You do not need to be a tea buff nor a health expert to know that drinking tea is really good for you. There are so many benefits that tea can offer you that it would be a shame for you to not and try it. For what is to lose? With just a little cost and a little effort on your part, you are well on your way to a healthier and brighter tomorrow. And if you are worried that you do not have a background on green teas, don't be! All you have to do is read through the article and I will guide you to it. It is as simple as ABC.
BY THE WAY! Wuyi Cliff Oolong Tea can help prevent heart ailments...
and Tava Tea contains Oolong :-)
Just a quick background:
Green tea comes from the leaves of a tea plant known as Camellia Sinensis. They are famous for growing in Asia, Middle East, and even in Africa. As the name suggests, it is green, specifically greenish to yellowish in color. Its flavor is similar to the taste of the leaf itself. So it can be described as grassy or vegetable-like.
Here are some of the health benefits green tea can offer:
• Prevents and treats cardiovascular problems such as stroke, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and blood clots
• Helps burn fat and lose weight
• Strengthens immunity
• Anti-aging and energy booster
• Lowers down high blood pressure
• Can prevent and maintain diabetes
• Improves memory
• Can prevent and fight cancers such as: esophageal, lung, breast, colon,liver, panceratice, colorectal, prostate to name a few.
• Prevents tooth decay and bad breath
• Possibly prevents colitis
• Helps maintain bone integrity and prevent osteoporosis
• Combats inflammation and arthritis
As a treat, I also made a list of things for you to consider first before buying and experiencing the heavenly treat of green tea. And a couple of precautions you need to consider before going on a buying-spree for these products.
Number 1. Canned or bottled Green tea?
Earning quite a reputation in the last years for its trendy look and convenience in ready packages, caution should be taken when deciding to purchase it for a number of reasons. Mainly because researchers have found out that it is not the healthy drink in contrast to what these producers claimed to. Here is why. First, they are artificially made, ergo full of unwanted calories and sweetened with too much glucose. Plus, they also contain artificial preservatives, colorings that are detrimental to health, especially the young ones. And lastly, they do not contain as much catechins as regular tea offers. Catechins, by the way, are one of the main factors that gives green tea its health-giving properties. So be cautious in choosing these kinds of products sold in markets.
Number 2: Green tea: decaffeinated?
Think about it. Why would you want your green tea decaffeinated? Remove one component, you also remove all the valuable others. It does not mean that if you remove caffeine in green tea, you still get to enjoy its health benefits while removing potential side effects. It is what it is for the compounds it contains. For in decaffeinated green teas, the removal of caffeine also means removal of catechins. Just about a third than regular teas offer.
Number 3: Instant Green Tea?
A catchy type of green tea. Instant, easy and ready to use. No hassles. No complications. No need to add hot water. Just like making iced tea. Downside: full of artificial flavorings like honey, lemon or raspberry. Some with sweeteners. Others without. And the worst pitfall: very few catechins content. Only about 1/10 of regular steeped teas. Ergo, also 1/10 effective and beneficial to health.
Number 4: Green Tea in a bag or Loose tea?
Tea bags are introduced by Tetley in the United Kingdom in 1953. They proved to be very popular and successful in its campaign. They are even considered as the green tea with the most popularity in the West. But research shows that green tea in bags is not as effective for they contain leaves that are of low quality. Specifically CTC leaves. It means crush, tear and curl. It is also known to deteriorate at a fast rate, thus making catechins to lose its freshness right away. Thus, the addition of artificial flavors and sweeteners to mask this pit fall.
WARNING:Tava Tea comes in really
awesome & unique
pyramid styled nylon tea bags
so there is absolutely no reason
to worry about tea being damaged
or lose its freshness!
Click here to learn more!
Number 5: Flavored Green Tea?
A rule of thumb. Not all loose teas found in the market today have the same health benefits. Having the label TEA in a product or stating NATURAL does not mean it is so. Here is why. Flavored green tea is known to only contain 43 mg of catechin per gram you consume. Which is equivalent to just a third than regular, unflavored green teas.
One last piece of advice: A very good tea need not to be added flavorings nor sweeteners. A very good tea should just stand for itself, without the need for such things to be added. If artificial flavors or sweeteners are added, chances are it is not as effective as contrary to what regular green teas can offer. If you really do not like the taste, go for the unflavored, regular teas.
You can always add your own honey, lemon or other natural sweeteners, assuring you that it is still natural. One last thing: reducing one compound will also reduce other compound, thereby also reducing its effectiveness as well. Take decaffeinated green tea. Less caffeine = less cathechins = less effective.
However, if you want to
lower your cholesterol levels
and lose some weight,
I suggest you try Tava Tea :)
lower your cholesterol levels
and lose some weight,
I suggest you try Tava Tea :)

(60 days 100% money back guarantee
if it doesn't work!)
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