Thursday, October 7, 2010

Laxative Tea

Ingredients, Benefits and Potential Side Effects

Most people are used to taking traditional medications when they have health problem. This is certainly a fine solution, but most modern day medicines are too strong and often have undesired side effects. That is why you might use herbal remedies for health problems that are not particularly serious, such as constipation. A cup of laxative tea or a couple of them will certainly produce the desired effect. It is worth learning more about this type of tea and any additional health benefits it has. You should find out more about potential dangers from overusing it as well.

There are different laxative tea products available on the market. Their ingredients might differ to a great extent, but almost all of them have senna as their active ingredient. This herb is known for its natural laxative properties. In fact, it is recommended to patients who will have colonoscopy or a colon surgery. Generally, this herb is effective in cases of constipation as well. It stimulates the functioning of the colon and softens the stool. In turn, allows the bowel to empty naturally without much effort.

In many cases, laxative tea products contain additional ingredients that aid senna. Some teas have ginger root as well. It is effective for stimulating digestion and regulating the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, it also has a beneficial laxative effect. One of the main benefits of ginger is its ability to reduce cramping, which is associated with constipation and other stomach problems. Licorice root is another mild laxative that may also be included in the herbal mixture. Fennel, coriander and anise might also be present in the tea. These stimulate the functioning of the stomach and help prevent stomach and intestinal cramping.

The main benefit of laxative tea is that is allows you to have healthy bowel habits and get rid of constipation. The latter can be a serious problem and cause unpleasant side effects, such as fatigue and even weight gain. This type of tea can also help you with general stomach problems.

It is becoming increasingly popular for dieters to use laxative tea as well. It is worth discussing how beneficial such a supplement can be. This herbal tea and senna, in particular, cause some mild colon cleansing. In turn, they help for dangerous toxins to be released from the body. This allows all organs and systems in the body to work more effectively. The digestive tract is stimulated and so is metabolism. In this respect, laxative tea can aid weight loss. However, it should be pointed out that it does not promote the burning of fat directly.

Despite this, if you want a dietary supplement that offers both benefits, you can readily opt for laxative green tea. The polyphenols in green tea are known to boost metabolism and, in turn, the burning of fat. Additionally, it can stimulate the enzyme responsible for dissolving fat deposits, which are a direct result from the excess sugar and fats we intake with out diet.

It is worth discussing the potential side effects of laxative tea. It should be noted that this type of tea is recommended for use in the same way as medication. In most cases, it has to be taken only once a day before bedtime. Overdosing might cause serious problems. Senna is a very strong herb. When used inappropriately, it can cause diarrhea, stomach cramping and vomiting. In turn, a person with these symptoms may become dehydrated and may need serious medical treatment. Senna may also provide for the lowering of potassium levels in the body and lead to irregular heart beat. This herb might cause dependency as well. This can turn into a serious psychological and physiological medical condition.

Another point that should be noted is that there are some dangerous medical conditions which have constipation as one of their symptoms. In such cases, if laxative tea is taken it might not produce the desired effect. It is also possible for it to cause bowel bleeding. If you take such a tea and experience any or both of these problems, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Overall, laxative tea can help you in a lot of ways, including slimming. The important thing is not to use it abusively.

Ballerina Tea

Is It Effective for Weight Loss?

It is perfectly natural for you to want to get rid of those extra pounds. Losing weight makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin. You feel more energetic as well. More importantly, your looks are improved and your self confidence is boosted. On the other hand, it is not particularly easy to slim down. That is why you might want to use supplements. One of the most popular sliming products is Ballerina Tea. You should definitely learn more about it and its active ingredients in order to decide whether it is the right weight loss supplement for you.

Ballerina Tea is not an innovative herbal remedy. It has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. In this respect, it can be safely said that the formula behind the supplement has survived the test of time. Now this herbal tea is available to people around the world as well. It is worth looking at its active ingredients in more detail to determine how they can help you slim down and how effective they are in this respect.

The main active ingredient of Ballerina Tea is senna (Cassia Angustifolia). This herb is a natural laxative. It aids the emptying of the colon and is often use for colon cleansing. The senna you consume with this herbal tea will have the same effect on you. How does this stimulate weight loss? Firstly, the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract will be improved. In turn, you will enjoy better digestion. This aids for the more effective absorption of nutrients in the body and can stimulate slimming, provided that you are on a low calorie diet. The other benefit of senna is the natural cleansing of the body from various toxins that have compiled in it. This allows you to burn fat more effectively and to have more energy for exercising.

Despite all these benefits, it should be noted that senna does not stimulate metabolism directly. It does not affect the actual fat burning process as well. Hence, it can be concluded that this active ingredient of Ballerina Tea does not promote weight loss directly. It stimulates it. In turn, senna is effective for slimming, provided that you adopt a low calorie and exercise. Still, this active ingredient has an additional weight loss benefit that should be pointed out. Senna contains small amounts of sugar. These can help you cope with craving while on a diet.

The other active ingredient in Ballerina Tea, Chinese mallow, has a more direct effect on weight loss. This herb can regulate blood sugar levels. It can effectively prevent insulin spikes that make you feel hungry. In this respect, this herb can act as a natural appetite suppressant. More importantly, by regulating the blood sugar levels, Chinese mallow allows for the normal functioning of metabolism. When you are on a strict weight loss diet, your body reacts naturally to preserve its fat deposits, so metabolism slows down naturally. This herbal ingredient can help you in burning more fat than normal during periods of low calorie intake. It will not be a mistake to say that the effectiveness of Ballerina Tea lies with Chinese mallow.

It is worth discussing the potential side effects that this dietary supplement might have. When taken in appropriate dosages, senna should not cause any health problems. Still, different people react to the different chemical compounds in the herb differently. The manufacturers of Ballerina Tea warn that in some cases senna might cause diarrhea and vomiting. Chinese mallow is not know to have side effects, but as it affects the blood sugar levels, it is not recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes.

Ballerina Tea is prepared like traditional herbal tea. You steep one teabag in boiling water for a couple of minutes. According to the manufacturer, the drink should be consumed either hot or cold after meals. This use is traditional and should be beneficial for helping you lose weight more effectively.

Overall, it can be concluded that Ballerina Tea stimulates weight loss to an extent. It has an indirect fat burning effect and helps the body slim naturally while preserving its normal functioning. The potential side effects should be taken into account, when the dietary supplement is used.

Green Tea Fat Burner

An Objective Review

Your objective is to lose weight and to get the slim figure you have always wanted. It is important for you to adopt a low calorie diet and to exercise in order to accomplish your goals. However, it is advisable that you use beneficial supplements as well. One of the most popular supplements a present is Green Tea Fat Burner. It is worth learning more about this product and whether it is beneficial for you.

Green Tea Fat Burner has green tea extract as its main active ingredient. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) forms 50% of the extract's content. This is the most powerful antioxidant in green tea. It is also the one responsible for fat burning. In fact, EGCG has dual action. This powerful antioxidant stimulates metabolism by increasing the amount of fat released into the blood stream. In turn, you get more energy that your body uses up and releases in the form of heat.

Another great slimming action of EGCG and the other catechins in green tea is that they can counter the effects of sugary and fatty foods on the body. When there are greater amounts of sugar and fat in the body that cannot be used, they are processed in the liver and a new substance called triglyceride (body fat) is formed. The catechins in green tea stimulate the enzyme responsible for dissolving triglyceride. Hence, they help prevent the formation of fat in the body and allow for the burning of already existing fat deposits.

The green tea antioxidants and catechins, in particular, act to aid fat burning and slimming in yet another way. These chemical compounds stimulate the muscle cells to use up the fatty acids in the body more effectively. In turn, the body gets more energy than from using up carbohydrates primarily. As you have more energy, you can exercise for longer without getting tired. This helps you lose weight and build muscle mass at the same time.

Given all the scientific evidence, it can be safely said that the active ingredient of Green Tea Fat Burner and the product as a whole is effective for fat burning and, in turn, for weight loss. It should be noted that the efficacy of the supplement is due to the high concentration of EGCG. One pill of this supplement is as powerful as five cups of the traditional beverage. This means that Green Tea Fat Burner is more effective. Furthermore, it acts faster to produce the desired results more quickly.

It is worth assessing the other active ingredients of Green Tea Fat Burner as well. Caffeine, which is naturally present in green tea, is also known to stimulate the burning of fat and weight loss. It is an energy booster as well. Still, some people have concerns about caffeine causing side effects, such as increased heart rate. Generally, caffeine cannot be dangerous, especially if it is in small dosages. Despite this it is not recommended to children, pregnant and nursing women and individuals taking hypertension medications. It should be pointed out that Green Tea Fat Burner is made for adults only and has these warnings.

Other ingredients in Green Tea Fat Burner that stimulate fat include cayenne powder and ginger. Both of these stimulate digestion and aid fat burning. They are not known to have side effects. The product has mate (yerba mate) extract which is also beneficial for weight loss, as it is a natural source of caffeine.

Green Tea Fat Burner comes in the form of liquid soft gels. This guarantees that the active ingredients are quickly released into the body. Additionally, the pills are easy to take and to swallow and this can be certainly considered an advantage.

A bottle of the supplement contains 90 capsules that are sufficient for 30-day use. This is can also be considered an advantage, since you will have sufficient time to enjoy the full benefits of the green tea extract and the other active ingredients.

In conclusion, Green Tea Fat Burner is effective for fat burning and weight loss. For best results it is recommended to use along with a low calorie diet and regular exercising. The ingredients in the product are not dangerous, provided that you use it in line with the instructions and safety warnings.

Green Tea Extract

A Guide for Buyers

It will not be a mistake to say that the average modern day person leads an unhealthy lifestyle. We eat large amounts of foods and most of the foods we consume are unhealthy. We exercise very little. In addition, we experience a lot of stress. All these aspects of out life can cause serious medical problem. One of the best ways to prevent such disease and to stay healthy and fit is to use natural supplements. Green tea extract is one of the most popular and most effective supplements that you can use.

When people speak of green tea, they refer to it as a plant. Indeed, the final product is made from the dried leaves of the tea plant Camellia sinensis. However, black tea is also made from the same plant, but with the use of different method for drying. So why is green tea so special? Scientists believe that the method used for its making allows for the preservation of more beneficial chemical compounds in greater quantities.

Green tea extract is made from the already dried leaves of Camellia sinensis using a chemical infusion method. The solutions produced though this method is dried, so that the solid pills you find in the stores can be made. Given all this, it is worth asking why using extract is better than preparing and drinking the actual herbal beverage. The simplest answer is because it is more concentrated. On average, one green tea extract dosage contains the amount of beneficial chemical compounds present in 5 cups of the drink. Furthermore, once the beverage is ready, the quantities of these compounds begin to diminish, as they react with different molecules. This does not happen with the pills.

You should definitely have an idea of what to look for when buying such supplements. It is best to buy a standardized green tea extract with 90% or 80% polyphenols, the beneficial antioxidants in the herb. The amount of the most effective compound, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), has to be over 55%. It is best to buy a product from a reliable company, specializing in the production of food supplements. This is important since there have been cases of manufacturers do not abide by the safety standards.

You already know how to buy green tea extract. It is also worth finding out why you should get it and use it. Most people know that this herb has health benefits, but they are not aware of the actual ways in which it can help them. This supplement can help you lose weight and keep it within healthy limits. The above mentioned antioxidant EGCG has been found to stimulate metabolism and to promote the burning of fat. Generally, this and the other catechins in green tea aid the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as well and this also aids weight loss.

Green tea extract has a lot of other health benefits as well. It is known to naturally energize the body. The herb contains a substance called L-theanine. It affects indirectly the production of serotonin (popularly known as the hormone of happiness) in the brain. In this respect, this herb is effective for relaxation as well as for stress, anxiety and depression relief. Green tea is beneficial for the cardiovascular system also. It prevents the blood vessels from hardening and reduces the cholesterol in them.

The antioxidants in green tea fight the free radicals in the body. These are known to cause aging and the formation of tumors. Hence, this herb has beneficial anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. Apart from protecting all the organs in the body, including your skin, it can reduce your risk of cancer significantly.

You probably want to know whether green tea extract has some side effects. Scientific studies have not found any chemical compounds in the herb and its supplements that can be dangerous to healthy adult individuals. Still, it should be pointed out that green tea contains caffeine in small dosages. This antioxidant is not dangerous for healthy people, but it is not recommended to children, pregnant and nursing women and individuals taking specific types of medication. The good news is that caffeine-free green tea extract products are available on the market.

Overall, it is certainly beneficial to take green tea extract, provided that you do not exceed the dosage and consult your physician, if you have any specific condition.

Herbal Tea

Health Benefits and Potential Harmful Effects

You know that drinking herbal tea is good for you. This type of drink is extremely common. We have it almost every day. It is refreshing and energizing. We enjoy the scent as well as the mild flavor. Additionally, you are recommended to take chamomile or ginger tea when you have a cold or headache.

At present, the medicinal properties of different types of herbs and, respectively, of herbal teas are widely discussed. More and more scientific evidence appears to support the claims that these drinks are extremely beneficial for the health. At the same time, scientific studies show some controversies as well. For all these reasons, it is worth discussing how good herbal tea is for you and in what quantities and forms.

It is worth learning more about this drink, in general. Herbal tea is a tea made from any other plant, apart from the tea plant Camellia sinensis. The different beverages are prepared with the use of various parts of the herbal plants. These include leaves, flowers, roots and seeds. Given the examples above, you use the flowers of chamomile to prepare tea and roots for ginger tea.

There are different ways to prepare the drink. You either boil the herbs in water or steep them in boiling water. Then the substance is strained and the beverage is ready. The making of liquid substances is essential for the effective absorption of the beneficial chemical compounds from the plants into the body.

There are numerous herbal tea varieties and almost all of them have or have been claimed to have medicinal properties. The common chamomile tea is known to have a relaxing effect on the body. It reduces inflammation and pain. Echinacea tea contains various chemical substances that have anti-inflammatory effect and boost the immune system. It is recommended for the treatment of cold and flu.

Ginger is an energy stimulant and aids the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. There are even speculations that ginger tea can reduce cholesterol. An herb called hawthorn and the tea made from it are also considered to reduce the formation of cholesterol in the arteries. The brewed beverage made from St. John's Wort is considered to be a natural anti-depressant.

These are just some of the most popular herbs that are considered to have medicinal properties. Various studies have found that the different varieties of herbal tea can be beneficial for the health in different ways. However, some of the findings are controversial. It is not uncommon for one study to show that an herb has beneficial effect on half of the participants while another one to claim that it has helped 90% of them.

Another aspect that should be taken into account is the dosage. Usually, herbal teas are made with relatively small amounts of the plant product. In turn, the beneficial nutrients that are available for the body to absorb are not much in quantity as well. Generally, in order for any type of medicine to take effect, a minimum amount of it has to be present in the body. That is why herbal tea has a mild effect. This comes to show a number of things. Firstly, you might not get the desired medicinal effect from the herbs. More importantly, you might not feel better at all.

A more serious issue with herbal teas is that they might be potentially dangerous. Herbs contain beneficial chemical compounds, but they have harmful ones as well. Using the example above, ginger aids the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but it stimulates the production of gall, which may lead to gallstones. That is why this herbal medicine is not recommended to people suffering from this disease.

Even if a certain type of herbal tea is safe for use, in general, it might interact with some medications. This is another issue regarding the use of such drinks for medicinal purposes. That is why it is important for patients to consult their physicians about the regular consumption of herbal tea as part of their treatment.

Overall, you can readily drink herbal tea for relaxation and energizing. You might want to use it to get relief from cold or headache. Still, you should not expect it to do wonders. Furthermore, you have to protect yourself from potential side effect.

Lose Weight Without Dieting

lose weight without getting hungry

How to lose weight without dieting, feeling hungry or deprived

Reach your weight loss goal without ever feeling hungry or deprived. This super easy plan sneaks in nine servings of tasty, filling fruits and vegetables daily, while you dig in to dishes like filet mignon and pasta.

Eat to Lose! Stay Full all day long without Dieting: How it works:

Follow the menus below and add one snack or treat daily for about 1,600 calories. To maintain, add a second snack and a 200-calorie treat for about 2,000 calories. Feel free to swap meals to create new combos (for more ideas, try Healthy Eating Made Simple). This diet makes slimming fun!

Day 1
Breakfast: Multigrain Hot Cereal, Fruit and Milk.

Prepare 100 calories' worth of cereal, such as Quaker Instant Oatmeal Hot Cereal, as directed on package. Add 3 tbsp. raisins or dried cranberries and 1 chopped apple to cereal as it cooks. Top with 2 tbsp. unsalted chopped nuts. Serve with 1 cup skim milk. 399 calories, 9.7 g fat.

Lunch: Roasted Chicken and Brie Sandwich
Spread 1 1/2 tsp. fig jam on each of 2 slices of 1/2-inch-thick whole-grain bread. Spread 1 oz. room-temperature Brie on 1 slice. Layer 3 oz. roasted boneless, skinless chicken breast (2 thick or 4 thin slices) and 1/4 cup greens over Brie. Serve with side salad: Combine 2 cups greens, 1 small tomato cut into wedges and 2 tbsp. dressing containing 100 calories per 2 tbsp. 483 calories, 17 g fat.

Dinner: Filet Mignon with Wild Rice and Sautéed Kale with Mushrooms.
Cook 1/4 cup wild rice as directed on package. Coat grill with cooking spray. Grill 1 trimmed filet mignon (5 oz) over high heat, 2 minutes. Flip; grill 2 minutes more for medium. Transfer filet to platter. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a medium sauté pan. Brown chopped garlic clove 1 minute; stir in 1 cup sliced mushrooms; sauté 2 minutes. Add 4 cups chopped kale; sauté 3 to 4 minutes. Serve all immediately. 517 calories, 20.8 g fat.

Day 2
Breakfast: Banana-berry Smoothie.
Blend: 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries, 3/4 cup fresh or frozen blueberries, 1 small banana, 6 oz low fat plain yogurt, 1/2 cup skim milk, 2 tbsp wheat germ, 1 tsp honey. 425 calories, 5.2 g fat.

Lunch: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwich with Salad.
Spread 2 slices whole-wheat bread (about 80 calories each) with 1 1/2 tsp trans fat-free margarine. Layer 3 slices reduced-fat American cheese and 2 thin tomato slices (from 1 medium tomato) between bread; put sandwich on a hot grill or in a skillet to melt cheese. Dice rest of tomato; toss with 2 cups mixed greens, 1 tbsp chopped walnuts, 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tsp balsamic vinegar. Serve with sandwich. 523 calories, 36 g fat.

Dinner: Fusilli with Spinach and Parmesan
Cook 2 oz dry whole-wheat pasta (fusilli or spaghetti) as directed on package. Drain pasta, reserving 3 tbsp of the pasta water. Warm 1 tbsp plus 1 1/2 tsp olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Cook 1/2 clove chopped garlic about 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add 4 cups fresh, roughly chopped spinach and 1 cup halved cherry tomatoes and cook until spinach wilts, about 2 minutes more. Add cooked pasta to pan; toss. Add 1/4 cup grated Parmesan, 1 tbsp chopped fresh basil, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp black pepper and reserved pasta water; stir. Transfer pasta to a bowl and serve immediately. 505 calories, 26.3 g fat.

Day 3
Breakfast: English Muffin, Fruit and Cottage Cheese.
Toast a whole-grain English muffin and spread with 2 tsp trans fat-free margarine. Serve with 1 cup 1 percent cottage cheese and 1/2 cup each diced cantaloupe, honeydew melon and grapes. 425 calories, 10 g fat.

Lunch: Grilled Vegetable Panini.
Heat grill or broiler to high. Brush 1 1/2 tsp olive oil on 1 side of the following: 3 slices eggplant (about 1/4 of 1 medium eggplant), 4 slices zucchini (about 1/2 inch thick), 3 slices red bell pepper (about 1/4 of 1 medium pepper), 1 slice red onion (about 1/8 inch thick), 1 Portobello mushroom cap. Season with salt and pepper. Place vegetables oiled side down on grill or under broiler. Cook 4 to 5 minutes; brush tops with 1 1/2 tsp olive oil and turn, cooking 4 to 5 minutes more. Stack vegetables inside one 6-inch piece of whole-wheat baguette with 1 oz smoked part-skim mozzarella, 1 red lettuce leaf. Lower grill to medium-high (or broiler to low); toast Panini for 3 minutes on each side. 451 calories, 21.6 g fat.

Dinner: Chili and Corn Bread with Salad.
Heat 1 cup canned vegetarian chili. Prepare boxed corn bread muffin mix as directed on package, using skim milk. Garnish chili with 2 tbsp low fat cheddar. Toss 2 cups greens with 1 chopped tomato and 2 tbsp vinaigrette (about 100 calories' worth). Serve chili with 1 corn bread muffin (freeze leftovers) and salad. 560 calories, 17.8 g fat

Day 4
High-fiber Cereal with Fruit, Nuts and Milk.
Pour out 1 cup of a high-fiber cereal (make sure it contains at least 4 g fiber per 100 calories) such as Nature's Path Organic Optimum Slim, All Bran, Kashi GoLean Crunch or Fiber One. Slice 1 medium banana and add to bowl. Top cereal and fruit with 2 tbsp unsalted chopped nuts; pour in 1 cup skim milk. 432 calories, 8.5 g fat.

Lunch: Steak Salad.
Steam 8 asparagus stalks, ends trimmed, 3 to 5 minutes. Chop; toss with 2 cups greens, 2 tbsp chopped red onion and mustard vinaigrette (whisk 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard with 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil and 1 tsp balsamic vinegar).
Top with 5 oz cooked roast beef or grilled flank steak, cut into strips. Serve with 1 small whole-grain roll. 529 calories, 27 g fat.

Dinner: Grilled Trout with Herbs and Lemon.
Brush 3 oz uncooked fresh trout on both sides with 3/4 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil. Combine 1 tsp finely chopped fresh thyme; 2 tsp chopped fresh parsley and a dash of kosher salt in a bowl. Sprinkle skinless side of trout with herb mixture. Grill or broil trout skin side down for 7 minutes. Flip, place 2 lemon slices on top of fish and grill until fish flakes with a fork, about 7 minutes. Shuck 1 small ear corn; boil in covered pot 5 to 8 minutes; spread ear with 1 tsp trans fat-free margarine. Toss 2 cups greens, 1 sliced tomato and 1/4 sliced cucumber with 2 tbsp reduced-calorie dressing. Serve. 499 calories, 27.4 g fat.

Day 5

Egg and Cheese Sandwich with Fruit.
Whisk 1 egg with 1 oz shredded low fat cheese. Coat a small sauté pan with cooking spray; heat on low heat. Cook egg until no longer runny, about 2 minutes. Toast 2 slices of 80-calorie whole-wheat bread; spread with 1 tsp butter; fill sandwich with egg. Serve with 1/4 cantaloupe and 3/4 cup skim milk. 426 calories, 15.4 g fat.

Lunch: Shrimp-Avocado Wrap.
Mix 1 tsp each honey, Dijon mustard and lemon juice with 1 tsp olive oil in a bowl. Toss with 3 cups baby greens, 3 oz cooked shrimp, 1/2 cup sliced cherry tomatoes and 1/4 cup diced avocado. Fold ingredients into a large (10-inch) whole-wheat tortilla and wrap. 477 calories, 15.3 g fat.

Dinner: Chicken, Broccoli Rabe and Goat Cheese Pasta.
Cook 2 oz dry whole-wheat pasta (try penne) according to package directions. Blanch 2 cups fresh broccoli rabe in a medium pot of boiling water about 2 minutes. Drain thoroughly and set aside. Heat 1 tsp olive oil in a medium skillet over medium-high heat; sauté broccoli rabe until greens are crisp-tender, about 3 minutes more. Remove from heat. Mix in 5 medium precooked skinless chicken strips (about 3 oz from a rotisserie chicken), 3 oz goat cheese and 2 tbsp chopped fresh basil (or any other herb of your choice). Stir and serve immediately. 491 calories, 15.5 g fat.

165-Calorie Snacks
-Chocolate Milk. 1 cup skim milk with 2 tsp chocolate syrup. Serve with 1/2 medium banana.
-1/2 cup calcium-enriched orange juice and 2 tbsp trail mix (100 calories' worth) mixed with 1 cup air-popped popcorn.
-Honey-Peach Yogurt. 2/3 cup low fat plain yogurt mixed with 1 tsp honey and 1 chopped medium peach.
-12 oz skim milk latte and 1 medium orange
-1 stick part-skim string cheese and 1 small sliced pear
-1 cup sliced strawberries topped with 1 tsp honey and served with 1 cup calcium-enriched nonfat vanilla soymilk.

200-Calorie Treats
-3 Kashi TLC Original 7
-Grain Crackers and 1 1/2 oz semisoft cheese
-Chocolate-dipped biscotti (about 1 large biscotti; check label)
-5 oz (1 medium glass) white wine and 1/2 oz (about 14) peanuts, almonds or other nuts
-1 large oatmeal-raisin cookie (about 140 calories) and 8 oz skim milk
-1 1/2 oz dark chocolate or 8 Hershey's Kisses
-3/4 cup light vanilla ice cream, 2 Nilla Wafers

Source: First

Effects of Proactol on Fat Absorption (Part 3)

In research on NeOpuntia’s effect on

fat absorption

, researchers predicted that if NeOpuntia did indeed bind with fats from ingested foods, preventing these fats from being absorbed into the body, then feces should contain an increased amount of excreted fat.

To test this hypothesis, researches used a group of ten healthy individuals and divided them randomly into two groups. Both groups received the same diet and were administered a capsule orally with 1.6 grams of material in it. The control group received a capsule with an inactive ingredient (the placebo) while the other group received a capsule with NeOpuntia in it.

Researchers found that the two groups varied in the amount of excreted fat: those in the NeOpuntia group excreted 27.4% more fat than those in the control group. These results suggest that NeOpuntia does bind with fats and prevents them from being absorbed into the body. This is recorded as increased

fat content

in the feces. Go to Proactol web page right now.