Friday, October 8, 2010


Weight Loss Recipes : MuffinIngredients:

  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

  • 1/4 cup flax meal

  • 1 large egg white

  • 1 packet splenda

  • 1 teaspoon butter

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon


  • Place the baking powder, flax meal, cinnamon and splenda in a coffee cup.

  • Stir.

  • Add the butter, the egg white and Mix.

  • Preheat oven about 1 minute (or more).

  • Top with butter slice. Serve immediately.

Weight Loss Recipes Amount Per Serving: 12 g carbohydrates 8.8 Dietary Fiber

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wicked and naughty

I feel sick with pleasure. This is so utterly awesome, and I am so glad I have resumed this diary/blog. Again, another great day, sticking to the calorie guide on Livestrong... 2081 cals or under per day is my goal.
Today started a bit oddly. I slept until 1pm and awoke to my son going mental because it was the 8th powercut of the day and his laptop kept running out and the Internet kept obviously dumping on him, so his online French class this morning was rather disrupted. Anyway, I phoned the power supplier and it turns out there was a fault at the sub station and all the surrounding villages were affected. So I am sitting in my car at the bottom of the drive 'talking' to a computer voice as one does these days, when some friends from our local congregation turn up. Now, Its not the kind of usual thing I do, sit in my car one my mobile at the end of the drive, but there is absolutely no signal in our house. Its like a nuclear bunker.

Anyway, the friends have turned up and as I have been infectious for such a long time, it was so nice to see them. They came in for a coffee and left and 2:30pm. As they were leaving the power came back on - awesome - and my mate TB and her hubby arrived. DS then begs me to give him something to eat and I got the curry I made last night out of the fridge, boiled him some rice and served him up a pile. There was a little bit left - not much - but I put it by and decided the have it for my lunch. By the time TB and I had finished yakking, it was about 4pm. So it was then that I weighed my curry and SURPRISE it was half a portion of what I had made last night. So it was half the calories, and as I had finished all my rice up giving DS his lunch, there was none for me to eat. So I just ate it up and it came to 300 cals.

At half 4, I started to make dinner and my freezer is so full its hard to see whats inside, but I found a long pork loin in there, and I had a cabbage in the fridge, so I peeled some tatties, chopped em small and boiled them up. I then coated them in fry light spray, rosemary from the garden and some garlic salt and roasted those babies. I put the loin in some paper, drizzled a spoon of honey on it and some wholegrain mustard, wrapped it up in the paper and oven roasted that too. It was delicious. Worked out all the calories, 100g potato, a great pile of red cabbage and 1oz pork and it came to 400 cals!!!!!!

I always allow for 600mls of skimmed milk per day as I hate measuring milk for some reason, and the family doesn't get through a litre a day, so I reckon its about right (probably over estimate to be honest) and my calories were 1100 UNDER my target. Now, I could have been really good, but I decided that I was going to treat myself and this is why I am sooooooo happy right now. I have no problems doing this thing if I can have my treats. Being TOTM too is just a chocolate craving nightmare as you ladies all know, so I got DH to pick me up some apple juice and some Minstrels. Minstrels are chocolate in a crispy shell and they are yummy. Now I didn't get the little old bag, no I had a complete FEAST on them. 853calories worth!!!!!!!!!! OMG, this so would have cost me my diet before, but livestrong is cool for me like that. If I didn't have it and use it then I would just think "bugger it, I have blown it" but today is also a day that I am UNDER my calorie goal for the day!! Yaya.

I know its not a good habit to get into, but I am so happy that I was able to eat a DIRTY amount of chocolate, get my 5 veg/fruit a day and be under my limit. I am going to bed this evening a happy happy woman. Wooo hooooo!

Oh, and tomorrow is... weigh in day! cooolio! 

Wulong Tea

How Can It Help You?

It is perfectly natural for you to be used to taking modern day medications and supplements. However, their artificial ingredients are not always effective and safe. That is why more and more people prefer to rely on herbal dietary supplements. Wulong tea has gained great popularity for its slimming properties and additional health benefits. It is worth discussing them in greater detail.

What is Wulong tea? This herbal product is made from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis. During the production process, the leaves receive medium oxidation. This allows for the beneficial antioxidants to be preserved in the herbal substance. The tea drink prepared form the dried leaves has a strong flavor. It is a powerful energy booster as well. It has a wide range of other effects, which you will certainly experience over time.

Wulong tea is effective for weight loss. Its antioxidants work to stimulate metabolism and reduce the amount of fat deposits in the body. This herb is effective for burning fat and, in this respect, it aids slimming directly. You might be wondering how powerful Wulong tea is. A recent scientific study has found that it can help you burn approximately 2.5 times more calories than green tea. This means that it works more quickly and effectively.

Another way, in which this supplement aids slimming, is through the regulation of the blood sugar levels and insulin. Several studies have shown that Wulong tea can be effective for preventing insulin spikes. This means that you will not be experiencing great hunger and food cravings. This is particularly beneficial when on a low calorie weight loss diet.

Wulong tea promotes good health. The antioxidants in it help for the preservation of the elasticity of the blood vessels. This can protect you from atherosclerosis and reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. As highlighted earlier, there is scientific evidence that this herb can be effective for regulating blood sugar levels. In turn, it can reduce your risk of getting diabetes.

This weight loss tea is good for the general health as well. Its antioxidants fight the free radicals in the body and, in turn, reduce aging on cellular level. This allows you to have more energy, as all the organs in your body will be working more effectively. In turn, your risk of dangerous diseases, associated with aging, will be lower. Moreover, you will enjoy visible anti-aging effects. Your skin will be smoother and more radiant as well as more elastic.

There is strong scientific evidence that the antioxidants in Wulong tea have anti cancer properties. The regular consumption of a couple of cups of this drink per day might reduce your risk of cancer. More research is necessary to determine how exactly this herb works and whether it can be used for more effective prevention and even for treatment.

There are a lot of other benefits of Wulong tea. It promotes oral health. It acts as a natural immune system booster. It reduces the risk of balding. It is effective for relaxation and stress reduction.

It seems that this herb is the ideal choice for getting fit and staying in shape. Indeed, it is beneficial, as long as you are ware of the side effects. Much like black tea and green tea, Wulong tea contains caffeine in relatively small quantities. This powerful antioxidant is particularly effective for slimming. Recent research has found that it can reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease and colon cancer significantly. However, as it is commonly known, caffeine can cause irregular heart rhythm, increased blood pressure and hyperactivity. For all these reasons, Wulong tea should be consumed with caution. It is not recommended to children and women who are pregnant or nursing. It is not to be consumed in great amounts by people on hypertension medications.

Overall, drinking Wulong tea is beneficial. It is effective for weight loss as well as for reducing your risk of serious medical conditions. It promotes general health and gives you more energy. It is effective for stress reduction as well. Despite all these benefits, you should drink it in moderate quantities. If you have any chronic medical conditions and/or take medications, you might want to consult your doctor before you start taking this herbal supplement on a regular basis.

Combining drinking natural organic teas with a workout under the supervision of a connection personal trainer like the one you can have access to via the I Want Real Results program will do magic to your overall slimming progress.

Super Dieter's Tea

Can It Help You Slim Down?

Gaining weight is extremely easy nowadays. You do not exercise much, but you consume a lot of calories. At the same time, you are under a lot of stress and your body tends to retain fat deposits. Having to slim down, in turn, is a very hard task. You need to go on a restrictive diet and start working out regularly. You might want to use a dietary supplement to lose weight more effectively. One of the popular choices these days is Super Dieter's Tea. You should learn more about this product and decide whether it is the right slimming supplement for you.

Super Dieter's Tea by Laci Le Beau is a natural product. It contains only herbal ingredients. It comes in seven different flavors. These include Lemon Mint, Cranberry Twist, Cinnamon Spice, Peppermint, Tropical Fruit, Apricot and All Natural Botanicals. The main active ingredient of this dietary supplement is senna. Other ingredients that deserve the attention are stevia, licorice root and orange peel. It should be pointed out that this product does not contain caffeine. In this respect, it cannot cause side effects, such as irregular heart beat and higher blood pressure.

It is worth finding out more about senna, the ingredient Super Dieter's Tea is based on. This herb is known for its natural laxative effect. It has been used for centuries and has a number of applications in modern day medicine. There are a number of ways in which senna can help you. Firstly, it is effective for treating constipation. More importantly, it works as a natural colon parasite cleanser. A large number of the toxins compiled in this part of the body will be naturally released. In turn, you will feel more active and more energetic. This will certainly aid you in your weight loss efforts. Another way in which senna can aid slimming is through the prevention of water retention.

How effective is senna? It can aid you lose weight. It can improve the functioning of your body and digestion and metabolism to an extent. It can give you more energy to exercise. However, it does not provide for the burning of fat directly. Consequently, it does not have a direct effect on weight loss.

It is worth discussing the side effects of senna. It might cause stomach cramps and diarrhea. In turn, it might lead to dehydration, which can be a very serious medical problem. It should be pointed out that these side effects are not uncommon. Still, you should not experience them if you have Super Dieter's Tea as recommended on the package. Generally, it is best not to use senna for slimming for a long time. If you have any medical problems, you should discuss using this herb with your physician.

The other ingredient present in Super Dieter's Tea is stevia. It does not play a direct role in weight loss, but it can be quite beneficial for achieving your slimming goals. This herb acts as a natural sweetener. However, unlike refined sugar, it does not have any calories. This means that the tea will help you cope with sugar carvings. It will be easier for you not to have sugary foods and, in turn, you will lose weight more quickly and effectively. Stevia is not known to cause any serious side effects, especially when taken in small dosages.

Licorice root is another important ingredient in Super Dieter's Tea that is worth paying attention to. It has a relatively small concentration, but it is effective for detoxification and energy boosting. It promotes liver health as well. Licorice root should not produce any side effects. The other beneficial ingredient, orange peel, is a natural source of vitamins that promote health. It can aid digestion and detoxification to help you lose weight. This ingredient is perfectly safe.

In conclusion, Super Dieter's Tea can help you slim down, provided that you are on a low calorie diet that is combined with exercise. It does not act directly to promote fat burning, but it can help you make the most out of your slimming efforts, by naturally detoxifying your body. It can help you maintain your health, while being on a diet as well. This supplement should be used in line with all safety precautions, so that serious side effects are avoided.

Benefits of Oolong Tea

How Good Is It for You?

The modern day lifestyle is hectic and full of stress. It is also characterized by lack of sufficient physical activity. The modern day diet tends to be poor in nutrients and full of fats and sugars. It is essential for you to attempt to change all these things. Another effective way to protect your health and keep your weight within normal limits is to take dietary supplements. Oolong tea is not as popular as green tea, but it has similar health benefits. For this reason, more and more people start relying on it as their main dietary supplement. You should definitely find out more about the benefits of oolong tea.

Oolong tea is made from the same plant as green and black tea, Camellia sinensis. The only difference comes from the methods which are used for the production of this herbal product. It has been estimated that oolong tea falls between green and black tea in terms of oxidation. It is more oxidized than the former and less oxidized than the latter. The dried leaves are brewed in the same traditional way. This tea has been used for a long time in China and has preserved its huge popularity to the present day. Now it is becoming more widely used in the entire world. You can choose from a variety of products - oolong tea dried leaves, tea bags or extract. There are various pills based on the extract from the herb as well.

The main one of the benefits of oolong tea is its ability to stimulate weight loss through the burning of fat. The catechins, powerful antioxidants, boost metabolism and reduce the fat deposits in the body. In turn, slimming is facilitated. It is easier for dieters and much faster. Still, it should be noted that best results are accomplished when the consumption of oolong tea is complemented by a low calorie diet and exercise.

The powerful catechins and flavenoids (other types of antioxidants) in oolong tea fight the free radicals formed in the body. The free radicals are known to speed up aging as they cause cell and organ damage. This means that by consuming this type of tea you can slow down aging, at least to an extent. Your organs will have better protection from the harmful effects of free radicals. In turn, they will work more effectively for longer. The most visible effect is on the skin and hair. Your skin will be more elastic, softer and smoother. The catechins in oolong tea can make your hair stronger and prevent hair loss.

One of the most valuable benefits of oolong tea is that it protects the heart and the cardiovascular system in general. The antioxidants work to prevent the hardening of the arteries. In fact, they keep them more elastic. These powerful chemical compounds reduce the plaque build up in the blood vessels. They can also aid the reduction of cholesterol. In turn, the risk of heart attack and stroke is significantly reduced. Additionally, the antioxidants aid the regulation of blood sugar levels. This reduces the risk of diabetes.

Much like green tea, oolong tea has beneficial anti-cancer properties. Scientific studies have found that the catechins and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), in particular, reduce the risk of formation of tumors. It has been estimated that these antioxidants are most effective for prevention of breast cancer, colon cancer and skin cancer. Scientists believe that the catechins can also be used as part of cancer treatments and, specifically, for the prevention of formation of metastasis.

Another one of the great benefits of oolong tea is that it can combat stress effectively. It contains a chemical compound called L-theanine that causes relaxation by stimulating the brain to produce more serotonin. In fact, it has been estimated that stress levels can be reduced by 10% to 18% just after the consumption of one cup of this beverage. L-theanine can also help ease anxiety and depression. Some studies even suggest that it can stimulate the functioning of the brain for improved concentration.

The benefits of oolong tea are many and different. It is definitely worth enjoying this drink or taking supplements based on its extract. The herb is not known to have any dangerous side effects, when taken in small amounts.

Laxative Tea

Ingredients, Benefits and Potential Side Effects

Most people are used to taking traditional medications when they have health problem. This is certainly a fine solution, but most modern day medicines are too strong and often have undesired side effects. That is why you might use herbal remedies for health problems that are not particularly serious, such as constipation. A cup of laxative tea or a couple of them will certainly produce the desired effect. It is worth learning more about this type of tea and any additional health benefits it has. You should find out more about potential dangers from overusing it as well.

There are different laxative tea products available on the market. Their ingredients might differ to a great extent, but almost all of them have senna as their active ingredient. This herb is known for its natural laxative properties. In fact, it is recommended to patients who will have colonoscopy or a colon surgery. Generally, this herb is effective in cases of constipation as well. It stimulates the functioning of the colon and softens the stool. In turn, allows the bowel to empty naturally without much effort.

In many cases, laxative tea products contain additional ingredients that aid senna. Some teas have ginger root as well. It is effective for stimulating digestion and regulating the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, it also has a beneficial laxative effect. One of the main benefits of ginger is its ability to reduce cramping, which is associated with constipation and other stomach problems. Licorice root is another mild laxative that may also be included in the herbal mixture. Fennel, coriander and anise might also be present in the tea. These stimulate the functioning of the stomach and help prevent stomach and intestinal cramping.

The main benefit of laxative tea is that is allows you to have healthy bowel habits and get rid of constipation. The latter can be a serious problem and cause unpleasant side effects, such as fatigue and even weight gain. This type of tea can also help you with general stomach problems.

It is becoming increasingly popular for dieters to use laxative tea as well. It is worth discussing how beneficial such a supplement can be. This herbal tea and senna, in particular, cause some mild colon cleansing. In turn, they help for dangerous toxins to be released from the body. This allows all organs and systems in the body to work more effectively. The digestive tract is stimulated and so is metabolism. In this respect, laxative tea can aid weight loss. However, it should be pointed out that it does not promote the burning of fat directly.

Despite this, if you want a dietary supplement that offers both benefits, you can readily opt for laxative green tea. The polyphenols in green tea are known to boost metabolism and, in turn, the burning of fat. Additionally, it can stimulate the enzyme responsible for dissolving fat deposits, which are a direct result from the excess sugar and fats we intake with out diet.

It is worth discussing the potential side effects of laxative tea. It should be noted that this type of tea is recommended for use in the same way as medication. In most cases, it has to be taken only once a day before bedtime. Overdosing might cause serious problems. Senna is a very strong herb. When used inappropriately, it can cause diarrhea, stomach cramping and vomiting. In turn, a person with these symptoms may become dehydrated and may need serious medical treatment. Senna may also provide for the lowering of potassium levels in the body and lead to irregular heart beat. This herb might cause dependency as well. This can turn into a serious psychological and physiological medical condition.

Another point that should be noted is that there are some dangerous medical conditions which have constipation as one of their symptoms. In such cases, if laxative tea is taken it might not produce the desired effect. It is also possible for it to cause bowel bleeding. If you take such a tea and experience any or both of these problems, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Overall, laxative tea can help you in a lot of ways, including slimming. The important thing is not to use it abusively.

Ballerina Tea

Is It Effective for Weight Loss?

It is perfectly natural for you to want to get rid of those extra pounds. Losing weight makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin. You feel more energetic as well. More importantly, your looks are improved and your self confidence is boosted. On the other hand, it is not particularly easy to slim down. That is why you might want to use supplements. One of the most popular sliming products is Ballerina Tea. You should definitely learn more about it and its active ingredients in order to decide whether it is the right weight loss supplement for you.

Ballerina Tea is not an innovative herbal remedy. It has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. In this respect, it can be safely said that the formula behind the supplement has survived the test of time. Now this herbal tea is available to people around the world as well. It is worth looking at its active ingredients in more detail to determine how they can help you slim down and how effective they are in this respect.

The main active ingredient of Ballerina Tea is senna (Cassia Angustifolia). This herb is a natural laxative. It aids the emptying of the colon and is often use for colon cleansing. The senna you consume with this herbal tea will have the same effect on you. How does this stimulate weight loss? Firstly, the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract will be improved. In turn, you will enjoy better digestion. This aids for the more effective absorption of nutrients in the body and can stimulate slimming, provided that you are on a low calorie diet. The other benefit of senna is the natural cleansing of the body from various toxins that have compiled in it. This allows you to burn fat more effectively and to have more energy for exercising.

Despite all these benefits, it should be noted that senna does not stimulate metabolism directly. It does not affect the actual fat burning process as well. Hence, it can be concluded that this active ingredient of Ballerina Tea does not promote weight loss directly. It stimulates it. In turn, senna is effective for slimming, provided that you adopt a low calorie and exercise. Still, this active ingredient has an additional weight loss benefit that should be pointed out. Senna contains small amounts of sugar. These can help you cope with craving while on a diet.

The other active ingredient in Ballerina Tea, Chinese mallow, has a more direct effect on weight loss. This herb can regulate blood sugar levels. It can effectively prevent insulin spikes that make you feel hungry. In this respect, this herb can act as a natural appetite suppressant. More importantly, by regulating the blood sugar levels, Chinese mallow allows for the normal functioning of metabolism. When you are on a strict weight loss diet, your body reacts naturally to preserve its fat deposits, so metabolism slows down naturally. This herbal ingredient can help you in burning more fat than normal during periods of low calorie intake. It will not be a mistake to say that the effectiveness of Ballerina Tea lies with Chinese mallow.

It is worth discussing the potential side effects that this dietary supplement might have. When taken in appropriate dosages, senna should not cause any health problems. Still, different people react to the different chemical compounds in the herb differently. The manufacturers of Ballerina Tea warn that in some cases senna might cause diarrhea and vomiting. Chinese mallow is not know to have side effects, but as it affects the blood sugar levels, it is not recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes.

Ballerina Tea is prepared like traditional herbal tea. You steep one teabag in boiling water for a couple of minutes. According to the manufacturer, the drink should be consumed either hot or cold after meals. This use is traditional and should be beneficial for helping you lose weight more effectively.

Overall, it can be concluded that Ballerina Tea stimulates weight loss to an extent. It has an indirect fat burning effect and helps the body slim naturally while preserving its normal functioning. The potential side effects should be taken into account, when the dietary supplement is used.