Friday, May 6, 2011

Pasta Delight

(makes 4 servings)

Weight Loss Recipes : Pasta DelightIngredients:

  • 2 cups pasta, cooked, drained and rinsed

  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil

  • 1 large broccoli tree, chopped into small pieces or 1 (10 oz.) package of chopped frozen broccoli

  • 1 carrot, cut into thin strips

  • 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped

  • ½ cup green peas

  • 1 tbsp Italian seasoning

  • ¼ cup Parmesan cheese


  • Cook pasta according to package instructions.

  • In a large-sized skillet, sauté vegetables and garlic in vegetable oil for about 10 minutes, stirring often.

  • Add cooked pasta and Italian seasoning to vegetables and gently combine with a large-sized spoon or spatula.

  • Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over pasta mixture, cover and cook for about 2-4 minutes.

Make 4 Servings:

Weight loss recipes Amount Per Serving(¼ of recipe (186 g)): 203 Calories, 9 g Protein, 29 g carbohydrates, 5 g Dietary Fiber, 6 g fat, 2 g saturated fat, 5 mg cholesterol, 205 mg sodium

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