Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Not as good as day one (128 days left!)

Part of my December 31, 2010 challenge (besides the obvious - lose weight) to post on a more regular basis.

Therefore, even though I had a hell of day at work, even though I worked eleven hours again, and even though I'm past the point of exhaustion, here I am. Another short post without any inspiring words.

Absolutely no exercise today, although my eating was great. I'm actually too busy and too stressed to give much thought to food. I'm eating, but at work I usually eat my lunch. I've brought home most of my snacks every day this week.

When I left my office at eight tonight, I had really good intentions to stop at the gym on my way. I talked myself out of it before I got there. I'm was too exhausted. Plus, I really hate evening workouts. The free weights areas (we have two at my gym), are packed at night with guys hoisting 50-pound dumbbells (show offs!). I don't really mind all that testerone, but it's much quieter in the early mornings. It's like the gym belongs to me in the mornings. At night I'm just one of the masses.Tomorrow Im to back morning workouts.

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