Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tropical Plant Fats: Coconut Oil, Part I

Traditional Uses for Coconut

Coconut palms are used for a variety of purposes throughout the tropics. Here are a few quotes from the book Polynesia in Early Historic Times:
Most palms begin to produce nuts about five years after germination and continue to yield them for forty to sixty years at a continuous (i.e., nonseasonal) rate, producing about fifty nuts a year. The immature nut contains a tangy liquid that in time transforms into a layer of hard, white flesh on the inner surface of the shell and, somewhat later, a spongy mass of embryo in the nut's cavity. The liquid of the immature nut was often drunk, and the spongy embryo of the mature nut often eaten, raw or cooked, but most nuts used for food were harvested after the meat had been deposited and before the embryo had begun to form...

After the nut had been split, the most common method of extracting its hardened flesh was by scraping it out of the shell with a saw-toothed tool of wood, shell, or stone, usually lashed to a three-footed stand. The shredded meat was then eaten either raw or mixed with some starchy food and then cooked, or had its oily cream extracted, by some form of squeezing, for cooking with other foods or for cosmetic or medical uses...

Those Polynesians fortunate enough to have coconut palms utilized their components not only for drink and food-- in some places the most important, indeed life-supporting food-- but also for building-frames, thatch, screens, caulking material, containers, matting, cordage, weapons, armor, cosmetics, medicine, etc.
Mainstream Ire

Coconut fat is roughly 90 percent saturated, making it one of the most highly saturated fats on the planet. For this reason, it has been the subject of grave pronouncements by health authorities over the course of the last half century, resulting in its near elimination from the industrial food system. If the hypothesis that saturated fat causes heart disease and other health problems is correct, eating coconut oil regularly should tuck us in for a very long nap.

Coconut Eaters

As the Polynesians spread throughout the Eastern Pacific islands, they encountered shallow coral atolls that were not able to sustain their traditional starchy staples, taro, yams and breadfruit. Due to its extreme tolerance for poor, salty soils, the coconut palm was nearly the only food crop that would grow on these islands*. Therefore, their inhabitants lived almost exclusively on coconut and seafood for hundreds of years.

One group of islands that falls into this category is Tokelau, which fortunately for us was the subject of a major epidemiological study that spanned the years 1968 to 1982: the Tokelau Island Migrant Study (1). By this time, Tokelauans had managed to grow some starchy foods such as taro and breadfruit (introduced in the 20th century by Europeans), as well as obtaining some white flour and sugar, but their calories still came predominantly from coconut.

Over the time period in question, Tokelauans obtained roughly half their calories from coconut, placing them among the most extreme consumers of saturated fat in the world. Not only was their blood cholesterol lower than the average Westerner, but their hypertension rate was low, and physicians found no trace of previous heart attacks by ECG (age-adjusted rates: 0.0% in Tokelau vs 3.5% in Tecumseh USA). Migrating to New Zealand and cutting saturated fat intake in half was associated with a rise in ECG signs of heart attack (1.0% age-adjusted) (2, 3).

Diabetes was low in men and average in women by modern Western standards, but increased significantly upon migration to New Zealand and reduction of coconut intake (4). Non-migrant Tokelauans gained body fat at a slower rate than migrants, despite higher physical activity in the latter (5). Together, this evidence seriously challenges the idea that coconut is unhealthy.

The Kitavans also eat an amount of coconut fat that would make Dr. Ancel Keys blush. Dr. Staffan Lindeberg found that they got 21% of their 2,200 calories per day from fat, nearly all of which came from coconut. They were getting 17% of their calories from saturated fat; 55% more than the average American. Dr. Lindeberg's detailed series of studies found no trace of coronary heart disease or stroke, nor any obesity, diabetes or senile dementia even in the very old (6, 7).

Of course, the Tokelauans, Kitavans and other traditional cultures were not eating coconut in the form of refined, hydrogenated coconut oil cake icing. That distinction will be important when I discuss what the biomedical literature has to say in the next post.

* Most also had pandanus palms, which are also tolerant of poor soils and whose fruit provided a small amount of starch and sugar.

Cranberries: Flush out Fats from Your System

cranberries flush out fats and lose weight

Flush out Fats from your system with Cranberries.

Cranberries contain ascorbic acid, a nutrient that thins liver bile so fat can be broken down more quickly, and that allows fat to be flushed out of the system so it is not stored in cells.

More health benefits of Cranberries:
Cranberries contain high amount of antioxidants (five times as much as broccoli). A mere 100 grams of cranberries make up for around 15% of our daily need of fiber and vitamin C. They also provide essential dietary mineral, manganese and other micronutrients in a balanced amount.


Get a Taut tummy just be eating Cranberries

Milk: Lose More Weight and Burn More Fat

milk for weight loss

Lose more weight and burn more fat by drinking milk

People pursuing a healthy weight could lose more weight and burn more fat:

by including 24 ounces a day of low-fat or fat-free milk in their reduced-calorie diet, instead of 8 ounces or less, studies suggest.

Drink a small glass (8 oz.) of milk at each meal. Or work milk into your diet by pouring it on your cereal (4 oz.), having a latte (10 oz.), and making soup with milk (10 oz.). It all adds up to healthy weight loss.

Feel Full Longer with these Foods

feel full weight loss foods

Feel Full Longer without Packing on Pounds with these Foods

Apples are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that slows the digestive process, so you'll feel full on less food. The result: You'll eat just enough food to make you happy, reducing calorie intake.

Feel full longer with Peanuts - These meaty nuggets are an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fats, which fill you up without packing on pounds.

More reason to eat Peanuts:
Fight Anemia with Peanuts - the high amount of folate in this snack contributes to the production of iron-rich red blood cells that boost stamina and endurance.

Satisfy sweet cravings and keep your stomach full longer by eating all-natural fruits.

Fill up on Fiber - Foods rich in fiber will make you feel satisfied and help curb your appetite, helping you to lose weight fast and safely - so make sure to pack your diet with fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Boost Protein Intake and Lose almost a Pound a Week

eat protein to lose weight

Eat more protein to lose weight

Cut Daily Calorie Intake by 440-enough to Lose almost a pound a week by boosting protein intake.

By boosting your protein intake from the typical 15% of total calories to 30%, you may be able to cut your daily calorie intake by 440-enough to lose almost a pound a week without hunger helping you lose weight, according to a recent University of Washigton study.

"A high-protein diet appears to fool the brain into thinking you've eaten more than you have, which leads to weight loss" says the study's lead author, Scott Weigle, M.D., a professor of endocrinology at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

Stick with lean protein rather than high-fat, artery clogging meat and dairy products. For breakfast, use low-fat milk instead of water in your oatmeal and sprinkle nuts on top.

Eat plenty of beans, fish and skinless chicken breast.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Get Rid of Abdominal Fat by Eating Avocado Fruit

Eating avocado reduces belly fat

Eating avocado reduces belly fat

Actually, the key to getting rid of abdominal or belly fat is eating more fat - specifically, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs),

which fuel brainpower and prevent the body from becoming physiologically stressed.

Without enough MUFAs, levels of the stress hormone cortisol spike, and new research has linked excess cortisol with fat accumulation in the abdomen. Avocados and peanuts are some of the rich sources of MUFAs.

Avocado is rich in magnesium that reduces risk of excess belly fat,

high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar- the symptoms of metabolic syndrome.

Amazing Weight Loss Power of Peppers

eat peppers to lose weight

Amazing Slimming Power of Peppers

Adding ground pepper to high-fat meals significantly speeds fat-melting metabolism by 30% for more than 3 hours after eating

, findings in the British Journal of Nutrition reveal.
And just a pinch of cayenne pepper or a spoonful of chopped jalapeños added to a dish can deliver the weight-loss benefits.

What's more: Cayenne peppers contain a resinous and pungent substance known as capsaicin. This chemical relieves pain and itching by acting on sensory nerves. Capsaicin temporarily stimulates release of various neurotransmitters from these nerves, leading to their depletion. Without the neurotransmitters, pain signals can no longer be sent. The effect is temporary.

Capsaicin and other constituents in cayenne peppers have been shown to have several other actions, including reducing platelet stickiness and acting as antioxidants.