Friday, March 16, 2007

An Extreme Walking Schedule to Regain Health

Priscilla weighed 390 at her heaviest in June of last year. Her and her husband Morton decided to take some drastic measures to lose weight. They are undertaking an extreme walking and cycling regiment. They started on January 1st when Priscilla weighed 343 pounds and their goal is to walk and cycle across the entire perimeter of the United States.

They have completed over 1,000 miles already. In January they did over 390 miles. In February they completed 534 miles. In the first 43 days of their trip Priscilla lost 47 pounds. Her goal is to regain her health and weigh 140 pounds by mid 2008.

They are asking people along the way to help them with donations for overnight stays and free nutritious food and water. Check out their walking and weight loss progress here. See more walking weight loss success stories here.

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