I thought I would graphically show you all what I saw on the x-ray.
Obviously I am using a generic skeleton (and this is probably a male one or something HA)
but I saw the band and the port with a little metal spike sticking straight up and then the tubing hanging right down into my pelvic area. Pretty scary stuff to be frank.
Well, its now 3 days since my re-operation to correct this naff up.
I weighed myself this morning and the scales said 17 stone 5 and a half pounds.
So that's a 7 pound loss in 5 days. Hmmm
I have decided that my weigh changes are so random now, that I need to keep a weight record on this blog. So, there is now a link to the weightloss record page on the right hand side of my blog called WEIGHT HISTORY, just above the Photos page, which I will update every time I weigh myself.
So today's food:
Breakfast: 1 bowl of quaker real fruit porridge and 1 teaspoon sugar
Lunch: 5 thin slices of Polenta with a sliced tomato and 8 olives fried in half tbsp olive oil and a sprinkling of parmesan
Snack: 1 nutrigrain oat baked bar - + a spell over the sink dribbling and thinking I was gonna puke. 1 packet of parma violets and a swizzles lollipop.
Dinner: Chicken supreme, broccoli, mashed potato and peas.
As yet, dont know how much I will eat, but I will update again later.
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