We Know that savings rates can vary hugely between bank accounts. While one bank might pay an huge 9% interest rate, another one might pay less than 1.5%.
But as the person who puts your capital in those accounts, you deserve to get the best savings rates possible. Unfortunately no one is going to make sure you get the top rates you have to go out there yourself and find them.
You should’nt just accept terrible savings accounts. You could stick with the same accounts because you have had it for a while. But you need to be careful if you do this. Banks and building societies are quick to promote their new high interest savings accounts . But when new accounts are released and new savings rates are announced, the previous rates tend to dip down to a lower rate of interest.
click the link below to find more
Online Savings Account Check
But as the person who puts your capital in those accounts, you deserve to get the best savings rates possible. Unfortunately no one is going to make sure you get the top rates you have to go out there yourself and find them.
You should’nt just accept terrible savings accounts. You could stick with the same accounts because you have had it for a while. But you need to be careful if you do this. Banks and building societies are quick to promote their new high interest savings accounts . But when new accounts are released and new savings rates are announced, the previous rates tend to dip down to a lower rate of interest.
click the link below to find more
Online Savings Account Check
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