1. Plyometrics : Pylometrics, commonly known as "Plyos" is specially designed exercise training that combines strength, agility and speed, hence producing fast and powerful movements. Plyometrics increase the magnitude of force of our muscular contractions, thus it is useful for sports like football, basketball, track, tennis, and martial arts too.
Most of the common plyometric exercises include hops, jumps and bounding movements. One popular plyometric exercise is jumping off a box and rebounding off the floor and onto another, higher box. These exercises involves high intensity and increase your power and strength.
Many people refer plymetrics as "vertical jumping". A lot of calories gets burned while doing Plyometric exercises.
2. Squats: Squat is a exercise through which you can train primarily the muscles of your thighs, hips and buttocks. Secondarily, it strengthens the bones, stretches the ligaments and tendons throughout the lower body.

3. Cardio Kickbox: It's a cardiovascular or aerobic exercise that combines elements of boxing, karate/martial arts, and other aerobics thus providing overall physical toning of your body.

4. Yoga: Yoga without any doubt is the better way to ensure your health and fitness.

5. Pilates: Pilates is a controlled physical fitness procedure that helps to increase the strength,
endurance, and flexibility of your muscles. Furthermore, it also increases the blood circulation on your body ultimately improving the body's "core" or "powerhouse" (torso). An improved core gives you stronger and fitter body.
6. Swimming: Swimming could be as effective as most of the exercises. It's very common and helps you lose weight by improving your muscle tones and cardiovascular health.
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