Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Way Hey... Another 1.5lb off today...

Oh yeah baby! I am thrilled with my weight loss. 1 and a half pounds off!!
I am now 17stone 3 and a half pounds - That's 10 and a half pounds lost since banding!! YAYAY

I had a bit of an odd slimmingworld meeting today though.

The Beeeyatch of a slimmingworld consultant, who we shall call.... umm... *PIG*, has been a complete and utter swamp donkey.

As you all know, I had my band fitted when I was attending a slimmingworld class that ran on a Monday. I told the consultant that I had had my band, because I was worried about losing loads of weight. She reassured me that I wouldn't lose loads (she was right hey!) immediately, and that I was totally welcome in the class, she had other people in class before who had had a lap band, and that I was still going to have to follow a healthy eating plan. All true.

Anyhow, as you all know I left slimmingworld in June because I lost the plot diet wise. So when I rejoined at my previous group with *PIG* on a Tuesday, I didn't bother to tell her about my band because
  • I am not losing loads of weight and therefore will not be slimmer of the week
  • I will not be entering their dumb competitions to win anything
  • I will be following the healthy eating plan - well sort of
  • I need to get weighed whether I have a band or not
  • I had been so reassured by my other consultant that I didn't think I needed to inform her

Well somehow... she know all about it.

I have told 3 people at slimming. 1 of them being the person I went to Belgium with - TB. another being a pupils mother who happened to go to slimmingworld ages ago, but not anymore who I know would not breathe a word. The other one being the girl I saw 2 weeks for the first time in a year who was genuinely excited for me and also told me today of the callous betrayal of confidentiality flouted by not ONE but TWO slimmingworld consultants.

I am in absolutely no doubt that my previous consultant has told my new consultant that I had a lap band fitted. Since I am a rejoin, this information should NEVER have been shared. She should never have put my friend in that position, on the telephone, where she felt torn. *PIG* blatantly asked her whether she knew if I had had an operation or not. Of course my friend would tell me what was said, even though she asked her not to say anything.

What a complete scab hound. If my friend had not known that I had had a lap band and came up and asked me if I had had an operation, I would have been really upset, because I CHOOSE who I tell.

I am really annoyed and I phoned the head office today to ask them about it all. I enjoy going to slimmingworld as you get great tips and stuff, info and all kinds of support (banded or not!) and I like to keep a check on everything. I now feel that anyone in that room might know I have had an operation and I just don't know what to do about it. I feel like if I talk to *PIG* about it then that will drop my friend in it, but if I don't, then my mind will get away with itself and I will be paranoid android thinking that everyone who gets a phone call from her will be asked "Do you know her well... I heard a rumour..." What a scummy thing to do to someone. I feel like a piece of scum now. I feel humiliated and not worthy of going to the class. I feel shat on by someone who I told things to in confidence. So much for their confidentiality policy. Its not worth a fig.

I am so glad my friend told me. I know if she reads this she will be really upset that she said anything, but PLEASE don't be. *PIG* has upset so many people in the past, including me, that maybe she needs to be told. I would have hated not to know, and I am glad you told me about it honey honest! I want to give it to *PIG* both barrels, but I wont because of you. I will just rant my frustration on here. If *PIG* reads this maybe she will have the decency to apologise for the hurt she has caused me.

I am sure that the other consultant who told *PIG* about it has also has some degree of negligence in this, but it should never have been mentioned to another member of the class. For goodness sake!! God, I am sick of these jumped up little Hitlers telling us to "do better" and "lose weight" when they are often the ones that make us feel so crap we want to go and eat 765 donuts. AHHHHHHHHHHHH. They tell us this and that, but when it comes to being decent honest upright members of society they fall very short. HOW DARE SHE????

I am on the phone to TB right now, and told her to ring *PIG* under the pretense of needing a password for the website.. tee hee

Right, TB has just got off the phone from her right now. TB was baiting her so badly, but *PIG* didn't bite or have the guts to ask her anything about it. She kept bringing the conversation round to me, but she just didn't go for it.

We will wait and see if she has the guts to ask me herself the nosy cow.

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