Sunday, October 31, 2010

Are you at risk?

Find out if your health is in danger with a condensed version of the same quiz contestants take

The numbers don’t lie. This is the “Number HealthScore technology to take each person’s weight, blood pressure, family history, lifestyle habits, and blood values to reveal information like disease risk and inner age. Take this simple quiz and find out where you stand.

The Quiz

  1. What is your gender?

    1. Female

    2. Male

  2. How old are you?

    1. Younger than 50

    2. 50 or older

  3. What is your ethnicity?

    1. White

    2. Black or Hispanic

    3. Asian

    4. Other

  4. How many times a week do you exercise for at least 20 minutes?

    1. 5 or more

    2. 2-4

    3. 1 or fewer

  5. While exercising, how hard do you breathe?

    1. Hard

    2. Moderately

    3. Normally

  6. How would you describe your smoking habits?

    1. Never smoked

    2. Used to smoke

    3. Currently smoke

  7. How would you describe your blood pressure?

    1. It’s within the normal range (< 120/80)

    2. It’s a little high (120/80-140/90)

    3. It’s very high (>140/90)

    4. I don’t know

  8. How would you describe your current weight?

    1. I am at a healthy weight

    2. I could stand to lose a few pounds

    3. I should probably lose 10-30 pounds

    4. I should lose 30 pounds or more

  9. Have you ever been diagnosed by your doctor with any of the following diseases or condition (circle all that apply)?

    1. Heart disease

    2. Stroke

    3. Diabetes

    4. Asthma

    5. Sleep apnea

    6. High blood pressure

    7. High cholesterol

    8. None of the above

  10. Do you have a parent or sibling who currently has or has had any of the following diseases or conditions (circle all that apply)?

    1. Heart disease

    2. Stroke

    3. Diabetes

    4. None of the above

What your score means Scoring: After you take the quiz, find out your score by adding up the points for each answer. Then read about your risk below.

  • QUESTUON 1: a=0, b=1

  • QUESTUON 2: a=0, b=2

  • QUESTUON 3: a=0, b=1, c, d=0

  • QUESTUON 4: a=0, b=1, c=4

  • QUESTUON 5: a=0, b=1, c=4

  • QUESTUON 6: a, d=0, b=3, c=8

  • QUESTUON 7: a, d=0, b=3, c=8

  • QUESTUON 8: a=0, b=1, c=3, d=8

  • QUESTUON 9: a=8, b=8, c=8, d=2, e=2, f=4, g=4, h=0

  • QUESTUON 10: a=3, b=2, c=4, d=0

<5 points Great news! You’re at low risk for developing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking are two of the most important lifestyle choices that you can make to reduce your risk for disease. Be sure to have regular checkups with your physician, because engaging your health care provider can help keep you on the road to a healthy, long, and satisfying life. 5-7 points Your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke is moderate. Since risk for disease naturally increases as you age, you should begin addressing any unhealthy risk factors you have now. Did you know that diabetes, heart disease, and strokes are often preventable? Consider taking the comprehensive assessment that show contestants use to find out and change your disease risk. >7 points Unfortunately, you are at high risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke. But there are things you can do to lower your risk! Because unhealthy lifestyle habits can contribute to disease risk, you should talk to your doctor about crafting a plan to lower your risk. Consider taking the comprehensive assessment that show contestants use to find out and change your disease risk. Source: The Biggest loser weight loss planner

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