberg's study were borderline obese. When you're overweight and your body resets its fat mass set-point due to an improved diet, fatty acids come pouring out of fat tissue and you don't need as many calories to feel satisfied. Your diet is supplemented by generous quantities of lard. Your brain decreases your calorie intake until you approach your new set-point.

That's what I believe happened here. The paleolithic group supplemented their diet with 3.9 kg of their own rump fat over the course of 12 weeks, coming out to 30,000 additional calories, or 357 calories a day. Not quite so spartan when you think about it like that.

The most remarkable thing about Lindeberg's trial was the fact that
the 14 people in the paleolithic group, 2 of which had moderately elevated fasting blood glucose and 10 of which had diabetic fasting glucose, all ended up with normal fasting glucose after 12 weeks. That is truly amazing. The mediterranean diet worked also, but only in half as many participants.

If you look at their glucose tolerance by an oral glocose tolerance test (OGTT), the paleolithic diet group improved dramatically. Their rise in blood sugar after the OGTT (fasting BG subtracted out) was 76% less at 2 hours. If you look at the graph, they were basically back to fasting glucose levels at 2 hours, whereas before the trial they had only dropped slightly from the peak at that timepoint. The mediterranean diet group saw no significant improvement in fasting blood glucose or the OGTT. Lindeberg is pretty modest about this finding, but he essentially cured type II diabetes and glucose intolerance in 100% of the paleolithic group.

Fasting insulin, the insulin response to the OGTT and insulin sensitivity improved in the paleolithic diet whereas only insulin sensitivity improved significantly in the Mediterranean diet.
Fasting insulin didn't decrease as much as I would have thought, only 16% in the paleolithic group.

Another interesting thing is that the paleolithic group lost more belly fat than the Mediterranean group, as judged by waist circumference. This is the
most dangerous type of fat, which is associated with, and contributes to, insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. Guess what food belly fat was associated with when they analyzed the data? The strongest association was with grain consumption (probably mostly wheat), and the association remained even after adjusting for carbohydrate intake. In other words, the carbohydrate content of grains does not explain their association with belly fat because "paleo carbs" didn't associate with it. The effect of the paleolithic diet on glucose tolerance was also not related to carbohydrate intake.

So in summary, the "Mediterranean diet" may be healthier than a typical Swedish diet, while a diet loosely modeled after a paleolithic diet kicks both of their butts around the block. My opinion is that it's probably due to eliminating wheat, substantially reducing refined vegetable oils and dumping the processed junk in favor of real, whole foods.
Here's a zinger from the end of the paper that sums it up nicely (emphasis mine):
The larger improvement of glucose tolerance in the Paleolithic group was independent of energy intake and macronutrient composition, which suggests that avoiding Western foods is more important than counting calories, fat, carbohydrate or protein. The study adds to the notion that healthy diets based on whole-grain cereals and low-fat dairy products are only the second best choice in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Awful/Great = Hmmm

I am feeling really odd. I feel terrible about my weight, but Great about the new possibilities.

I went to WLS clinic on Sunday en-route to the hospital where my Dad is.

I weighed in at 16 stone 8 pounds. That's just gruesome, but basically I have put on a stone since my un-fill. It could have been a hell of a lot worse!

I told her all about how I was feeling - very unrestricted, hungry etc. I told her how I had committed to my weight loss again by ordering a months supply of food from Diet Chef. They provide you with breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner of wholesome low Gi food for £190 a month. Its not necessary to keep it in the fridge or freezer - you just store it in the cupboard and it should be 1200 cals a day if you stick to it. It turns out its actually 1000 cals a day, but they allow you some fresh fruit and veg to bulk it all up.

I told her how I thought that I needed a big whack this time because I had not noticed any difference after any of my subsequent fill and that frankly I am running out of cash (not just for the fills, but for petrol to poxy London and back and the week off work recuperation!)

She has given me 0.7mls this time. this takes me to 7mls total in my band which is half a ml more than I had in there before she removed 1ml on August 10th. So it really seems like it was Malta that messed my restriction up. It just got so aggravated that it was a vicious cycle.

Anyway, so far so good. I never do that whole liquids thing because I just can't face it, and I want to know quickly whether or not I have restriction. Well, when I compare how I felt on my new Diet Chef meals on Friday and Saturday to how I felt yesterday and today, there is a big difference. I am FULL! I was literally starving hungry on the other days, but I haven't had a single hunger pang today.

So hopefully everything will start to get back on track.
