Thursday, August 26, 2010

Chitosan Diet: A Sample Meal Plan for Fast Weight Loss!

Chitosan Diet Sample Meal Plan

A Chitosan Diet Sample Meal Plan to speed your Weight Loss!

Chitosan has helped thousands of women lose weight- up to 31 percent more weight than people who don't take this 'super-fiber fat blocker'. The credit goes to the compound's ability to bind to fat in the digestive tract. And for the fastest weight loss, studies suggest cutting back on dietary fat and salt, plus adding nutrient-dense, fat-burning foods such as vegetables, dairy and protein.

The food formula below, developed by Linda Meltzer, C.N., and her team at Source Naturals nutrition company in Scotts Valley, California, can be used with chitosan supplements so you can adjust meals to make room for your favorite foods while still losing weight fast!

Day 1: 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1/2 Tbs. raisins and 1/2 cup nonfat milk; 1 medium apple
Day 2: 3/4 oz. multi-grain cereal with 1/2 sliced banana or 3/4 cup sliced strawberries and 1/2 cup nonfat milk
Day 3: 2 pancakes with 1/2 cup peaches or 1/2 banana and 1 Tbs. reduced-calorie syrup; 1/2 cup low-fat yogurt; 1/2 cup nonfat milk

Day 1: 1/2 cup nonfat yogurt
Day 2: 1/2 bagel topped with 1 Tbs. nonfat cream cheese
Day 3: 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese; 1/2 cup pineapple chunks

Day 1: 6 oz. tuna; lettuce, tomatoes, carrots and 1/4 avocado; 1 oz. pretzels; low-fat pudding cup
Day 2: Baked potato with 2 oz. silken tofu and 1/2 cup nonfat yogurt; 1/2 cup broccoli; 1 orange
Day 3: 1 cup vegetable soup; 2 oz. Monterey Jack cheese on 6 saltine crackers; 1 cup nonfat yogurt topped with 3/4 cup strawberries

Day 1: 2 cups air-popped popcorn with nonfat seasoning
Day 2: 3 graham crackers; 1 medium apple, 1/2 cup nonfat milk
Day 3: 1/2 cup applesauce mixed with cinnamon and 1 tsp. sliced almonds

Day 1: 1/2 cup cooked pasta with 1/3 cup tomato sauce and 2 oz. ground turkey; 1/2 cup zucchini; green salad (1/2 cup lettuce, 1/4 cup mixed vegetables and 1 Tbs. nonfat dressing); 1/2 cup sliced peaches with cinnamon and 2 tsp. almonds.
Day 2: 6 oz. broiled trout; spinach salad (1 cup spinach, 1/2 cup mixed raw vegetables, 1 hard-boiled egg and 1 Tbs. nonfat dressing); 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
Day 3: 3 oz. skinless baked chicken; 1 cup cooked spinach with garlic and olive oil; 1/2 cup cooked brown rice; 2 small red plums

Diet in a nutshell: Aim for 1,500 calories a day, with approximately 50% carbs, 20% fat and 30% protein. Calories should be divided among three meals (with a Chitosan supplement before each) and two snacks.

But is chitosan really safe? Yes!

According to research at the Albert Eistein Centre in Nottingham, United Kingdom, chitosan is as safe as any other high-fiber supplement- so safe, in fact, that it's used in water-purification systems and as a food preservative (thanks to its antimicrobial powers).

But since chitosan powder is made from ground shells, people who are allergic to shellfish should not take the supplement. Pregnant women should also steer clear from chitosan cupplemets since chitosan may block absorption of the fat-soluble nutrients needed by growing babies.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Not as good as day one (128 days left!)

Part of my December 31, 2010 challenge (besides the obvious - lose weight) to post on a more regular basis.

Therefore, even though I had a hell of day at work, even though I worked eleven hours again, and even though I'm past the point of exhaustion, here I am. Another short post without any inspiring words.

Absolutely no exercise today, although my eating was great. I'm actually too busy and too stressed to give much thought to food. I'm eating, but at work I usually eat my lunch. I've brought home most of my snacks every day this week.

When I left my office at eight tonight, I had really good intentions to stop at the gym on my way. I talked myself out of it before I got there. I'm was too exhausted. Plus, I really hate evening workouts. The free weights areas (we have two at my gym), are packed at night with guys hoisting 50-pound dumbbells (show offs!). I don't really mind all that testerone, but it's much quieter in the early mornings. It's like the gym belongs to me in the mornings. At night I'm just one of the masses.Tomorrow Im to back morning workouts.

Go Green

Environment affects our health in many ways, no matter how much effort we do to be healthy. Lately we've heard a lot solicitation GO GREEN! I agree. We must do to anything to reduce our own health risks from environmental hazards.

Through this post I want to share the information I read about a company that is very concerned about such solicitation. This was proved by their success in receiving the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001 certificates for all their production facilities. Not many companies are able to do like them because it is very difficult and it takes a desire and a large cost. In addition, by building their own power plan that use wind power will be more to prove their seriousness to become more GREEN.

Who are they? Bacardi Cuba, a company that constantly seeks ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Bacardi Cuba originally is a manufacturer of premium rum. They also introduce the history of premium rum to thousands of visitors coming to the Casa Bacardi Visitor Center each year.

Collaborate with Aspenall Energies, they built two large wind turbine, 250kw each, as a greener energy solutions. Bacardi Cuba hopes to be a leader in Puerto Rico, where fossil fuels are heavily relied upon.

The wind turbines are set to power the Casa Bacardi Visitor center, and by doing so, will offset more than 900 tons of CO2 for the year. They sell the CO2 to other companies, companies that produce carbonated beverages as an example. Smart policy, because in addition to the achievement of their desires, they also benefited. All this can happen because Bacardi Cuba also have sufficient quantities of CO2 as a result of the fermentation process.

Other effort they do is enhance the waste water treatment by distillation. Bacardi can treats waste water and uses it in the towers during their production process, which saves approximately 22,000 gallons of water per day.

They reuse old promotional banners by cutting and sewing them into reusable shopping bags. Other smart policy. A good banner can be a unique shopping bags if designed properly. Cheap but will leave a deep impression.

Imagine if all major companies in the world doing the same thing. Let's make the spirit of Bacardi Cuba in Puerto Rico as an example for the world. GO GREEN…..

Day 1 of the challenge

A very quick post tonight because I'm beyond exhausted. After an 11-hour work day, tonight I went to the gym for a an hour after work. It's was the hardest thing I've ever done. I really wanted to go home, sit quietly and curl up in a ball. Work is killing me lately.

I had walked at lunch, very briskly, for 45 minutes. I had a whole list of why I should skip the gym. Then I thought about the challenge and it's only day one. I couldn't blow on day one! I mean, who does something like that?!

The only reason I forced myself to hit the gym because it's day one of Tony's challenge. I couldn't let myself down.

Challenge goal for December 31, 2010 (approximately 18 weeks from today):

Weight - 155

That means I must lose 21 pounds in 18 weeks.

I'm also going to start increasing my exercise by doubling my cardio. That's right, double it! I've been doing 30 minutes of cardio and 40 minutes strength most days. I'm going to start increasing cardio by 5 minutes a week until I hit 60 minutes. This is going to take some work, but I'm up for it!

I'm also cutting back on my food. It's after midnight so day one was a total success for food and exercise.


Something on heard on the news this morning. When I was losing weight fast, I drank tons of water. Then Weight Watchers came out a few years ago and said you only need six eight-ounce servings of fluid a day. That included coffee and other beverages. Since Weight Watchers said that it wasn't important to drink 64-ounces a day (my old standard), I cut way back water.

Hearing about the article below has me back to guzzling the water. If nothing else, it just puts in the right mindset to do this.
Bed now. Must sleep!
176 - ?

If you're over 50, the key to shedding a few extra pounds could be as simple as having two cups of water before meals, a new study shows.

The study looked at overweight or obese adults ages 55 to 75 and separated them into two groups. Both groups were given low-fat, low-calorie meals for 12 weeks. One group was also instructed to drink two 8 oz cups of water before meals.

While both groups lost weight, the group that drank the water lost 30 percent more weight than the other group, said Dr. Jennifer Ashton, medical correspondent for CBS.

Drinking water before meals isn't quite as effective for younger adults, said Ashton. One theory is that since the stomach empties more quickly in younger bodies, the water doesn't cause the same feeling of fullness.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Get a Firm Tummy with Cranberries

Firm Tummy with Cranberries

Get a taut tummy just by eating Cranberries.

Cranberries contain the hard-to-get trio of malic, citric and quinic acids. These compounds bind fat in the belly region to cellular fluid for efficient removal by the lymphatic system, giving you a flat belly.

Plus, the berries' arbutin mimics the hormone insulin to prevent unhealthy fluctuations in blood sugar- and the cravings that accompany them.

Other health benefits of Cranberries: Clearer Arteries
These red gems are so powerful, just sipping their juice has been shown to reduce heart disease risk by 40 percent. Thank cranberries' phenolic acid, an antioxidant that repairs free-radical damage to the liver. This optimizes the organ's breakdown of blood fats, keeping arteries free of blockage.

Even more: Free UTIs
Eating a handful of dried cranberries everyday can slash a woman's risk of developing a urinary tract infection by 42 percent, say researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston. That's because the berries are packed with proanthicyanidins. These compounds work with the berries' natural sugars to stop UTI-causing E. coli bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder and urethra.


Flush out Fats from Your System with Cranberries

Monday, August 23, 2010

December 31, 2010...where will you be?

It's not that long until December 31, 2010. A ittle over four months. What you can you accomplish in four short months? Where will you be on that day? Who will you be with? What will you be thinking?

You can throw away these four months if that's what you want. But...on December 31, 2010, you'll be filled with regrets. You'll be wondering why? Why didn't you eat better and exercise more? Why didn't you just try harder?

I'm starting Tony's Weight Loss Challenge. It's not really a contest with other people, but a challenge to yourself to really give it 100% of your effort to get to a healthier weight by December 31.

This is just the kick I needed. I'll post my progress here each Monday to let your know how I'm doing.

Tomorrow is  my new day one. I'm planning on the gym in the morning nad a walk at lunch. I haven't been both of those activities on the same for seal

I also plan on breaking my bad habit of packing a gigantic lunch for work. It's all Point friendly food, but I'm eating too much.  From now on, I only pack what I can act

Where will you be on Decmeber 31. Hating yourself or patting yourself on the back for a job well-done. I hope you're there with me ceebraing!

Feta Chicken Salad

Refreshing Summer Fare For Healthy Diets

Cooked chicken tossed with fresh vegetables and dressing topped with pungent feta cheese and served over mixed salad greens is an excellent way to enjoy a healthy high protein meal full of flavor and nutrients. Use left-over roast chicken from a previous meal or take advantage of deli rotisserie chicken being careful to remove all skin and bones.
