Thursday, September 2, 2010

Stop Cravings for 4 hours and Lose Weight with Berries

stop cravings with blueberries

Outsmart Snack Attacks for 4 hours and Lose Weight with Berries

Savoring Berries can outsmart snack attacks for 4 hours and help you shed 5% of your body weight in 6 months.

The credit goes to dozens of blood sugar stabilizing antioxidants. Blueberries are so packed with them, just a half cup daily can boost your blood levels by 100%.

More on Berries:

Enjoying 1 cup each day can boost insulin sensitivity by 7%, And that translates into a 42% drop in erratic blood sugar, binge eating and weight concerns, USDA studies suggest. The credit goes to cyanidin, kaempferol and phenolics.

"This phytochemicals activate the brain's satiety center, so you feel full on far less food," says Guttersen.

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