Sunday, July 31, 2011

Breakfast Huevos Rancheros

(makes 4 servings)

Weight Loss Recipes : Huevos RancherosIngredients:

  • 1 tsp. ground cumin

  • 1 can (15 oz) no-salt-added pink beans, rinsed and drained

  • 4 scallions, sliced

  • 1 small red bell pepper, cut into thin strips

  • ½ cup reduced-sodium chicken broth

  • 2 minced cloves garlic

  • 4 eggs

  • 1 cup sliced avocado

  • 4 Tbsp. fat-free Greek yogurt

  • 4 Tbsp. salsa

  • 8 corn tortillas (6-inch diameter), toasted

  • dash of hot-pepper sauce (optional)


  • Heat a 10-inch nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add cumin and cook, stirring occasionally, until fragrant (about 30 seconds). Add beans, scallions, bell pepper, chicken broth and garlic. Bring to a boil then reduce heat so the mixture simmers. Cook until the vegetables are tender and most of the broth is evaporated, 8 minutes. Smash beans with back of a large spoon until lumpy.

  • Use back of spoon to make 4 indentations in beans mixture. Working one at a time, break each egg into custard cup and pour in each indentation. Cover and until the eggs are cooked to the desired doneness (about 8 minutes).

  • Scoop each portion of egg-topped bean mixture onto plate. Scatter avocado slices over and around beans. Top each serving with 1 Tbsp. of yogurt and 1 Tbsp. of salsa. Serve with tortillas and hot-pepper sauce, if desired.

Make 4 Servings:

Weight loss recipes Amount Per Serving : 331 Calories, 16 g Protein, 42 g Carbohydrates, 10 g Dietary Fiber, 12 g Fat, 3 g Saturated Fat, 245 mg Sodium

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Juice Fast, Spirulina & Chia Seeds

Please forgive my shoddy video quality. I decided last minute to vlog and I failed at making sure the background was right and that the lighting was pointing in the right direction OUT OF VIEW. If can you can ignore the obvious, I have some great links to look at! :)

Another Thought-Provoking Documentary

My cousin has been recommending these wonderful gems on NetFlix and I thought I'd share with you too! :) 

The information coorelates with my studies in Holistic Nutrition.  I like how they presented and explained nutrients and how they need to be the focus with disease, not medicine.  It's true, our society doesn't support this sort of thinking because, after all, there is no money to be made with health.

I've actually heard Charlotte Gerson speak before. She's amazing and so youthful, an excellent example of healthy living.  I'm always inspired after hearing her wisdom.

For me, I think the most difficult thing for me to work through is getting enough fruits and veggies on days where we aren't home.  I feel a differece when I am getting them, yet they aren't the easiest to grab when on the go.  (And apples wrapped in celophane at the golden arches isn't going to cut it.)

Official Site

Cranberry Pecan Scones

(makes 8 servings)

Weight Loss Recipes : Cranberry-Pecan SconesIngredients:

  • 2 cups whole wheat pastry flour

  • 1 cup chopped pecans

  • 2 teaspoons baking powder

  • ½ teaspoon baking soda

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • 1¼ cups low-fat vanilla yogurt

  • 2 Tablespoon canola oil

  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated orange zest

  • ⅔ cup dried sweetened cranberries

  • Low-fat cooking spray


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly coat a 9-inch round baking pan with cooking spray.

  • In large-size bowl, whisk flour, pecans, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

  • In small-size bowl, whisk yogurt, oil and orange zest.

  • Make a well in center of flour mixture. Add yogurt mixture and cranberries. Stir until blended.

  • Press into prepared pan. Score dough with knife to form 8 triangles. Bake until lightly browned and a wooden toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean (about 20-25 minutes).

Make 8 Servings:

Weight loss recipes Amount Per Serving : 308 Calories, 6 g Protein, 38 g Carbohydrates, 5 g Dietary Fiber, 15 g Fat, 1.5 g Saturated Fat, 350 mg Sodium

Friday, July 29, 2011

Raspberry Yogurt Parfait

(makes 1 servings)

Weight Loss Recipes : Raspberry Yogurt ParfaitIngredients:

  • ½ cup raspberries

  • 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice

  • 1 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt


  • Toss raspberries and lemon juice in bowl. Alternate layers of yogurt and raspberries in parfait dish.

Make 1 Servings:

Weight loss recipes Amount Per Serving : 230 Calories, 12 g Protein, 39 g Carbohydrates, 4 g Dietary Fiber, 3 g Fat, 2 g Saturated Fat, 150 mg Sodium

Nature at Its Finest: Organic Teas (Part 2)

Here is the continuation (Part 2) of the post
entitled Nature at its Finest: Organic Teas (Part 1)

So organic teas are more expensive than non- organic teas. Why?

In order to live up to the high quality standard of the product, producers have to ensure that the strictest measures would be done to ensure this is always so. They have to spend more to be organically certified by agencies, although some are offered incentives for having to choose organic over non-organic. Other factors are the meticulous growth of these crops. Extra attention needs to be given to them, because pesticides and other chemicals are not used to drive away pests and other harmful elements that can ruin the plant. So labor costs are also expensive. And other factors, such as high demands for it, can therefore also increase its cost.

What are some tea varieties that are organic?

With the developing demands for organic products, most products of teas also do have it in organic forms. Such examples are: black teas, oolong teas, white teas and even other herbal teas.

But a word of advice. Do not expect it to be readily available everywhere. It may be hard to find for you to find a specific tea type or flavor that is organic. Because not every store or supermarkets and tea shops have teas in their organic forms. Not everyone is organic conscious as they say although statistics imply that more and more customers are preferring organic from non organic.

What are some of the health benefits of organic tea?

Organic teas are very renowned and known for their anti-oxidants. These antioxidants are the main players for helping the body be cleansed and get rid of all the free-radicals and toxins that are detrimental to our health.

Not only that, organic teas are also main fighters of certain diseases such as heart disease (stroke, heart attack atherosclerosis, blood clots), cancers and other related ailments.

It also prevents tooth decay and bad breath. It also helps us improve our immune functions. Therefore, it helps the body prevent and combat unwanted illnesses.

How is organic tea prepared?

Organic teas are prepared just like other regular teas. First, you boil water enough for one cup (if only one cup is desired). Before it reaches to its boiling point (do not use too hot water!!!), then you are ready to pour it in the cup. Then steep the tea. Allow it to infuse for a few minutes. Add spices or sweeteners to taste. Indulge and take a sip.

How often should I drink it?

There is no exact number. For it depends on the person. But ideally, drinking tea should not exceed more than ten cups per day.

Why choose organic?

Just think about it. Everything is better if it is natural and organic. It would look better, smell better and taste better. It is like you are drinking tea as it should be. No alteration. No other chemicals or artificial substances along with the tea itself. After all, you are drinking tea. Not tea (plus pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers). You want to live longer and healthier. You are not on a suicide mission.

In addition, think of the possible harmful and ill effects these chemicals will be to your body and to your health. Chemical pesticides are known to cause several types of cancers, blood diseases and nerve and neurological disorders. Not only is it obviously a poison, it also extra harmful effects to the infants and pregnant women.

Is it Worth It?

Only you can answer this question. For it is a matter of your own choice. Some say there is no significant different as to the flavor of organic teas to non-organic ones. And also others say that the significant ill effects of chemicals and pesticides as a result of drinking tea is not really heard of. And then the price is more costly in organic teas. But if you think about it, even the smallest difference between the two is enough to make the switch. We only live once. So why not choose the better, despite it being "slightly" less good. At least with organic products you get your money's worth. You are assured that no harmful chemicals are used. And no matter how little the chance is, at least you are 100 percent sure it would not happen and affect you. And let us not forget the environment. It is a gift given to us. So we should make it a point to try and preserve and maintain its beauty. This is not only for us but also for the future generation as well.

The bottom line...

Organic is always better than artificial. It looks better, smells better and it even tastes better. Not only is it more pleasurable to consume organic to non-organic but it also offers more health benefits. It is also very safe for no artificial chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides were used. So no worrying of the possible ill effects these chemicals can do. The land and soil is preserved and pollution is also lessened. Although it is a bit expensive compared to the non-organic teas, still the high quality and health benefits is assured and guaranteed. So every cent is well spent. You get your money's worth. And a very plus factor is that you also help save the environment. So not only are you starting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and prolonging your life, you are also helping and protecting the environment as well.

Nature at Its Finest: Organic Teas (Part 1)

Nature is God's greatest gift to mankind. It is meant not only to sustain us, but to be enjoyed and appreciated for all its beauty and splendor. Nature is not merely a place. It is a living force, welcoming us, beckoning us to be one with it and embrace the magnificence of all the things it is readily offering to us.

But nowadays, it is very hard to find products that are "natural"- untouched and unblemished by artificial chemicals and methods that tamper to the very essence of its natural components. In this fast-paced and ever changing world, nothing is spared. From technology, to infrastructures and even food itself is filled with "unnaturalness". And one may even come to a point to be exasperated and just shout; "Where has nature gone?"

And so every day is an unending quest to find a certain balance. We try as much as we can to create a healthy lifestyle. And the only way to do that is to find food that is natural or something closest to it.

And there is still hope. For despite the modernization, there are still products that have still maintained a sense of naturalness.

For instance, Organic produce. They can be found everywhere. We can still purchase organic fruits and vegetables. And also there are also organic beverages that are slowly becoming a hit and a trend globally. And what is great about it is we can also enjoy these beverages at any moment in any day at the comforts of our homes. This is no other than organic teas.

What is it anyway?

Organic Tea

As the name suggests, organic teas are those products that are produced naturally. By naturally, we mean the products, or the ingredients used in the tea are grown and cultivated without the use of any artificial chemicals or products such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, growth regulators or chemical food additives.

How do they make organic teas? What do they do to achieve this?

Besides avoiding the use of artificial chemicals to the plant themselves, the environment to which the crop will grow is also taken care of.

The soil is also natural. Also, a layer of mulch also makes sure that moisture is preserved as well as giving extra nutrients to the tea plant. The land used for cultivating these plants is without the aid of chemicals for at least 3 years before it is used. It should be labeled environmental free zone. It is also enriched only with natural compost. Composting is the process used to make the plants not only grow well but be healthy as well. Another ways they do is with the use of crop rotation. This is done to minimize the pests and diseases. Other processes are also done in accordance to certain standards they have to abide. Like inspection and certifications of certain agencies covering this. These processes not only protects mother nature's natural resources by preventing pollution and the land from being compromised.

What countries do organic teas come from?

Most of the major tea producers like China, Taiwan and Japan have preferred using organic teas for making their renowned teas.

What makes organic teas special?

Despite being more meticulous than the non-organic types (for it is more labor-extensive), still the superior quality of the tea is maintained. This is the reason why such teas produced by these countries remain at the top. For it is only the natural aroma, taste and color that people can taste out of these teas.

Moreover, not only does the natural aroma and flavor maintained, these kinds of teas also offer and promote more health benefits from the others. They are higher in terms of having catechins and polypherols - nature's potent anti-oxidant. It is also noteworthy that these two compounds are the main players as to why tea is very popular not only to health buffs but to other ordinary people as well.

On a side note, cultivating organic teas is also more beneficial to tea farmers. For tea plants have a life span of 100 years. And with the use of only organic farming methods, these plants can live longer and prolong in this life span. If this was the case, then these tea farmers only spend lesser than those others.

How can we be so sure the tea we are buying is organic?

There is one thing for sure. There are many government and non-government agencies that make it their jobs to ensure and certify whether or not a certain product is organic. Some of them include the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (or IFOAM) and also the United States Department of Agriculture (or USDA).These agencies have developed programs for certification that scrutinizes specific practices of a certain tea plantation and gives out certificates to those who have met and passed the requirements.

But it should not end there. There is a sure possibility that other tea vendors will, go to the extent of just placing "organic" in the tea packages despite it being otherwise. How do we really know for sure then?

Reading the word "organic" to the package is not enough. Be more observant and cautious in choosing and buying certain products. One way is to inspect the packages whenever you purchase an organic tea. And look for the seal of those organizations mentioned above. For it there is a seal, and then you can be sure it has passed the standards. Just make sure those seals are not faked or tampered with.

Another thing you should consider is the price. Organic teas are usually more expensive than the non-organic ones. So if a certain organic tea is sold at a very low price range than the other brands, you should be suspicious about its authenticity. This is the price to pay for having only the best quality drink. And if its otherwise, then you will not get the best the teas have to offer.

Last, but not the least. Try it for yourself. Trust in your taste buds. They do not lie. For it is by actually tasting it that you can know for sure. If it smells and tastes natural- then it must be organic!