Saturday, January 15, 2011

Apple Berry Fruit Leather

(makes 8 servings)


  • 3 cups apples, cored and chopped

  • 1 cup raspberries

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 2 tbsp frozen orange juice concentrate

  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice

  • 2 tbsp honey


  • Preheat oven to 140 degrees F.

  • Using a blender, blend 1 cup of apples, the orange juice and the raspberries until smooth.

  • Add remaining apples and blend until smooth. Pour apple mixture in a medium bowl, then stir in the lemon juice, honey, and cinnamon

  • Line a baking sheet with plastic wrap (Don’t use aluminum foil because it's difficult to remove the fruit from this item.) and tape to edges.

  • Pour apple mixture on the plastic lined baking sheet and spread with a rubber spatula until it's 1/8 inch thick.

  • Leave about ½” of space open from edge of pan to allow fruit to expand while drying.

  • Bake in oven for 4-6 hours. Fruit leather is done when it is no longer sticky to the touch. When done, roll the fruit with the plastic wrap the long way.

  • Cut into 2-inch pieces. Keep in an airtight container.

Make 8 Servings:

Weight loss recipes Amount Per Serving (⅛ of recipe (72 g)): 59 Calories, 0 g Protein, 15 g carbohydrates, 2 g Dietary Fiber, 0 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium

Vitamin D as a best weight loss pill

Many of us have been confused by recent news on the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in society after years of being harassed for wearing sunscreen. Supposedly, all enrichment items such as milk were to ensure that nearly everyone was getting enough vitamin D.

Vitamin D plays an important role in the formation of healthy bones. Generated in our body as a reaction to sunlight. Suddenly, vitamin D, which was once considered common, is one of the major health problems of modern medicine. People perform tests of vitamin D levels to an unprecedented rate.

What is so important in vitamin D?

Vitamin D may actually be one of the most important nutrients for a healthy body and mind. In fact, vitamin D helps fight cancer. Also known to be important in preventing autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease and a variety of infectious diseases.

But, for the purposes of this article, the positive correlation between obesity and vitamin D deficiency has recently been discovered. A study on women living in southern California, which is popular for its sunny life.

Those who took advantage of the sun and got a lot of vitamin D were found to be much thinner than those with a deficiency of vitamin D. In fact, even controlling for other factors such as age, vitamin D deficiency itself appears to have been correlated with an increase of 16.3 pounds. Most of us would agree that 16.3 pounds is a significant difference.

But there is more about the correlation between weight-vitamin D that only the external mass. Those with higher levels of vitamin D also tended to be higher. This supports and even extends previous scientific studies on the importance of vitamin D for bone growth and health and welfare .

Besides, who conducted the study seemed strange that so many young women have achieved a deficiency of vitamin D as living in a sunny area. Could this be the result of both sunscreen? It is too early to tell, but many in the health field are recommending at least 15 minutes of sun exposure without sunscreen every day.

Of course, before taking this step you should consult with your doctor and ask them to review their levels of vitamin D. Your doctor may also want you to take a supplement of vitamin D, particularly if you live in an area full of sunshine. In general, vitamin D must be taken in high doses in combination with fatty foods for optimal absorption. Again, consult your doctor about this.

How to lose weight! Proactol vs any other weight loss supplement

Let's think about weight loss. Of course it's hard to get rid of the fats. Any reason for trying GYM? Or diets? Of course not. Not only are they useless, but also it is very hard to follow a diet... I want to introduce to you Proactol!

What is Proactol? That's an 100% healthy weight loss supplement that will surely help you become a slim person as soon as possible! It is a herbal product that is available worldwide and has more than 5 million customers every month. How does Proactol work? Read more when you click the banner below and change your life forever :)

Lose Weight Fast

Friday, January 14, 2011

Burn Calories and lose weight by walking

Most, if not all, of us know that exercise is the best way to burn calories, lose weight and get into shape. However, most of us are too lazy to do so. Many people hate running and biking because they feel like they are running out of air after exercising. For those people there is a solution to
lose calories and pounds and this is by walking. Even though it does not burn as much calories compared to running, it could also help burn a fair amount of calories and it is safer especially to those people who have joint problems.
The amount of calories burned through walking varies on the speed, the type of terrain and the amount of load carried by the person. Obviously, walking in top speed, uphill, and with a heavy
load allows a person to burn more calories than a normal walk in the park. This article enumerates the amounts of calories burned by a 70 kilogram man with each variety of walk.
Type of Walk Calories burned per hour
Walking with a backpack 490
Walking downstairs 210
Cross country Hiking 420
Walking upstairs while carrying 1 to 15 lbs. of load 350
Walking upstairs while carrying 16 to 24 lbs. of load 420
Walking upstairs while carrying 25 to 49 lbs. of load 560
Walking upstairs while carrying 50 to 74 lbs. of load 700
Walking upstairs while carrying 75+ lbs. of load 840
Rapid Military Marching 455
Walking uphill with 0 to 9 lbs. of load 490
Walking uphill with 10 to 20 lbs. of load 525
Walking uphill with 21 to 42 lbs. of load 560
Walking uphill with 43+ lbs. of load 630
Walking while carrying an infant or a 15 lbs. load on ground level or downstairs 245
Loading and unloading a car 210
Walking with crutches 350
Walking while pushing or pulling a stroller with a child 175
Race walking 455
Pleasure walking 245
Walking to a neighbor’s house 175
Walking the dog 210
Walking to and from an outhouse 175
Nordic Walking 412
Walking downhill at 2.5mph 196
Walking 5mph 560
Walking in a ground level, very slow pace at less than 2mph 140
Walking in a firm surface, slow pace at 2mph 175
Walking in a firm surface at 2mph 210
Walking in a firm surface, moderate pace at 3mph 231
Walking on a grass track 350
Walking uphill 3.5 mph 420
Walking in a firm surface, very brisk pace at 4mph 350
Walking in a firm surface, very brisk pace at 4.5mph 441
Walking on treadmill 3.5mph 266
Walking around the house 140
Walking for pleasure or work break 245
Walking to work or to class 280
Walking from car or  bus to destination 175
Walking while bird watching 175
Walking while pushing a wheelchair 280
You may also find interesting our previous articles, how many calories are in a pound and how many calories to lose weight.
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How to lose calories before your wedding

Taking the lead from our previous article, how many calories to lose weight, we present below some new ideas on how to lose calories before your wedding and look great on that big day.

Every bride’s dilemma is to look perfect in their wedding day. For that to happen, you need to look stunning from head to toe; that includes your hair-do, make-up, and of course your dress. Finding the perfect dress is one thing, but fitting in it is another. If you are one of those brides who can’t seem to fit in the dress of your dreams or a bride who would like to look extra slender for her big day, this article is for you.
Tip #1 Include it on your “To do” list
Every bride to be has a “to do” list so she’ll not forget even the slightest detail for the wedding. That means, including “losing 10 pounds before the wedding” on that list will remind you of your goal. However, since the said statement is too broad, add specific sub-entries that include date, activity, and goal:
  • October 20-25,2010 – two hours/day on the treadmill to lose one pound
  • October 26-31,2010 – two hours/day on the stationary bike to lose one pound
  • November 1-5,2010 – one hour/day aerobic classes to lose one pound
Tip #2 Minimize pre-wedding dine-outs
You and your maid of honor or groom have the tendency to dine out as you look and meet-up with wedding suppliers. Common scenarios are lunch or dinner meeting with your wedding coordinator, food tasting with possible caterers and cake suppliers, talking over coffee as you discuss the details, or simply having snacks in a fast food restaurant as you and your fiancé discuss the budget.
These innocent meals do not help you lose weight. In fact, they can make you look bigger as you walk down the aisle. Minimizing these meal meetings to only those that are necessary like food tasting, will greatly help you in managing your weight. In addition to that, it can also help you allocate more funds for your wedding.
Tip #3 Invite your groom to do an activity with you
Most men do love and have sports, why not join your fiancé on that sport. This way, you get to burn some calories and spend more time with him before you two become officially Mr. and Mrs. And if in case he’s not into sports yet, it’s never to late to start. Invite your guy to start engaging in a sport activity that both interest you.
Tip #4 Enroll in dancing class
Dancing burns calories as much as working out in a gym. You have the option to enroll alone, bring along a girl friend, or invite your fiancé to enroll with you. Talking your groom to go on dancing lessons with you not only allow you both to look at your best on your wedding but also allows you to render a special dance which could make your wedding extra special.
Tip #5 Negate stress
Stress releases a chemical to the brain which is interpreted as hunger. That’s the reason why people who are stressed seem to have certain food cravings. If you want to lose weight before your wedding, try to avoid stressors. Also, avoiding stress will help you look fresh and glowing on your wedding day.
Best wishes!
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How many calories are in a pound?

How many calories are in a pound? 3500 calories make one pound. Calories and weight gain are closely associated because excess consumption of calories while living a sedentary lifestyle could make anyone gain weight in no time.
However, calories are not necessarily that bad, weight gain is actually caused by the people who have no control of their caloric intake.
When we talk about the calories found in food, we are actually talking about the unit of measurement for energy. For example, a person needs 100 calories to walk a distance of 100 meters,
that simply means he needs to eat a food that contains 100 calories so he can successfully accomplish the task. Eating a food less than the said requirement will prompt the body to burn its energy reserves, also known as body fat, to compensate for the lack of energy from the food, thus a person loses weight. On the other hand, if the person consumes more calories than what the body needs, the body will store the excess calories in the body as fat deposits causing the person to gain weight.
There are about 3,500 calories in one pound. This applies to the calories from the food you eat and on the calories you burn through exercise or any activity that requires energy.
This means that each time a person loses 3500 calories, s/he become a pound lighter. However, losing 3,500 calories in one day is not only unhealthy but it is also impossible, thus you must get rid of the 3,500 calories in an installment basis. For example, 500 calorie deficit everyday is equal to 3500 calories in one week which is synonymous to one pound lost per week. You simply have to increase you daily calorie deficit if you want to lose weight faster. See also how many calories to lose weight.
If you want to watch your caloric intake, you can check the nutrition facts label which is mostly located at the back of food containers. Take note that every food has different amount of calories, fruits and vegetables for example are great source of vitamins and minerals but contains very little amount of calories compared to dairy products which contains high amount of fats.
Food nutrients also have different calorie contents. Carbohydrates and protein have 4 calories per gram each, fat has 9 calories per gram, and alcohol has 7 calories per gram.
So, if you aim to lose weight fast and healthily, you simply need to reduce you daily calorie intake or do activities that require your body to burn more calories.
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Fastest way to lose 20 pounds

To lose 20 pounds fast seems impossible. But over the years dietitians, fitness experts and medical practitioners have proven that an effective diet and workout plan would definitely help you lose weight fast. The following tips are proven to be effective, particularly with people who really aspire and in dire need to shed off 20 pounds fast.

First: Make a meal schedule for six small meals a day and stick to it.
Limiting yourself to three large meals a day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner – will not help you lose 20 pounds fast. It’s not about the frequency of the meal but it’s all about the quality and quantity of the meal.
Experts agree that eating five to six small low calorie meals a day are much healthier because it allows your body to have constant supply of
energy. In addition to that, this weight loss strategy will also prevent mid-meal hunger thus you get to unnecessary eating. It may seem hard to get used to this eating schedule but once your body had adjusted to it, you will notice that you are actually eating less than the usual and that your goal of losing that excess 20 pounds is just a few short weeks away.
Second: Increase your fluid intake.
Drinking lots of fluids is a really good way to make yourself feel full quickly and make you want to eat less and lose those excess pounds you have. However, not all fluids are good for you. If you want to lose 20 pounds fast avoid Carbonated, sweetened, and fruit-flavored drinks because they are loaded with calories which could make you gain a lot pounds. The healthiest drink in the world is water, eight glasses or more a day will keep you hydrated, boost of the metabolism, and could keep you full resulting to decrease food intake. In addition to that, plain distilled water contains zero calories, thus you do not have to worry of drinking a glass more each day.
Regarding the best water temperature, there are two opposing hypothesis about it: Some people say cold water is the best choice of fluid if you want to lose a few pounds because cold water needs to be warmed up to as it enters the body to coincide with the body’s normal temperature, thus calories are converted to energy to do just that. On the other hand, others say that warm water is better because cold water could coagulate the fatty food that you just consumed; imagine a melted butter placed in the fridge. Cold or warm – the bottomline is drinking eight glasses of water a day will surely help you to lose weight.
Third: Move as much as you can.
Eating just the right amount of food and increasing your fluid intake is not enough if you wish to lose 20 pounds fast. You need to add exercise in your weight loss routine. Keeping your body active makes you burn and lose calories. Low to moderate impact exercises, when done regularly, would definitely help you shed excess calories. To speed up the process, make it a habit to allot 30 minutes to one hour a day for workouts.
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