This is a REAL curry. We have Dhal, Prawn curry, spiced Banana flower, chicken curry, beetroot curry and vegetable rice with popadums. Mmmmm this was so delicious it make me want to book a flight straight back there! Can you see how much food there was!! However if you did manage to eat everything on the plate, they brought you more!!!!!!!!
The most exotic thing I ate was this Lobster. It was divine.
Wow is all I can say. this was taken after I had finished the meal and flipped the beast over... you can see I left the veggies and the rice and half the crabbie pattie (HA HA - DS loved the Spongebob theme). The lobster was huge, but there was actually not a lot of meat in it... shame as it was well lush!
I have been experiencing EXCRUCIATING pain in my lower left abdomen. I have been banded for over 4 months now and have 6mls in my 10ml capacity band with no problems to date what so ever... well ok... the couple of pb's after fill #2 but that's all.
As you all know, on Saturday 3 weeks ago I fell down the stairs, top to bottom, and was taken to hospital. Nothing was broken, just bashed up and bruised all over the place. The next day (Sunday) I started feeling horrible in the afternoon. I fell asleep on the sofa and woke thinking that I had slept funny with a stitch like pain in my left side.
I got up and mooched about, but it didn't go. I took it easy all day simply because of the fall the previous day, and was in bed by 8pm. By 10pm I was in terrible pain and I called the Doctor. I was taken into hospital and admitted.
Over the course of the next 2 days they took:
blood tests - all clear
urine tests - all clear (including pregnancy tests - neg)
stomach x-ray's - fine
ultrasound scan of abdomen - fine
On Tuesday morning the consultants came to see me and the pain had gone completely, although they were still giving me codeine, and they said they could find nothing wrong and everything was clear and that I could go home.
Words like Diverticulitis and kidney stones were bandied about, but no clear diagnosis was given. I was eager as the proverbial beaver to go home because I was going on holiday for 2 weeks on the next day!
So I went home, packed and then went on holiday. During the holiday I had the occasional twinge, but nothing as debilitating as I had had on that Sunday night. I had one bad day about a week into the holiday where I mostly stayed in the water because this seemed to help with the pain, and also chewed those codeine pills like fury!
We came home last Wednesday and everything has been... ok... ish... occasionally there is pain, but its spasmodic.
Then yesterday came.
I had a bad nights sleep and was tossing and turning with cramping. Yesterday I spent in bed during the morning to hide from the pain. I got up briefly at midday to take DS to the doctor because he has been suffering from this bug he got on the last day of the holiday (turns out its probably Salmonella - Whoopee!) and then went back to bed about 2pm. I was in chronic pain I swear to God! I got up at 6pm and I went to work under pressure because of being off for the last 2 weeks on holiday. It was awful. I could hardly concentrate.
I came home from work and curled up whilst DH fed me a lovely curry and watched Big Brother (OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
We went to bed about 11pm, I only got home from work at 9:30pm and last night I felt so awful; couldn't get comfortable, and I got up at 4am.
All kinds of things are going through my head. Its not near the port. I know that 'port pain' that feels like a ripped muscle/stitch for a few weeks after the operation. I had that and it did eventually go at about 9 weeks or so, and its not that.
This pain is sharp, like I have been running a marathon, bends you double, on the left hand side but NOT completely on your hip. If you put your left hand on your left hip - like I'm a little teapot - where your fingers come to an end, go directly down 4 inches to around where I perceive my ovaries and all that junk to be... its in there.
It's kind of along the pelvic line when I am lying down. It feels like a stitch from running, does not go away and is constant. My port area is now also tender, although it wasn't yesterday.
Now, what have I done. I am thinking all kinds of things - something major by falling down the stairs? What does a band slip feel like? What does band erosion feel like?Is this just wind??? Have I pulled a muscle?Is it kidney stones - anyone had them?
But most importantly I am scared witless that its something to do with the band? I am having a fill on Thursday, but my doctor does not use a fluoroscope. He just has me lay down on the couch and feels around and then injects me, so if there is a problem with this band, will he actually be able to tell???
Anyway, I have decided to be pro active about it. I had a chat with M today who was my 'lap band - bunk buddy' in Brugge and she uncannily had the EXACT same experience of the stitch in the same area after a bike workout at the gym. She said she nearly fainted with the pain. That's totally correct with me too. Her doc said she had pulled a muscle and her fill doctor said it really had nothing to do with the band. So she is still getting twinges all the time like me.
I am guessing that I must have pulled something big style when I surfed the stairs. Its only since being back in Blighty that I have had more pain, and specifically since I got back driving to work. I noticed it. So maybe that's the problem.
So odd that we both have the same pain though! I wonder if we both have spanners left inside us or some other horror story like that. I mean you do hear about that kind of thing. But I think after talking to her that its more likely to be muscular, and with all the chopping and re wiring that's gone on in there recently, and the stitches probably only just dissolved, that's why its hurting so much.
So I am gonna chill out and not stress. I am just going to get through it as best I can. When I rest it gets better (which says a lot about it being muscular again). I have put myself back on liquids just to rule out a problem with IBS or diverticulitic problems. It cant help to have a colon chokka block with food. Its all I can do.
I am having my 3rd fill on Thursday and I am booking my 4th fill for a couple of weeks time in Barnes. I am fed up with not losing weight and I need to boost it big style. If other people I know have had fills weekly, without a problem, then I cannot see that there is any problem with doing the same. I want results before I start to lose faith in this thing.
On a brighter note, I am so pleased Big Brother is back on. It started whilst I was away, but I recorded the housemates entry into the house and have caught up with what I missed whilst away. I love the show.
My favorites at the moment are Laura Tracey and Carole. Charlie is AWFUL. Enough said.
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