Monday, December 20, 2010

Pondering goals for 2011

I worked out every single day in 2009.  Yep, 365 workouts in a row.  I dropped 40 pounds and had an awesome habit formed.  At the end of the year, I was very pleased with my loss and happy with my health status.  My BMI was in the healthy range and I was wearing clothes I hadn't seen in a while.  All WIN, right? Right.

One thing held me back from utter bliss though.  I needed to loose another 10-20 pounds to have a comfortable distance from the line that separates "Healthy" and "Overweight" on the BMI chart. I was at a healthy weight, but a few pounds gained would put me into Unhealthy Land.  Too close for comfort.

In 2010 I started to write.  With all the excitement, I cut out exercise so I could have more time for writing.  MISTAKE!! I've gone flabby and can see how missed daily exercise makes a huge difference with my body. I'm only up a few pounds on the scale, but what difference it makes when you aren't as toned. 

Thus, I'm thinking about making another 365 day workout goal that I'll blog and vlog about along the way. 

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