Monday, October 4, 2010

Healthy Vigilance Benefits Women Fighting Obesity With Weight Loss Surgery

For many women, weight loss surgery is a springboard for improved vigilance regarding all personal health issues. Women in particular become champions of their own health following the massive weight loss that results from gastric bypass, adjustable gastric band (lap-band), or gastric sleeve surgery. The weight loss affords many who suffered from overall poor health due to morbid obesity a chance

Cottage Cheese and Fruit Parfait

Enjoy eating, nutrient-packed meals that keep you energy up while you wipe out pounds.

The weight loss recipes in this section follow the rules of ranch, with plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and cuts of meats and poultry. They are delicious and nutritious, which means you will be able keep your energy levels high as the pounds melt away. (And do not forget to keep track of what you eat)

Cottage Cheese and Fruit Parfait

(TIP Pack your meal in a reusable to-go cup and take it with you)

Weight Loss Recipes : Cottage Cheese and Fruit ParfaitIngredients:

  • 1 green apple, cored and cut into small cubes

  • ½ cup 1% cottage cheese

  • ¼ cup blueberries


  • Place half of the apple cubes in glass parfait dish or cereal bowl. Top evenly with half of the cottage cheese. Add blueberries, remaining cottage cheese, and remaining apple. Serve immediately

Weight Loss Recipes Amount Per Serving: 174 Calories, 15 g Protein, 27 g carbohydrates, 4 g Dietary Fiber, 2 g fat, < 1 g saturated fat, 5 mg cholesterol, 461 mg sodium

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Alcohol Update

The latest Australian guidelines to alcohol consumption are based on ‘standard drinks’. Standard drinks are a simple and effective way of keeping track of how much alcohol you’re consuming.  The safe alcohol consumption guidelines are:
  • For men and women, a maximum of two standard drinks a day
  • Drink no more than four standard drinks on a single occasion
If you want to lose weight however, or if your triglyceride levels are high, you have poor glucose control or high blood pressure; try to drink alcohol on special occasions only. When alcohol is consumed, our bodies use this nutrient firstly as the fuel source, causing other nutrients (fat, carbohydrates and protein) to be stored.

A standard drink is any drink containing 10 grams of pure alcohol. Different alcoholic drinks contain different numbers of standard drinks as demonstrated in the figure below:

Alcohol and health
  • Weight gain Alcoholic drinks are usually high in energy (1 gram of alcohol = 7 calories) contain few vitamins or minerals and can contribute to weight gain
  • Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels) Alcohol in large amounts, and particularly when consumed on an empty stomach, stops the liver from releasing glucose. This may cause hypoglycemia, therefore it is important that when you are drinking, to drink with a carbohydrate-based meal or snack, such as bread or fruit
  • Raised triglyceride levels Alcohol can increase the levels of triglycerides (a type of ‘bad’ fat) in your blood. High triglyceride levels increase your risk of heart disease. When you have raised triglyceride levels, you’re good (HDL) cholesterol is often too low, which is unhealthy
  • Impaired judgment Impaired judgment can lead to less recognition; therefore you are less likely to make healthy food choices
  • Others Other affects of alcohol include toxic effects on your organs, and hypertension

Are there any benefits from drinking alcohol?

Some research has suggested that there may be a cardiovascular benefit from drinking moderate amounts of alcohol, particularly red wine. If you do not already drink alcohol, it is not recommended that you start for this reason. 

Tips for sensible drinking
  • Use plain soda, mineral water or low joule tonic water as mixer
  • Go for the ‘low energy’ content drinks rather than the higher ones
  • Count how many standard drinks you have, as the numbers add up over a long evening out
  • Skip salty foods like chips and salted nuts when you’re out, which make you thirsty (and wanting more to drink!)
  • The best drink to quench your thirst and is GREAT for your waist line is simply water
  • Drink slowly from a small glass and have a glass of water as a ‘spacer’ between your alcoholic drinks
Reduce your risk

The Australian Government has recently put together a report addressing national guidelines for alcohol consumption, which can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

Antioxidants and Energy Production

Oxidation is a term used to describe energy-producing reactions within each cell of the human body. Technically speaking, it’s a transfer of hydrogen atoms or electrons from one molecule to another. The end products of oxidation are water, CO2 (carbon dioxide, which we breathe out) and energy which drives cell function. As our activity levels increase, we require more energy (oxidation reactions) and our breathing rates increase to remove the increasing CO2 levels. The types of food being eaten by an individual will also affect the level of oxidation in the body.

Oxidation also produces substances called ‘free radicals’ and our body can naturally cope with a certain amount of free radicals at any one time. However, once a threshold is reached, an overload of free radicals may cause cell damage and health problems leading to heart disease, macular degeneration, diabetes and cancer.

Free radical production is also accelerated by stress, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, sunlight and pollution. So our lifestyle choices can lead to added stress on our cells in the form of excessive free radicals.

The good news is that antioxidants that neutralize free radicals are found in certain foods. Antioxidant contained in nutrients include vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium. Other dietary food compounds, such as the phytochemicals in plants and zoochemicals from animal products, have an even greater antioxidant effect than vitamins or minerals. Phytochemicals include lycopenes in tomatoes and anthocyanins found in cranberries.

How do I achieve a good intake of antioxidants?

Antioxidants are found in abundance within grain products, fruit, vegetables and beans. Eating a range of vibrant colours in fruit and vegetables allows you to get in a variety of different antioxidants. It is always better to get antioxidants through food sources rather than through supplementation.

Foods and their Antioxidants

Carrots, squash, broccoli, sweet potato, tomatoes, rockmelon, peaches, apricot

Antioxidants - vitamin A and carotenoids

Oranges, lemon, lime, capsicum, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, strawberries and tomatoes
Antioxidant - vitamin C

Nuts and seeds, wholegrains, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oil and liver oil
Antioxidant - vitamin E

Fish, shellfish, red meat, chicken, eggs, grains and garlic
Antioxidant - selenium

Oysters, red meat, poultry, seafood, whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, beans and nuts
Antioxidant – zinc

Common PhytochemicalsSoy, red wine, purple grapes, cranberries, tea and pomegranate
Antioxidants - flavonoids/polypenols

Tomato, tomato products, pink grapefruit and watermelon
Antioxidant - lycopene

Dark green vegetables, broccoli, brussel sprouts and spinach
Antioxidant - lutein

Flaxseed, oatmeal, barley and rye

Antioxidant - lignan


The Importance of Cooking with Weight Loss

Cooking – some people love it while others hate it! If you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle, you’ll quickly realise that cooking is central to your success.  Too often we are tempted to take the easy option and order take away or eat meals out which will make long term weight loss or weight maintenance very difficult.

So what is the answer? How do you make cooking less of a chore so that the excuses not to cook stop creeping in to your head?  The answer for most people who lead very busy lives is that it must be quick. But quick is not the only answer.  You must also find the motivation to get into a routine of cooking your meals each night and avoid the temptation of picking up a take away on the way home.  Finding the motivation to cook regular meals may not be easy but here are some things to think about which will help to make cooking easier:
  • Make sure your meals taste good!
  • Plan meals in advance so that you know what you’re making and don’t give yourself the option of having something else
  • Be organised and have all the ingredients at home so that you don’t have to go to the shops on the way home
  • If there are other people at home get them involved too. This will help to reduce the amount of time it takes to prepare and cook the meal
  • Cook a large enough meal so that there are leftovers for lunch or dinner the next day
  • Consider the health benefits. Who really knows how much or what type of fat is going into the Thai takeaway or pizza you’ve ordered
  • Food portion sizes tend to be far larger when you order takeaway or eat out, which is not desirable for weight loss
Eating take-away or dining out regularly does not allow you to control your daily food intake.  You will find that your daily saturated fat, energy and salt intake will very quickly exceed your requirements which will of course lead to weight gain and other long term health problems such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure.  Like most things, eating take away and enjoying meals out is fine in moderation.  However when take away meals, which are high in calories and served in large portion sizes, become part of routine weight loss, weight maintenance and long term good health are very difficult to achieve.

Try these healthy, quick and delicious meal ideas to stop you pulling in for mid week takeaways!

Classic Chicken Stir Fry
  1. Stir fry chicken breast seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic. Use a spray of canola oil for cooking.
  2. Once cooked, add red capsicum, snow peas and broccoli. Add 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce and ½ tablespoon of soy sauce.
  3. Remove from heat. Top with fresh basil leaves and bean shoots.
SAM: Steak, Avocado and Mushroom
  1. Season steak with dried thyme salt and pepper and cook to your liking on the BBQ.
  2. Spray a large field mushroom with cooking oil, cut a large red chilli in half and de- seed, then grill the vegetables on the BBQ. Trim green beans, boil the kettle and cover the beans with hot water.
  3. Serve with a tablespoon of avocado, fresh coriander and a wedge of lime. 
Fish and Salsa
  1. Cover fish with lemon, salt and pepper wrap in foil and bake in the oven.
  2. Cut fresh basil, mint, large red chilli and spring onion and sprinkle over the fish once cooked.
  3. Serve with broccolini and a side of salsa: diced tomato, cucumber, red onion + balsamic vinegar. 
Vietnamese Beef
  1. In a food processor, mix one stalk of lemon grass, 2 garlic cloves, juice of 1 lime, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce and ½ tablespoon of peanut oil.
  2. Thinly slice strips of beef and coat in the marinade you’ve just made.
  3. Mix together shredded lettuce, grated carrot, thinly sliced cucumber, fresh mint and basil leaves.
  4. Cook the marinated beef strips, serve on top of salad top with fresh bean sprouts. 
Lamb with Vegies
  1. Choose lamb back strap or another cut of lamb with all the fat removed, sprinkle with equal amounts of sumac, sesame seeds and thyme.
  2. Cut zucchini into quarters, sprinkle with salt and pepper and grill together with chunks of red capsicum.
  3. Trim green beans, boil the kettle and cover the beans with hot water. Mix all vegetables together and sprinkle with 30g low fat feta cheese.
  4. Serve as vegetables with the lamb.
A salad you won’t complain about!
  1. Cook chicken breast seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic + ½ a bacon round per person all fat removed in non stick pan. 
  2. On a plate place lettuce leaves, snow peas, thin slices of red onion. Top with cooked chicken and bacon pieces.
  3. Sprinkle with low fat ricotta cheese and crushed walnuts (3 per person) dress with balsamic vinegar.
Mexican Beef Cups
  1. Cook beef strips in a frying pan using spray oil.
  2. Add small pieces of broccoli and capsicum and stir in burrito mix (adding water to make it saucey).
  3. Serve in lettuce leave cups with a dollop of low fat sour cream and topped with freshly diced tomato.  
Bon Appétit, send us through your favourite healthy recipes!

Small Loss in Weight, Big Difference to Health

Although it is a widely communicated fact that being overweight increases your risk of developing a number of serious health conditions, what isn’t so well known is how even small a loss in weight can make a big difference to your overall health!

Recently, there have been a number of scientific studies published that reveal a small loss in weight (5-10% of initial weight) results in significant improvements in blood cholesterol blood pressure and blood sugar control. For example, those who are considered overweight at 80kgs, will be significantly healthier just 4 to 8kgs lighter. Also, these small reductions in weight reduce the risk of osteoarthritis and risk of contracting some cancers and other chronic diseases.
A recent study (involving 500 men and women at risk for type 2 diabetes) showed that the onset of diabetes in this group was avoided during the study when subjects achieved these 5 outcomes:
  1. Weight loss of 5-10%
  2. 30-45minutes of physical activity on 4 – 5 days a week
  3. Low fat diet (<30% total calories)
  4. Low saturated fat intake (<10% total calories)
  5. 15g fibre per 1000 calories (for example 1 medium apple = 3g fibre, 1 slice of wholemeal = 2g fibre, ½ cup of mixed vegetables = 4g fibre and 2 tablespoons of muesli = 3g fibre)
While these 5 simple actions led to an avoidance of type 2 diabetes in this study, they may look like ominous changes to some (particularly those who may have attempted this sort of lifestyle change in the past). However, with diabetes being a key contributor to death and disability around the world the benefit of these changes far outweighs the challenge of implementing them.

While it’s clear that small amounts of weight loss results in many long term health benefits, taking the first step can be difficult. Before attempting to lose weight, exercise more, decrease fat and increase fibre in your diet, consult a dietitian. Their expert advice will help to ensure you’re your on the right track. Remember it only takes 5 – 10% of your initial weight to make some dramatic health improvements.

Adapted from: LaFontaine, TP. Roitman, JL.


well... day 3 is nearing a close and we are all ok...

I am another day closer to being slimmer. YAY.

Today I slept in late. It was very nice curled up in bed with Geoffrey, our Cavelier King Charles. Hes so cute. Tragically if he gets too close he makes me sneeze so its a little bit of a sad story for cuddles. DS makes up for it though - with me and the dog! He loves that dog to death.

Today has been pretty good. I have spent a considerable bit of it online on Livestrong, because keeping track of everything is quite interesting, and also time consuming but I am enjoying it. I have entered all my food for the day on there, and I go into far more detail - every ingredient and suchlike is there so that I know that I really am not going over my allowance and hopefully remain on track. I just list the meals on here and a few recipes, but you can be assured that the calories I put down on the 'Today I ate...' bit are correct.

Housebrick has taken his wife to the airport. Now the fun begins. thankfully he is at work all day and I am determined not get get dragged into his inane chatter about the dog. I will try and just tell him, but the English way kind of has a habit of stopping us being blunt or tactless, but I need to try with this dude or he wont get it.

We must remain at all times regimental on the time of dog walking and the amount of shits the dog has, and amount of pees it does and report daily on those bowel habits. Its bloody crap. How someone can be so anal retentive about their dog I dunno. Infact, come to think of it it's a bit like OCD. He is so analytical about stuff - I guess because of his work as a chemist - but boy! Its tought to live with. I have no idea how his wife, who we shall call 'The Saint', manages to cope with him!

Its funny like that sometimes. He just asked me if he should get a blood test to check if he has immunity to Mumps. I told him  - LIKE 5 TIMES - that I am not infectious now. I am finished with it. I also told him that if he caught it off of me before he went on holiday, he would be sick RIGHT NOW. Considering his mum told him he had it, and that he said to me he remembers having pain in the correct area and being really poorly as a kid, you would think that would be the freaking end of it. But this is Housebrick we are talking about.

Anyway, get a test, dont get a test I care not. I hope it costs loads of money though!! HAHA

It could even be a blessing if he does get a really bad case of it, as the human race will be owing me a serious favour!

Bandwise, I am doing good. I feel a bit hypoglycemic right now cos I havent had my lucious dinner yet, but its gonna be anytime soon! Mmmmmm cant wait. Thinking of that, best go and check on the veg.

C U 2morrow