Saturday, May 5, 2007

Foods that make me puke

This will be updated regularly as I discover new foods that make me puke or 'PB' (Productive burping)

Please note that these have caused me grief when I have eaten them 'as is' i.e. not with a sauce or whatever.

1.) Sandwich
2.) Fishcake
3.) Chips - each time I have had them!!!!!!! No more!
4.) Sausage
5.) dry lamb style grill (quorn)
6.) Bagel (plain)

Friday, May 4, 2007

Feeling thin

Today I have been mostly feeling thin.

There was a slight blip when my new swimming costume arrived from Bravissimo. It was £55. That is LOT of money for a cossie. It looked like crud.

I have noticed that my arms are saggy underneath - definitely Gala Bingo wings. But also I have saggy thighs. This is AWFUL. I am going to be this person under a huge amount of saggy, stretched corrugated flappy skin.

You will see what I post my 2 month photo next Wednesday.

But, It has made me look at the positives... I wanted to lose weight, and I can see that I am. I am just getting another new problem to add to the old one. More walking for me.

Anyway, here is a picture of the crackers I love. Great with humous (Tesco's spelling... personally that's how I thought you spelt manure!?).
The bathroom tiling is now complete. They came this afternoon and finished it. I have ordered the grout haze gel to get rid of the urr... grout haze. Its basically sulphamic acid. Sound like fun!
So tomorrow I will make the curtains (like old people have in their homes around a little vanity basins - usually floral with lace) Oh Joy.
Today's food.
Breakfast: 1 slice of bread
Lunch: Chicken Tikka Masala (WFF meal)
Dinner: Cheese and pickle sandwich and ginger sponge and custard.
Lap Band 'Productive Burping Incident' Alert
**Cheese and Pickle Sandwich Fiasco**
The cheese and pickle sandwich ended up being mostly thrown up, so I can't quantify how much I acutally ate. I didnt eat any of the crusts... so thats just the middle bit and I was sick 3 times after eating it. So not very much I guess. Dry stuff SO does not agree with me.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Can't be bothered to keep counting

I have decided that I am not going to bother with the whole "x weeks + x days " thing any more.
Its boring me.

I remember when I had DS - "He's 3 days old!"

"Oh, yes he's 6 weeks now"

"Oh yeah, hes 4 months now."

"Yes he is a big boy. Hes nearly 2 now you know!"



As kids grow up we dont say "Oh yes hes 4356 days old today!" do we?

So I am going to be 2 months banded next Wednesday, so I think I am just going to keep track like that from now on. I have progressed as it were. It also means that I will have to give a more enlightening title to my daily piece... and maybe more people might read it. Who knows?

Today has been bleeeeugh

I didn't actually get up until 2:30pm. DS had been doing whatever all day and I felt terrible when he came up and said "Mummy, can I please have some lunch" What a terrible mother. So I got up and we had no bread, so I made us a hot dinner. I felt so tired though. Doing the garden has really taken it out of me. I have absolutely no energy.

DH came home at about 4:00pm and I went back to bed I must admit. I wanted to go to the meeting this evening, so I wanted to feel at least a little better. He let me sleep till 6:30pm and then woke me. I still felt awful, but actually maybe too much sleep makes you feel worse...? I dunno.

I went to the meeting with DS at 7:00pm. I felt grim all through the first half, but the second half I perked up and I was not feeling too bad at all by the end.

I am feeling tired now, although how that is possible, seeing as I've had 18 hours sleep in the last 24, is beyond me.

Today's food has been diabolical. I am really not in the zone at all. I am pining for my old comfort eating. I feel sad about something, I am not sure what, and I just want to resort to type, but I can't. Today I have had a quorn and sweet potato curry, a mini ice cream and 5 ginger biscuits.
Somebody help me. I feel so depressed about eating that. My guilt is driving me insane.

I feel so low, and sluggish. I think I need to get out of the house a bit more and do some exercise, but its a vicious cycle. I just don't feel like it, but I know if I do do it, I will feel better.

I am not sure If I told you that we are having our bathroom tiling finished off... Well the floor tiles are TOTALLY wrong. I hate them. The company that made my beautiful tiles on my walls have gone bust and I could not get the Planets range in Jupiter any more. I could only get Planets in Mercury. Jupiter is a lovely blend of 1 and a half inch mosaic tiles on a sheet with about 5 different colours... all are anti-slip and matt. They are so nice. One of the colours is a kind of grey beige colour, so I ordered Mercury, because it looked the same as this colour. When the delivery driver dropped the new tiles off, I looked at them in the box and they looked fine. It wasn't until I went upstairs and half of them were laid on the floor that I realised what a complete mess up I had made. they are not the same. They are grey... Mercury... suggests the fact huh? So now I have a freaking cream bathroom suite with mocha and cream walls and all kinds of browns and plums and warm autumn tones and a horrible grey clinical hospital floor.

I am devastated. I was so devastated that it made me ill and I could not work yesterday.

That seems such a dramatic thing to do, but honestly it really really damaged me. I spent so much time and effort choosing that bathroom and its been ruined by me too. I should have gone with a completely different tile. What an idiot I am. I will have to live with it. Its cost so much money to look so crap.

Don't get me wrong, its a lovely tile, and with a white bathroom suite and stainless steel and glass fittings and that kind of stuff it would look lush. But I don't have those. I have antique pine skirting and trim and antique pine accessories. It all looks C R U D together.

Well its done. But its left me feeling sick as can be.

I have never felt like this before. I think its because I had such a high expectation.

Writing this is cathartic though. It enables me to get all my grief out and free myself up.

Thanks for listening everyone. I know that its a small deal really in comparisson to other peoples lives. I should be greatful for what I have. Its just that I made a mistake. I hate that.

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Weight loss and maintenance is no laughing matter. Today, 60% ofAmerican adults need to lose weight, and many of them feeldefeated by their struggles. In addition, for many people,keeping weight off after weight loss is even more difficult thanlosing it in the first place.These difficulties are the reason that sales of diet aids are soconsistently high. People who are trying to lose weight

How Does Green Tea Help Weight Loss?

For many people, finding a weight loss supplement that's safeand effective would be nothing short of a miracle. We all knowthat there are no magic bullets when it comes to weight loss; wehave to consume fewer calories in a day than our body uses inorder to lose weight. However, finding ways to burn fat fasterwould speed up the process and make it easier.One product that seems to have much promise

Tea's Potential For Weight Loss

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