Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 68: The goal is still alive!

Hello!!  I've been one bad blogger!! It's not that I've forgotten to do it, I just haven't. Life is a little insane right now, and by the end of the day, I'm getting my workout in and reading/writing with the last few moments before I crash.

But I thought I would check in and let you all know I'm still working out everyday! I've been maintaining and it feels good to be working towards my goal of 365 days.  When things settle down, I would like to blog more about food choices and an eating plan.

I can tell my body is transitioning. My muscles are getting firm, even though the scale hasn't changed much in the last several weeks.  This tells me that my weight distribution is changing--greater muscle mass and less fat. Just need to press forward despite what the scale and my pants say. The goal is about daily workouts, nothing more.  Everything else is just a perk to the goal.

I hope to be blogging more frequently, but life is crazy.  Just when things slow down, they tend to speed up.
If you follow me on Twitter, I'm always popping up there.

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