Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Garden Milkshake

Who doesn't love a thick milkshake made with real, all natural ice cream and blended with fresh fruit?  It's certainly hard to pass up such cool deliciousness on a hot day.  But with intense refreshment also comes high calories.

A way we get around it is to make our own shakes.

In our garden this year, we are growing crenshaw melons.  I grew up with these beautiful fruits and the mere scent brings me back to a time when summers were long and living in a swimsuit didn't phase me.

We use Bryer's Vanilla ice cream.  It's the best!!  All natural without any added gunk means no chemicals or unpronounceable nouns.  Add it to the blender with frozen chunks of crenshaw melon and you have a frothy milkshake with less calories.  Since you are using more melon than ice cream, you significantly reduce the amount of fat and calories while adding a healthy dose of vitamin C.  The flavor is so sweet and intense, you don't miss those calories.

Wait.  You say you've never tasted a Crenshaw melon? Seek one out and dive in!  I promise you won't be disappointed.

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