Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Boost Fat-burning Metabolic Rate by 50% by Drinking Coffee

drinking coffee helps in weight loss

Drinking coffee before a meal can suppress appetite by 35%, plus boost fat-burning metabolic rate by 50%

That's according to extensive research at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.

A nice cup of coffee or tea can help you get over any snack cravings. Green or herbal teas are a great choice because of the extra health benefits.

The study-proven dose : 250 mg of caffeine daily, taken either in supplement form or by drinking two cups of coffee or 4 cups of tea.

Bonus: Caffeine acts as a diuretic, which means it increases the amount of urine you excrete. This water loss may temporarily decrease your body weight.

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To counteract a binge, keep your body's fat-burning furnace running on full blast by drinking Green Tea

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