Saturday, December 18, 2010

Juices For Ailment - Common Cold & Flu

Foods To Eat
Apricots, broccoli, carrots, citrus fruit, garlic, ginger, kale, kiwi fruit, mango, melon, nectarines, red bell pepper, strawberries, watercress and watermelons .

Juice #1
  • 3 oranges
  • 1 guava
  • 1 handful strawberries
A combination of three of the most richest sources of vitamin C which is not only delicious, but indeed a very strong immune booster to help keep illnesses away.
Juice #2
  • 4 carrots
  • 1 orange
  • 1/2 inch ginger root
  • 2 cloves garlic
This gives the immune system a powerful punch in the face of a cold or any other infection, and the garlic, purely for therapeutic use. If you can stomach this on a normal morning, you’re definitely a brave person! If your chest is congested, add half an onion. Keep Clorets (or chew some basil or mint) handy as you’re likely to have a bad breath afterward :)
Energy ***
Detox **
Immunity *****
Digestion **
Skin ****
Juice #3
  • 2 handfuls of strawberries
  • 1 pink grapefruit
  • 2 orange
This blend will make you energized!
Energy *****
Detox **
Immunity ****
Skin ***
  atricle  source

Trouble With RSS Feed?

I've received several comments that my blog posts are no longer showing up in peoples' RSS feeds. I've gone into my settings, and the blog is still set to full feed mode, so I don't know why that would be. I'm trying to understand if the problem is widespread or only affects a few people. Please let me know in the comments section if new posts (since the potatoes and human health series) are not showing up in your reader. Also, please let me know if new posts are showing up. Thanks!